In the Undermountain Trial

Ye Fan was still in a daze when he had heard a sweet voice calling out for him.

"Ye Fan, are you alright?"

His vision was still in darkness when he had opened his eyes but soon his vision had cleared and he was quite startled to see the beautiful figure of his senior protégé sister Mei Yinxuan in front of him.

However she was looking quite pale when she was calling Ye Fan.

Ye Fan quickly got up as he tried to remember what had happened; he had passed through the portal and had blacked out. 

He saw that he was in a weird forest and the towering trees here were growing in all kinds of shapes. 

"I must be inside the Undermountain Trial now…"

He saw that it was only the two of them in this place, "We got seperated from the rest?"

Mei Yinxuan nodded palely, "Yes. It is only the two of us here. But since we have entered the portal together, they should be nearby." 

All of a sudden, he was quite startled to see that the ankle of Mei Yinxue had a fang wound and her ankle was swollen. 

Ye Fan pointed at her ankle and asked, "Senior sister, what has happened?"

Mei Yinxuan weakly said, "When I had entered the portal, I've also encountered a profound viper serpent. Although I had killed it but it had also bitten me…"

Ye Fan had turned ashen when he had heard her, "It is highly venomous. Senior sister, I need to suck the poison from you immediately or else you will lose your life. Even if you do not lose your life, your leg will need to be amputated." 

Mei Yinxuan also knew that her situation was dire but she pursed her pale lips to say weakly, "This may not work. You may get poisoned as well. This is a most venomous viper. I am so unlucky… my only regret is that I can't see Fan De again…"

But before she could finish her muttering, Ye Fan had grabbed her ankle and he was already sucking the poisonous venom from her wounds.

This startled Mei Yinxuan, "Stop junior brother Ye Fan! You may die! Your cultivation realm is still too low…"

However Ye Fan ignored her outburst and he continued to suck the venom from her ankle. 

Mei Yinxuan was at the 4th cultivation realm and at her cultivation realm level, her body would be able to slow down the effect of poisons. However, Ye Fan was only at the 2nd cultivation realm and against the powerful venom that she had just been afflicted, Ye Fan had no such resistance. 

Ye Fan sucked out the black blood on her ankle before he spat it out, "Don't worry. I have studied some medicine with the village physician in the past. Also, I have been poisoned quite a few times in the past too…"

He did not lie.

He had been poisoned on numerous times in the past by the profound beasts and the deadly profound serpents in the past. In fact, there were several times when he was almost killed by it. 

Therefore he had learnt how to suck the venom from his own injuries.

He was actually quite lucky that he had survived through the ordeal. Since then, he always carried healing herbs that could neutralize toxins along with him. 

Also, for the past 3 years he had been staying alone in the Thousand Swords valley on his own and there were numerous poisonous insects around. 

If he did not have any healing balm or herbs, he would long be dead by now.

Ye Fan expertly sucked out the black colored blood from Mei Yinxuan. This took him some time until he was sure that the venom was completely gone.

In fact, it had taken him 2 hours while Mei Yinxuan was suffering. 

Mei Yinxuan muttered to him, "Ye Fan… I feel alright now… you can stop now…"

But Ye Fan shook his head and said solemnly, "Not yet, senior sister…"

Mei Yinxuan did not know why Ye Fan kept sucking at her ankle even though she knew that he was not taking advantage of her as she really felt much better each time that Ye Fan had sucked on her ankle.

Ye Fan was actually perspiring heavily now but he did not stop.

She had heard of stories where the strong cultivators could suck the venom from a poisoned cultivator but she did not know that it would take so long. 

Maybe it was because Ye Fan was a low level cultivator?

Actually it got nothing to do with Ye Fan being a low level cultivator but because Mei Yinxuan was heavily poisoned. 

Finally, when Ye Fan had spat red blood from his mouth, he began to be relieved. 

His senior sister had been too heavily poisoned and the venom had gone into her blood stream. What he had been doing was to try to suck as much of the venomous blood so that it would not affect her heart. 

Now that he was seeing red blood again, this means that the venom was slowly being neutralized by her heart and would be overcome. 

That was when Ye Fan knows that his senior sister would be safe. 

Mei Yinxuan on the other hand was looking quite weak from the 2 hours of blood loss. 

Ye Fan quickly took a healing balm to apply on Mei Yinxuan's wounds before he took out a water skin for her, "Drink all of the water and try not to sleep yet."

Mei Yinxuan weakly looked at Ye Fan, "I was taught not to drink water after I got poisoned. Junior brother Ye Fan… you sure that this is right?"

Ye Fan gently shook his head, "That is wrong. What senior sister needs now is water to replenish your blood loss and to flush out the toxins. Trust me on this. Only after you have drunk your fill and flush the toxins can you take a nap."

Mei Yinxuan nodded weakly, "I trust you, junior brother."

Then she took Ye Fan's water skin and drank the water.

Ye Fan had also taken out another bottle to drink from it.

Mei Yinxuan drank from the water and there was a startled look, "This isn't water. This is tea? You have actually brought tea to the trial?"

Ye Fan nodded with a grin, "Yeah, it is indeed green tea. It can help you to remove your toxins. I can't afford the profound pills so I can only use mundane methods to purge the toxins. That is why I have brought tea along with me."

Then he had taken out a couple of tea leaves to her and said, "Put these in your mouth. You will feel much better afterward."

Mei Yinxuan was grateful to Ye Fan and she was beginning to look at him in a new light; even though his methods were mundane but he had saved her life.

All of a sudden, she was flushing as she said to Ye Fan. "Junior brother Ye Fan, you don't mind scouting for a little while?"

Ye Fan was startled by this sudden request as he protested, "I can't leave my senior sister in this place alone…"

Mei Yinxuan sighed heavily before she shyly turned her head away, "I drink too much tea that I need to pee…"

Ye Fan: …

With great awkwardness, he quickly dashed away as he shouted. "Let me scout for a little while…"

Mei Yinxue coyly looked at the back of Ye Fan and she was also looking quite awkward.