To lie or not to lie?

Fairy Xuan Xueqi said to the two maidens, "Now go quickly."

When they had left, she purposely raised her heaven-step divine sword to cut through the floras as they walked away.

Ye Fan had quickly realized what her intentions were; she was deliberately left behind a trail for Young Master Xi Wugui and Young Master Zheng Tianwu to follow so that they would not follow the two maidens.

In short, she was putting herself at risk as the other group had two golden celestials and numerous other expert cultivators.

The Lineart Sword Sect that Elder Yan Daxia was in, was actually ranked third and even though it was in third place in the power ranking of the Aegean Alliance, it was nowhere as powerful as the Morjinn Martial Sect and the Divine Mist Peak. 

As Ye Fan followed Fairy Xuan Xueqi, he could not help but think of the incident just now.

And he could not resist asking after Fairy Xuan Xueqi, "Just now. Do you mean that even if we want to do justice for anyone, we must do it in secret lest we wrought destruction upon our own celestial sect?"

It was obvious to him that Fairy Xuan Xueqi had just done a good deed by righteously come to the aid of the two helpless maidens. And she could have paid for it with her own life.

She could choose to only watch coldly while delisting herself from any risks but she did not.

For this, Ye Fan was actually feeling quite impressed as he wanted to be a righteous cultivator with his own dao and that was the reason why he felt he ought to avenge for his old celestial sect even though this may cost him his life to fight against an entire celestial sect.

But this had weighted heavily upon him as he had encountered several innocent protégés in the Profound Cloud Sect that were nice to him and also because the Witch Fairy Xuan Xueqi was not actually unkind to him by taking him in as her only core protégé. 

He was actually shocked by this because he had wanted to kill the Witch Fairy Xuan Xueqi and had never thought that one day he would actually become her core protégé.

Fairy Xuan Xueqi appeared to be startled when Ye Fan had suddenly talked to her and had asked her a question.

She merely acknowledged quietly, "En." 

Ye Fan nodded as he asked slowly, "But by leaving trails behind, aren't you afraid that they will be able to catch up to us and even accuse us of killing Elder Yan Daxia? Then won't the Profound Cloud Sect be in trouble once they catch up to us?"

Fairy Xuan Xueqi turned to smile wryly at him, "Then why don't you shamelessly deny it and tell them that you happen to be there?"

Ye Fan was startled; the Witch Xuan Xueqi was teaching him how to lie?

This completely upset his world view! 

Normally, a cultivation master would often stress the importance of honesty to build up trust in a relationship. If this trust is broken, then it would lead to the protégé killing their master to steal the cultivation resources for themselves. 

Also, they are cultivators and telling lies will taint the soul sea of their cultivation and it will even hinder their cultivation breakthrough.

But the Witch Xuan Xueqi was telling him that it was alright to lie?

Fairy Xuan Xueqi seemed to understand what he was thinking and she was smiling wryly, "So, you want to be honest with an evil person?"

Ye Fan said bitterly, "This isn't that but you are teaching me to lie…"

Fairy Xuan Xueqi interrupted him with a faint smile, "If I don't teach you in advance, then how do I expect you to know? Or…"

She was suddenly giggling and her loveliness was delightful, "Or you are thinking that just because I don't teach you to lie then I am a good master?"

Ye Fan was startled: This Witch Xuan Xueqi seems to guess what is in my mind?

Fairy Xuan Xueqi smiled wryly, "Will you listen to your parents?"

Ye Fan was startled by this question even though he may be an orphan. 

"Of course, I will listen to my parents. We should all be filial to our parents."

"Oh?" Fairy Xuan Xueqi was smiling even more lovely. "So if your parents are unrighteous and they tell you to do an unrighteous thing then you will obey them? Just because you think it is filial piety and you think that you are just being filial to your parents?"

Ye Fan was stunned by her question.

Indeed, he would not obey his parents if they had asked him to do an unrighteous act.

Fairy Xuan Xueqi further asked him with a playful look, "So do you think that I am asking you to do an unrighteous act?"

Ye Fan weakly said, "No…"

Fairy Xuan Xueqi giggled softly all of a sudden, "You are indeed quite filial to your master here."

Ye Fan: …

Did he get trick by her or something?

All of a sudden Fairy Xuan Xueqi gasped softly as she pulled Ye Fan panicky to her, "They are coming. I didn't expect them to be coming so fast…"

Ye Fan was actually thinking if he got tricked when Fairy Xuan Xueqi had pulled him to her; this caused him to lose his balance as he clumsily landed his face on her beautiful cheek.

Not only that, he was also fallen upon her soft and beautiful body…

Fairy Xuan Xueqi was immediately flustered as she looked coquettishly at Ye Fan, not knowing what to say…

As for Ye Fan, he was in great shock as he had just kissed his protégé mistress on her face…

All of a sudden Fairy Xuan Xueqi had pushed Ye Fan away and Ye Fan had also noticed that his hands were actually on her soft bosoms…

Fairy Xuan Xueqi helplessly said to him, "I take back what I have just said about you being a filial protégé…"


Author Note:

1. This is fun chapter to write about Ye Fan and Fairy Xuan Xueqi as Ye Fan knows more about her in this chapter. ^o^