The Yang Fire Essence Stones

Ye Fan, Fairy Xuan Xueqi, the Charming Saintess Luo Yingying, Saint Teng Jianren, Saint Xiao Dongguan, Saintess Shen Yunfeng and two 6th realm cultivators were the ones that remained now.

Altogether, there were just 8 of them from the 14 cultivators that were left. 

They did not exactly fight with one another to be down to 8 but rather they were eliminated by the very first layer of defense from this earth position palace. 

The stairway led them down to another hallway.

After walking for some time, they soon emerged into a big hall with another passage in front of them. 

Scattered in this hallway were numerous high grade spirit stones and even immortal jades! 

The hearts of the 8 cultivators went wild immediately.

However, the Charming Saintess Luo Yingying reminded everyone. "I shall take all these spirit stones and I will naturally divide it with everyone later. This includes the one that are outside. Of course, the dead is not included."

Naturally when she had said so, everyone began to nod slowly.

As the Charming Saintess Luo Yingying was also the highest realm cultivator in their group, it was also the natural choice.

Ye Fan did not mind at all as he was thinking of the profound treasures that were deeper inside this palace tomb.

This was but only the first hall of many halls that would be in this immortal palace tomb.

As the Charming Saintes Luo Yingying was sweeping the spirit stones and immortal jades into her spatial pouch, she was gasping softly all of a sudden.

It was because she had spotted three red stones as she unraveled the heaps of spirit stones into her spatial pouch.

The rest of the cultivators were also startled because these three red stones were actually the Yang Fire Essence Stone and were extremely valuable.

"These are the Yang Fire Essence Stone! I can't be wrong. I've seen one before," Saint Teng Jianren wa startled as he rushed to take a closer look.

Saint Xiao Dongguan was also rushing to take a closer look as he gasped with shock, "This is really the Yang Fire Essence Stone! We are in luck!" 

They could be used to imbue a divine sword with the fire element or enhance an existing fire element divine sword to a much more powerful fire element. Or it can even be used to enhance the effectiveness of an existing Yang profound art. 

It was very valuable to most of the male cultivators for its ability to upgrade an existing yang profound art. 

The Charming Saintess Luo Yingying smiled wryly, "Let me keep these three Yang Fire Essence Stone first. Don't worry. I don't practice any yang profound arts so these Yang Fire Essence Stone are useless to me."

Saint Teng Jianren smiled, "There are Saint Xiao Dongguan and I in this place. So we should take one each…" 

Saintess Shen Yunfeng interrupted with a lovely smile, "Actually I may be a maiden but this is invaluable to my cultivation sect and to my core protégés too. If the Charming Saintess Luo Yingying doesn't want this, then the three of us should split the Yang Fire Essence Stone among ourselves."

Saint Xiao Dongguan nodded and he was also smiling, "That's right. Why don't we split it among the three of us?"

Actually Ye Fan had also wanted one of the Yang Fire Essence Stone to improve his cultivation but in the presence of the saint cultivators, he had no say in the loot distribution.

The other two 6th realm cultivators were also drooling at the Yang Fire Essence Stones but there was nothing else that they could do in the presence of the 3 saint cultivators that wanted it for themselves.

The Charming Saintess Luo Yingying laughed softly as she took the three Yang Fire Essence Stones before tossing one each to Saintess Shen Yunfeng, Saint Teng Jianren and Saint Xiao Dongguan, "Since you have decided in this way already, very well then. I shall distribute these Yang Fire Essence Stones to the three of you first since I have no use for this."

The other 3 saint cultivators were delighted as they happily pocketed the Yang Fire Essence Stone.

Ye Fan was secretly thinking to himself: This Charming Saintess Luo Yingying may appear to be casual but she is actually extremely smart. By distributing these three Yang Fire Essence Stones to the other three saints first, she is not only gaining their trust but she will also distract their unhappiness toward her so that she could continue to pocket the loot in this place. At the same time, the covetous eyes of everyone would be on the ones that have the Yang Fire Essence Stone.

Ye Fan and Fairy Xuan Xueqi did not display any emotions when they saw the Yang Fire Essence Stones or when the Yang Fire Essence Stones were being distributed. 

They did not know that Charming Saintess Luo Yingying who was smiling as she distributed the Yang Fire Essence Stones was also taking note of both of the expressions of Ye Fan and Fairy Xuan Xueqi.

It was because she had found it strange that the two of them would be able to maintain such a cool composure in the presence of such a rare find. 

She had taken more notice of Ye Fan because he was the object of her seduction. 

But as she got to get Ye Fan better and better as they grouped together, his mystery had only deepened in her heart and she was really curious about his background and why the Great Virtuous Saintess Qi Qifen had asked her to seduce him and she was even willing to give her a priceless profound treasure for it. 

There was one thing that the Charming Saintess Luo Yingying hated most and it was to be played around by the others, especially the Great Virtuous Saintess Qi Qifen who she considered to be her inferior. 

Once all the spirit stones and immortal jades had been cleared by the Charming Saintess Luo Yingying, they began to enter the entrance at the other end of this hall. 

Again, the Charming Saintess Luo Yingying took the lead as she walked in front of the group.