The Unknown Cultivators


It was almost nightfall when Mei Yinxuan felt she was feeling much better and she was ready to move on.

Ye Fan was still a little worried and asked her, "Senior sister, is it really alright? Do you want to rest for a night first?"

Mei Yinxuan smiled weakly, "I am much better now. Moreover, I have already rested for the entire day. We should try to find the others first as soon as possible. Moreover, we shouldn't stay around here as our lingering scents in this place may attract the profound beasts…"

She pointed at her poisoned blood that was spilled as well as the profound viper that she had killed and deposed in the overgrowth earlier.

Ye Fan nodded as it made sense; it was indeed a little dangerous if they camp here for the night as their scents may indeed attract the profound beasts.

Moreover there was still a little light and it was good to scout ahead first. 

So he answered her, "Alright. We may still be able to find a new place to camp for the night since there is still light."

And so, Ye Fan and Mei Yinxuan began to quickly move in the forest. 

An hour later, Ye Fan had suddenly halted Mei Yinxuan. "Senior sister, wait a minute."

Mei Yinxuan: ???

She started to give a perplexed look at Ye Fan, "What's wrong?"

Ye Fan lowered his voice to a whisper, "Someone else is here in this vicinity."

Mei Yinxuan was startled as she extended the limits of her divine sense to her surroundings to check for intruders but she could not find anyone.

She could not believe that a second realm cultivator like Ye Fan would have a sharper divine sense than a fourth realm cultivator like her.

Indeed, Ye Fan's newly acquainted divine sense was in no way as sharp as his senior sister.

He pointed at the grasses at the undergrowth, "The grasses here are bent. Even though their footsteps are very light but they still can't hide their movement too well."

Mei Yinxuan was startled; normally she could not have noticed something as insignificant as the grasses.

Ye Fan was now inspecting the soil underneath the grasses and he was whispering, "There should be only two of them. One should be a man and the other should be a maiden."

Mei Yinxuan looked even more startled as she blinked her eyes as she thought: He could even deduct how many people there are by just looking at the ground?

Ye Fan turned to Mei Yinxuan and whispered to her, "They should be still be nearby. Senior sister, we must move carefully since we don't know if these two cultivators are friends or foes."

Mei Yinxuan nodded, "Alright…"

Ye Fan continued to say, "Also, we must restraint the use of our divine sense. If they are superior cultivators then they may know that we are training our divine sense in their vicinity and it will also alert them. Then we will be in danger."

Mei Yinxuan was truly astonished by Ye Fan; it was as though he was the senior brother while she was the junior sister instead.

However, she totally agreed with Ye Fan's suggestions.

Therefore, the two of them began to walk even more quietly and also even more cautiously with Ye Fan taking the lead.

This was the very first time that Mei Yinxuan had grouped with Ye Fan and she did not know that Ye Fan was actually so alert with his surroundings.

She had quite regretful now that she did not view the battle imagery of Ye Fan's trial to become a core protégé of the Profound Cloud Sect. She had merely heard that Ye Fan was the most outstanding candidate from the others and had shown a disinterest in it. 

After all, no matter how outstanding a candidate result was, they were still low level low cultivators in the first and second cultivation realm.

But Mei Yinxuan had heard from the others that Ye Fan also had a breakthrough during his trial to be a protégé and it had astonished everyone. 

Come to think of that, if his result was not that outstanding, Fairy Xuan Xueqi would not have taken him as her core protégé. 

Shortly afterward, they heard some faint sounds in the bushes and they were moved stealthy to it. 

But as they moved toward to the forest bushes, Ye Fan had suddenly halted her and he pointed at the sticks that were on the ground. 

He said in a low and almost inaudible voice, "If we step on the scattered branches, then they would be alert to our presence. Even if we don't step on it, their divine senses may be on this vicinity for a lookout…"

Mei Yinxuan nodded slowly and she was simply astonished how careful Ye Fan was; if it was her, she may already alert the others of her presence. Also, she had no idea that there were two presences in the vicinity too. 

But what perplexed her was, who would want to conceal their presence so early in the trial? 

From what she had heard and was warned by Fairy Xuan Xueqi and Elder Huo Fei, they ought to be careful with the other cultivators once they were deeper inside the Undermountain Trials; it is because there would be fewer cultivators once they are deep inside the Undermountain Trials and also the riches of the profound treasures inside may even tempt their 'allied' cultivators to turn upon themselves on the sly. 

From what she could see, these two cultivators seem to take pain in hiding their presences and even tried to avoid leaving behind a trail.

If it was not for the observant Ye Fan, she would never know that there may be two cultivators nearby.

Ye Fan looked around them and he had suddenly spotted a higher ground. 

Then he whispered to Mei Yinxuan, "Senior sister, let's move to that spot. We don't have to barge into them anyway. We just need to know who they are and it will do. We won't be able to be detected by their divine senses in that spot."

Mei Yinxuan saw that the higher ground was in a different direction from the spot here and it also could not gain anyone access to the passage here. Therefore, it was unlikely for anyone to train their divine senses there. 

Also, the higher ground was not obvious at all and it was full of undergrowth.

Normally Mei Yinxuan could not be able to spot it too but only when Ye Fan had spotted it, she was made aware of it.

She nodded rather awkwardly as she was now doubting her own wilderness survival skills and she was rather shameful of herself when comparing to Ye Fan.

Soon, they were overlooking the higher ground and were camouflaged by the thick undergrowth and the forests.

But what they saw shook them beyond words.

And Mei Yinxuan was now bleary.

It was because in the shadows of the direction that they were overlooking at, they could see Chen Yuyan and Fan De together.

Chen Yuyan had her hands placed on a tree while Fan De was behind her; Fan De had lifted her skirt up he was riding her from behind while Chen Yuyan was moaning softly. 

They could see that Chen Yuyan's panties were on her ankle and even her robe was loose as she completely exposed her upper naked body.

Ye Fan had turned pale immediately because this was not the first time that he had seen them in the act but for Mei Yinxuan, this was the first time.

Chen Yuyan was really beautiful to look at and this time Ye Fan had seen her body much more clearly than the last time. 

This was something that he had wanted to tell his senior sister but in the cultivation world, it is actually common for cultivators to have a harem. 

But unknown to Ye Fan, Mei Yinxuan looked extremely hurt because Fan De had told her that she was the only maiden that he loved and he would not take another maiden to be his consort.

Mei Yinxuan was now shaking all over now; the senior brother that she was facing everyday had completely betrayed their vows to have just each other.