
Komo see's the sword glowing he looked shook then he got close to the sword then suddenly the temply started to shake then after dark spirits came inside and push komo away from the sword one of the spirits grab komo by his neck,A person also start walking inside he was wearing full black clothing with a up side down demotic symbol on his shirt and he also was wearing demotic snake masked saying chaos on it.He entered the same room where komo was and walk to him saying, "So it chooses you huh,then i cannot let that happen kite! hold him really good do not let him free he might be in good use," when at first komo walk in the temple Althea decided to follow him Althea end up forgetting something at his place then she see's komo walking to the temple so she follow him and now she is hiding behind the wall where komo is then something happened all of the sudden the sword started to glow really bright and start destory the temply rocks falling also shaking,Everyone started to panick but when the masked man about to grab the sword the sword pushes everyone away all the way outside but got knocked out.Komo slightly open his eyes and see's Althea getting taken away he tries to call out for her name but end up loosing consciousness,A strange dream appeared komo feels like he was falling all over was darkness then he see's Althea komo tries to grab her hand but a devil show up in front of komo face and komo wake up from his dream he was in his house on his bed he looks confused probably wandering how the he got there then komo looks to his right to see an old man sitting on a chair sleeping then komo yelled,"wait OLD MAN BONJO!?," Bonjo wakes up from his sleep yelling,"WHY ARE YOU YELLING," Komo got scared when he yelled back but he was happy thay bonjo came.Bonjo is an old man who take cared for komo 15 years ago Bonjo was walking through the forest to find some food but he heard a baby crying from an abandonded house,He decided to walk inside and found a baby rolled in a blanket crying Bonjo was confused and asking him why there's a baby here he feel that the right thing to do is take the baby and carry it back home with home with him.They arrived home and when Bonjo put baby komo down a note fell of from the blanket and grab it then it says,"whoever found my baby please take care of him i will no longer be in this planet so please take care of him and also i love you komo please you make it out alive"from mother,"so the mother probably abandonded her kid to protect him and sacrifice herself to protect him"Bonjo says,Back to the present time.Komo ask bonjo where have you been why you did not return home Bonjo did not ask him any of those question but he ask komo a question,"you were knocked out by a temple that got destory what happend there tell me everything i know you have alot of questions right now but i need to know,"so komo explains everything to him and Bonjo was astonished,"You were having strange dreams,the you heard a voice,you follow it,leads you to the temple,at the end of the temple you see's the sword glowing,then bunch of souls and a man who was fully black clothing with a masked has a demotic symbol on his shirt the the sword glow bright like REALLY bright and everyone got knocked out but you try to get up you end up seeing Althea got taken away and he end up loosing consciousness is that right??", Komo shakes his head and get up slowy and end up going outside for some fresh air,Bonjo was question himself saying that no way fate already choose him for this he got selected to end this nightmare and Bonjo went back inside told komo to rest and tomorrow we will talk Komo shakes his head and says goodnight old man bonjo.