The Nightingale Grass (2)

Fairy Xuan Xueqi was surprised that Ye Fan had stubbornly refused to leave since this was a life and death situation.

And they soon locked eyes together.

For a minute, they were just staring and looking at each other without any expression.

Fairy Xuan Xueqi was thinking: He is willing to risk his life to stay behind? For my sake? Because he likes me?

Actually, Ye Fan did not really know why he had decided to stay behind to be with the Witch Xuan Xueqi even though he knows that she had their interests at heart when she had asked them to make their retreat first.

In his heart, although he wanted the Witch Xuan Xueqi to die but at the same time, he did not want her to die either.

He was actually trying to convince himself: Even though we have a feud because you have destroyed my old celestial sect but you are still a not bad protégé mistress to me. After I have repaid this debt to you then I will you nothing. Then I shall exact my blood feud with you…

Finally, he heaved a soft sigh, "You are my protégé mistress. As your core protégé, I should stay behind to fight alongside with you."

Fairy Xuan Xueqi was startled by his words for a full minute before she slowly nodded nonchalantly, "As you wish."

Although she did not display any emotions on her countenance but she was actually quite elated and touched when she had heard Ye Fan's words.

Fairy Xuan Xueqi sighed softly as she stepped forward to pluck this Nightingale Grass. 

Now a spirit flora is unlike a normal flora; the spiritual veins of a spirit flora are actually as strong as a metallic thick rope and requires plenty of a cultivator's profound strength to pull it.

The older a spirit flora is, the more profound strength and cultivation realm is required.

For Ye Fan, he was simply not strong enough to pull a 3000 year old Nightingale Grass.

Even for Fairy Xuan Xueqi, it was also a considerable effort as she mustered all her profound strength to try to pluck it.

But barely had she touched it, the serene profound animus of the Nightingale Grass was radiating like disturbed waves throughout the cavern and beyond. 

These disturbed waves would be sent for miles around and any profound beasts that were the protectors of the Nightingale Grass would be coming to its aid.

Fairy Xuan Xueqi knows that she had to pluck the Nightingale Grass in a hurry as she exercised all her profound strength into this effort. But the spiritual veins of this Nightingale Grass was just too stubborn to be uprooted and too ancient. 

In just a few blinks of an eye, she was actually perspiring heavily with her fragrance sweats.

Even Ye Fan was looking panicky as he could sense the ground rumbling like an earthquake. 

A powerful profound beast seemed to be approaching rapidly and it was quite furious that its nourishment was being disturbed.

Ye Fan could not resist a panicky pleading, "Hurry…"

Fairy Xuan Xueqi said panicky to him, "Ye Fan… there is no time to lose now. Hurry and leave before it is too late…"

As she said that, they had locked eyes with each other. 

And a weird feeling had suddenly overwhelmed the two of them as they simply stared at each other while being frozen together.

This was an unfathomable feeling that had no words but linked their spirits together.

From the looks of their eyes, either want anyone of them to perish in this place. 

Ye Fan had astonished himself when he had realized that this was his true feeling but he had no idea why. 

He said solemnly to Fairy Xuan Xueqi, "Give it up. Your life is more important. When the profound beast finds that the Nightingale Grass is still here, it will remain here for some time to protect it and will not go after us."

Fairy Xuan Xueqi shook her head, "You have no idea how important this Nightingale Grass is to me. It can help me to stabilize the erratic profound energies of my Nine Reincarnation Profound Art. I really need it and is willing to gamble for it. After all, we are cultivators and it is our destiny to defy the heavens constantly. If I back off now, I may never get another chance like this again."

Ye Fan sighed softly when he had heard her.

Although he had no idea how invaluable or precious this Nightingale Grass was to her but from her firm resolute, it must be really important to her. 

He found himself drawing his divine sword…

Fairy Xuan Xueqi was startled when she saw his gesture, "What are you doing?"

For a moment, it did seem that Ye Fan was prepared to strike her on her back while she was mustering all her profound strength to pluck the Nightingale Grass. 

But Ye Fan simply walked to the front of the 6 passages as he said, "Then hurry up. I have no idea how long I will be able to stall this profound beast for you. Don't forget that I am just a lowly 2nd realm cultivator here."

When Fairy Xuan Xueqi had heard her, there was a pounding heartbeat that beat hard within her as she parted her alluring lips silently, "Ye Fan…"

All of a sudden the earthquake trampling sound of the profound beast was heard loud and clear as a gigantic monstrosity had emerged from the 4th passage that was in front of Ye Fan. 

It was actually a 5th rank profound beast but it was a freaking strong profound beast. And behind this 5th rank profound beast, there were still several earthquake trampling sounds which were an indication that more of these profound beasts were coming this way. 

This 5th rank profound beast had walking limbs and were covered with venomous spikes. The head of this monstrosity looked like a wolf head but it had four rows of fangs and six crimson eyes.

Ye Fan had actually heard of this monstrous profound beast before and it was called the Titan Wolverine. 

Not only is this a most formidable strong profound beast but it also have superb regeneration, able to regenerate light wounds in an instant. That is of course, if the attacker, is able to cut through to its iron hide in the first place.

Fairy Xuan Xueqi had turned ashen when she saw it as she panicky said to Ye Fan, "Ye Fan, don't fight this thing. Run!" 

But Ye Fan had quietly displayed a defensive posture with his divine sword as he readied himself.