The 5th Rank Titan Wolverine

A formidable 5th rank Titan Wolverine could now be seen in front of Ye Fan now.

Ye Fan did not display his Six Aura Sword to meet his threat as he knows that he could not fully muster his profound strength to form the Six Aura Sword in time as this Titan Wolverine would immediately sense it and attacked him.

Also, he did not have the confidence at all if he could hurt this Titan Wolverine. 

If he fails in his profound attack then he would be vulnerable to a counter attack; the reactions of a profound beast are many times much faster than a cultivator.

Fairy Xuan Xueqi was shocked that Ye Fan was actually facing this formidable Titan Wolverine so that she could pluck the Nightingale Grass and there was a look of guilt in her lovely golden eyes.

"Ye Fan, no please. Run while you can…"

But Ye Fan had already raised his divine sword in a series of feints as the Titan Wolverine charged furiously to attack Ye Fan.

Ye Fan was forced to roll onto the ground as he evaded forcefully, causing numerous blisters and wounds to appear on his vulnerable body as he rolled onto the hard rock.

The size of this Titan Wolverine was really massive and it was also attacking swiftly so Ye Fan was forced to roll clumsily onto the ground in order to avoid its massive paws that ripped the ground apart as though it was paper.

One hit from its powerful paw would be enough to send Ye Fan to his maker.

Ye Fan took the opportunity to hit the Titan Wolverine on its back.

But to his dismal, even with all his profound strength and an earth-step divine sword, he could not even scratch the iron fur of this Titan Wolverine.

In order to defeat this Titan Wolverine, it seemed that he would need to use his profound attack and that was the Six Aura Sword in order to stand a winning chance…

He began to recall the cultivation slip that the Sword Saint Ji Yuan had left behind in the tomb; even though it was not exactly a fighting cultivation slip and was only his thoughts but from it he had learnt that Ji Yuan had said that a true cultivator is only a true cultivator if only he has constantly fought against the dangerous profound beasts because profound beasts are 10 times more dangerous than any cultivator.

As he rolled again on the ground as he narrowly avoided another hit from the Titan Wolverine, he had struck with more profound power on the Titan Wolverine. 

This time round, he was able to scratch the Titan Wolverine.

But to his shock and horror, the slight wound that he had afflicted on it was regenerated fully in the next instant. 

Although it was to be expected for Ye Fan since most high level profound beasts would be able to regenerate with the visible eyes, it was still shocking to experience it himself. It was especially so when this was Ye Fan's first such encounter with a high level profound beast.

It is said that some high level profound monsters even have the regeneration ability to instantly regenerate their limbs with the visible eyes! 

Ye Fan was about to make another evasion after evading an attack when he was suddenly hit by the shoulder and this had caused him to fly with a loud bang against the walls of the cavern! 

The natural reflex of the Titan Wolverine was actually quicker than Ye Fan had expected! 

Just as the Titan Wolverine was about to put an end to Ye Fan, three blue profound sword energies had suddenly flashed across the cavern and ripped apart the Titan Wolverine.

This profound attack was actually displayed by the Fairy Xuan Xueqi and she had hastily sped to Ye Fan and to pull him to his feet, "Ye Fan, are you alright?"

Ye Fan's left shoulder had been injured and it seemed that he would not be able to use his left arm for some time.

But when he saw that Fairy Xuan Xueqi had not pulled the Nightingale Grass yet and she had instead come to his aid, he was a little exasperated.

"Do you know that you have just wasted all your profound strength from plucking the Nightingale Grass to come to my aid? Now you have to start all over again and more of these terrifying monsters would be coming to our way."

Fairy Xuan Xueqi looked a little sheepish as well but she said quietly, "My protégé's life is more important. I can start all over again to pluck this Nightingale Grass but my protégé's life once lost can never again be regained."

When Ye Fan had heard her, he was looking quite stunned.

He did not know that he had such a precious position in the heart of the Witch Xuan Xueqi…

Fairy Xuan Xueqi did not waste the valuable time left and she was once again trying to pluck the Nightingale Grass as the trampling earthquake that could be heard from the passages got even louder; more of these profound beasts were now coming their way.

She was also saying exasperatingly to Ye Fan, "Ye Fan, you are now injured. You should hurry and go… I don't have much profound strength left to fight the profound beasts…"

But Ye Fan stubbornly said even as he was aching painfully, "My protégé mistress should focus your energies in plucking the Nightingale Grass and not on talking to me."

Fairy Xuan Xueqi: …

Very soon, 3 larger Titan Wolverines had suddenly charged into the cavern and the sight of 3 such terrifying profound beasts caused Ye Fan to turn ashen immediately.

But at this time, Fairy Xuan Xueqi had suddenly plucked the Nightingale Grass successfully and she had suddenly grabbed Ye Fan.

Because one of the charging profound beasts had blocked the passage where they had come from, Fairy Xuan Xueqi had no other choice but to grab Ye Fan into the first passage.

Ye Fan was quite startled when he could feel her soft and tender hand pulling him along with her but it was not because of this that he was startled but because he could feel an electrifying feeling that ran through him and into the deep recess of his soul.

This was a weird indescribable feeling that he had no words but it seemed to him that it was a familiar and yet unfamiliar feeling at the same time. It was as though this maiden was someone that he wanted to be with for the rest of his life…

Fairy Xuan Xueqi was flushing too as she too felt an electrifying feeling pulsing through her as she pulled Ye Fan along with her. 

But luckily for her, her back was facing Ye Fan and hence, he could not see her beautiful flushed countenance. 

As they ran hastily along the first passage, the 3 Titan Wolverines were also hot in pursue behind them and they could even hear the tramping sounds of more profound beasts that had emerged in the cavern behind them.