Dangerous Encounter (1)

When Ye Fan was being picked by the profound force that had enveloped over him by Fairy Xuan Xueqi, he felt really light and he could run even faster than before.

But at the same time, he was also quite breathless as Fairy Xuan Xueqi was simply too fast and he could barely catch up to her speed.

He was quite astonished that she was actually able to run this swiftly and she could easily run over a mile in just a blink of an eye if she was not pulling him along with her.

Although the pursuing Titan Wolverines were swift too but Fairy Xuan Xueqi was able to outrun them but she did not stop because these profound beasts were still pursuing them relentlessly and they could pick their scents.

Therefore, she had to shake off their pursuits first while finding a place to regain her vital breath. 

Before long, they had spotted an outside light in one of the many passages that they were running in and Fairy Xuan Xueqi wasted no time to hurry them to the light.

It was indeed an exit to the outside world.

As a matter of fact, they soon found themselves in a heavy dense forest where the trees were all almost 60m in height, with many other trees that were even as imposing as 100m in height.

This was truly a monstrous sight. 

Fairy Xuan Xueqi heaved a soft sigh of relief as she explained while hurried Ye Fan along with her into the dense forest, "We are now on the other side of the purple mountains now. This is where we are able to find more profound treasures and also the main objective of our trial."

Ye Fan nodded and he was so breathless that he could barely speak. 

But he mustered his vital breath to barely say, "How about our fellow protégés now… are we going to look for them?"

Fairy Xuan Xueqi turned to look at Ye Fan before she shook her head and said weakly, "We can't go back now. We have disturbed a nest of these Titan Wolverines and they know our scents very well now. We probably won't be able to survive the trip back to that passage."

Ye Fan was stunned, "Then… we are abandoning them?"

Fairy Xuan Xueqi looked a little amused, "I wouldn't call this abandoning them. This is a trial after all."

Ye Fan said breathlessly, "But you are an elder. Aren't you supposed to guarantee the survival of our sect protégés?"

Fairy Xuan Xueqi looked at him with a perplexed look, "Am I supposed to be a nanny to our sect protégés? Is there a rule that says that I have to accompany our sect protégés just because I am your elder? Is there a rule that says that you have to travel with your sect elder? What if I have a mishap? Can't the sect protégés cope then?"

Ye Fan: …

He was rendered speechless by the Witch Xuan Xueqi; indeed, this sounded like her style to abandon her sect protégés. 

Fairy Xuan Xueqi took a look at his stunned expression as she said nonchalantly, "Ye Fan, I think that you are a good man. But the ideal sect did not exist. Everyone is a cultivator that looks after their own interests. Although I am your elder and should look after everyone but that is only if we are in the same group. Now that we are separated, we ought to look after ourselves first."

Then she rolled her golden eyes before adding gently, "There are some cultivators that may not worth helping. You never know if they may turn up to be your enemy in the future."

Ye Fan said weakly, "My Little Aunt Ouyang Nana is a nice maiden. We will never be enemies."

Fairy Xuan Xueqi said quietly, "You know that I am not talking about her."

Ye Fan: …

By now, Fairy Xuan Xueqi had pulled Ye Fan to the top of a tall tree and rested them on the top of a thick tree branch.

Ye Fan was feeling dazed when Fairy Xuan Xueqi had suddenly run up a height of 60m to the top of tree; for a moment he had thought that he may fall or slip down from the tree as he was forced to run up vertically with her. 

In normal circumstances, he was incapable of doing such a feat too. So, imagine his surprise when he was being pulled by up vertically to the tall imposing height of the tree by Fairy Xuan Xueqi.

The feat was also quite demanding on Fairy Xuan Xueqi as she took a few gulps of vital breath before she could stabilize her breathing and vital energies.

Once she was done, she turned to look at Ye Fan and repeated herself, "You know that I am not talking about her."

Ye Fan asked curiously as he said breathlessly; unlike Fairy Xuan Xueqi, he was completely exhausted and was in a daze from the speed running. Only his sheer willpower had kept him from collapsing.

"You mean Senior Brother Fan De?" 

Fairy Xuan Xueqi said softly, "I mean Chen Yuyan."

Ye Fan: …

"She is just a young maiden. We won't be enemies in the future."

Fairy Xuan Xueqi scoffed coldly, "Don't be too sure about this. She has ambitions."

Ye Fan smiled weakly, "I think it is because you have a discrimination against her."

Fairy Xuan Xueqi smiled coldly, "Is that so? Do you know that she has actually slept with her master the Elder Leader Yu Haixian."

Ye Fan solemnly said, "You need proof to say so."

Fairy Xuan Xueqi coldly said, "I have seen it with my own eyes. Why do you think that she is able to come to the Undermountain Trial despites her low cultivation realm?"

Ye Fan looked startled but he answered solemnly, "I don't think Junior Sister Yuyan will do such a thing. After all, she already has Senior Brother Fan De…"

All of a sudden Fairy Xuan Xueqi had put her hands on his mouth to silence him; it was because at this moment a group of cultivators were walking below in the forest!

Ye Fan could see that it was a group of 18 cultivators and the numbers shocked him.

Moreover, he could recognize several of these cultivators too and they were Young Master Zheng Tianwu from the Morjinn Martial Sect, Young Master Xi Wugui from the Divine Mist Peak and Elder Yan Daxia from the Lineart Sword Sect! 

Ye Fan was startled why they were all together? And how?

But he was even shocked that there were two naked and wailing maidens that were with them; these two naked maidens were actually cultivators from the other celestial sects and from the look of it, they had been abused by them.

Ye Fan clenched his fists angrily and he had displayed a forward motion.

But Fairy Xuan Xueqi firmly gripped his shoulder and shook her head lightly as she whispered softly, "Wait and see first!"