Chapter 1-Where It All Begins

Komo you are destined to be a hero now wake up.komo wakes up from a strange dream and he always get this dream he has been getting it for 2 months now but he don't get what it mean by next hero so he decided to head downstairs but no one was home komo called 'old man bonjo are you home i'm guessing he's not,really there nothing in the fridge well time for pizza well steal' komo start dressing up and headed outside he start walking to a pizza place to steal some pizza while he was walking his best friend named AltheaBellona scared him "AAAAAAAAAAA wait Althea!?  don't scare me like that' komo said, 'sorry i like scaring you sometimes so let me guess your gonna steal some pizza again from ken-san' Althea said, 'nooooooooooo i was gonna pay for it like a good boy' komo said, 'sigh komo like i told you before you can come to me anytime for money or food am your friend and i care for you please remember that' Althea said, 'yea i know i just don't wanna keep asking you been working hard for those money and i have been doing nothing cuz your special and am not'' komo said, ''thats not true you're special to me and also here take some money and buy some pizza just dont steal like a ediot alright'' Althea said with a smile at the end, ''alright fine i take the money thank you Althea and also you remember how i told you how that i keep getting those dream i got it again today and i still dont get it what it meant'' komo said, ''am still trying to figure it out as well, alright we will meet up 10pm tonight at your place and we could try to figure what it means''' Althea said, ''sure'' komo said'' komo head towards to the place to buy the pizza till the owner said ''why tf are you here komo u here to steal'' ken said, ''NO WAIT I ACTUALLY GOT MONEY PUT THAT GUN AWAY'' komo said, ''am actually surprised alright here's a slice that be 10 dollars'' ken said, komo give the money to ken and left then he started to walk back to his place along the way it was getting darker eating his slice of pizza and all of the sudden he sees a shadow from a big tree but when komo tries to get closer the shadow it disappeared he got confused but started to walk to his house.He got back to his house and Althea scare him one more time then komo says,"CAN YOU STOP YOU GOING TO GIVE ME A HEART ATTACK!", ok ok am sorry but its so funny i love your reaction it's hilarious"Althea said,both finally sat down together and started doing research but it was all useless they cannot think of anything and Althea got tired and decides to go home and it was also getting dark both of them says goodnight at each other but when Althea left two minutes have pass by and suddenly komo hears a voice saying,"follow the wind it will take somewhere that need you",komo thinking if it was a good idea to follow it but he end up following it anyways and he got too curious when it says somewhere that need you then komo end up transpire in a temple full of old text, spider cobwebs and bugs but komo still follow the winds. It took him 25 minutes to get at the end of the temple and he founds a sword that is glowing.

To Be Continued On Chapter2!