Gu Zi and Su Li rode back in the Gao family's car, just as they had arrived earlier. Once seated, Gu Zi felt a twinge of embarrassment and turned to the driver.
"I told you earlier that you didn't need to wait for us. You could have gone back first. This is too much trouble for you," she said apologetically.
The driver kept his eyes on the road, his tone respectful but firm.
"Mrs. Su, you are someone our madam holds in very high regard. Since she specifically instructed me to bring you to the hospital, it's only natural that I see it through to the end. Don't feel bad about it. It's no trouble for me at all. The Gao family has done so much for me, after all."
The Gao family was indeed prestigious, but not every member of the family carried the same weight. The driver was well aware that his position as the Gao family's chauffeur was thanks to his distant relation to the Gaos. It was a good job—one he had no intention of jeopardizing.