Chapter 14: Embracing Royalty

A soft tap echoed on Kara’s door, causing her to jolt upright, wondering who the visitor was. Ever since her brief encounter with Eerik in the garden, Kara had secretly hoped that he would seek her out, offering an explanation and perhaps an apology for his actions. She had waited patiently, minutes turning into hours and hours into days, yet Eerik had not made an appearance.

Several times, she had ventured outside her chambers, longing for a chance encounter, but Eerik remained elusive. It almost seemed as though he was purposely avoiding her. If that was his intention, he was succeeding all too well. How such a beautiful man could be so unrepentant was beyond her.

Then there was the matter of Henri. Kara had made up her mind to keep her distance from him until she resolved things with Eerik. Though the prospect of reconciliation seemed bleak, she couldn’t afford to be seen with Henri if she genuinely wished to mend her relationship with her betrothed.