The Deadly Chamber (2)

After a 7th realm saint cultivator was killed by the killing arrays in the chamber, a general fear had descended upon the remaining cultivators.

Even the remaining saint cultivators had cold feet as well.

One saint cultivator by the name of Saint Xu Qingyang bitterly said to the others, "I have a 70% of evading these profound energies but I am not trying anymore. I just wait here and check the hallways. Maybe there may be a hidden passage in this place."

30% chance of failure was too high for him to attempt the crossing across the chamber to reach to the other side.

The last remaining saint cultivator was Saint Xiao Dongguan and he mustered his profound force to protect himself before he started to speed across the chamber. 

As soon as he had flashed across the chamber, the killing arrays were activated and profound energies began to burst from the four statues that were all aiming at him. 

To the onlookers, the four 4 stone statues were not moving at all and they had to use their divine sense to see into the killing arrays that had been activated when Saint Xiao Dongguan was speeding inside across the chamber. 

Also, destroying the stone statues would not destroy the killing array and these 4 stone statues were only serving as a hint to where the profound arrays would be activated. 

In the killing arrays, all four stone statues were animated and they were throwing their profound energies at Saint Xiao Dongguan as he tried to evade to the best of his ability. 

He got struck 5 times by the profound energies as he sped across the chamber and when he had finally reached to the other side, he was coughing out blood and was badly injured. 

Altogether, he had taken 30 blinks of an eye. 

Saintess Shen Yunfeng asked him, "Are you alright?"

Saint Xiao Dongguan sighed softly as he kneeled onto the ground with heavy perspirations, "I'll be fine."

Then he had closed his eyes to meditate. 

Except for Saint Xu Qingyang that had opted to remain in this place, there were now 8 cultivators including Ye Fan and Fairy Xuan Xueqi that remained now.

And 3 of the 8 cultivators had indicated that they won't be attempting the crossing to the other side of the chamber as their cultivation realm was too low. Even if they are golden celestials, they won't be able to survive a few hits from these profound energies that were as fierce as a 7th realm profound attack. 

The immortal killing arrays that were in this place was not a joke to play with their lives. 

Therefore it was only Ye Fan, Fairy Xuan Xueqi and 3 other cultivators that had remained that wished to cross to the other side of the chamber. 

Fairy Xuan Xueqi asked Ye Fan quietly, "Ye Fan, are you sure that you want to attempt this?"

Ye Fan nodded, "I can manage."

With a look, he had already gauged the speed and timing of the profound energies.

He asked her instead, "Do you want to stay behind first?"

Fairy Xuan Xueqi smiled, "I can manage too…"

Then she had stepped forward and said, "Let me make the attempt first."

Ye Fan was startled, "You sure?"

But Fairy Xuan Xueqi chuckled softly, "Don't worry. I'll be fine."

Ye Fan quietly looked while the rest of the cultivators were muttering, "She looks so frail and her profound animus looks weak…"

Even the Charming Saintess Luo Yingying, Saintess Shen Yunfeng and Saint Teng Jianren on the other end were looking startled that this Ye Xueqi was the first of the non-saint cultivators to make the attempt.

Fairy Xuan Xueqi inhaled softly before she had suddenly sped across the chamber and her speed was startling!

Along the way across the chamber, she had only attempted 3 evasions against the profound energies and in 10 blinks of an eye, she was already at the other end of the chamber.

This feat stunned all the cultivators, including the Charming Saintess Luo Yingying who had shared the same timing as her. 

The Charming Saintess Luo Yingying was muttering with great disbelief to herself: This is not possible, not possible…

She had never seen anyone displaying their movement profound art in such a graceful manner and moreover she was also extremely fast as though she was flying. 

If this Ye Xueqi had used more of her profound strength or at a high cultivation realm, she was actually better than anyone else in their group!

Fairy Xuan Xueqi quietly walked to one side and she was not breathless from her attempt.

This caused Saint Teng Jianren and Saint Xiao Dongguan to look awkward as they looked at her walking calmly to a side. 

Ye Fan said to the other 3 cultivators, "Let me attempt the next crossing."

As he walked to the edge of the chamber, he had mustered his Omnipotent Immortal Force and he had also displayed his earth-step divine sword.

Everyone was puzzled why Ye Fan was displaying his divine sword for? 

A divine sword may be a formidable weapon but it would also consume a great deal of a cultivator's profound strength just to wield it. It was because a divine sword was made of the heavenly relic, a dense metal that was extremely heavy but at the same time, it was also able to float just by absorbing the profound energies that were around. 

Ye Fan did not explain as he dashed across the chamber with his profound force and his divine sword.

As he dashed across the chamber, he went in a straight line as the killing arrays began to be activated upon him and soon dozens of profound energies were being trained upon him.

Four of the profound energies had even struck him or rather, it had struck Ye Fan's divine sword as he dashed across the chamber. 

The position of Ye Fan's position with his divine sword was just nice and positioned at the exact position where the profound energies would strike him.

This was actually intentional.

Ye Fan had been monitoring the speed and firing rate of the profound energies with his divine sense so he was able to have a good feel on how it would be for him when he was attempting the killing array.

All in all, Ye Fan had taken 9 blinks of an eye to cross to the other side of the chamber, beating the record of both the Charming Saintess Luo Yingying and Fairy Xuan Xueqi.

All the cultivators except for Fairy Xuan Xueqi were all stunned by Ye Fan's feat when he had dashed across the chamber in such a short time.

And moreover, he was not breathless and it looked like he was just taking a walk. 

This put even the saint cultivators into shame as they were not able to accomplish what Ye Fan was able to do when they were at the half-step 5th True Origin golden celestial realm.

Now it was time for the other 3 cultivators to attempt across the killing arrays in the chamber.

Out of the 3 cultivators, one of them had died while attempting to cross the killing arrays. 

The other two had survived after much difficulty and it took them more than 40 blinks of an eye to evade to the best of their ability. 

Although their minds were strong but their bodies were too weak after evading the dozens of profound energies. 

They ended up looking tired and they were all heavily injured. 

Both of them were actually 6th realm cultivators. 

Ye Fan sighed at their conditions; despites their injuries, these two cultivators were still willing to risk their lives for the profound treasures that were inside. 

The Charming Saintess Luo Yingying said to everyone as she took the lead to walk down the stairs, "Let's go."