Chapter 47: Henri

All the puzzle pieces began to fit into place. The strange dreams she’d been having. Oh, how had she been so blind, to what had been right in front of her this entire time?

Her mind traveled back to her ‘first kiss’ with Eerik, that night after their loud argument at the throne room. Even then, something had seemed off, but she hadn’t been able to put a finger on it.

Daringly, she turned to face him. “That was you, wasn’t it? That night in my room. You were the one that kissed me, not Eerik.”

She held his gaze for a moment, a strange feeling in her chest. Kara still couldn’t believe she had spent the past few weeks with him thinking he was Eerik. Shouldn’t love be the most powerful emotion? How could she have been so blind then?

In the charged silence that followed, Henri turned to her, his once green eyes now blue staring her down with a sick smile. “Yes,” he uttered, a single syllable that evoked a wave of emotions from her.