Chapter-3-A Chosen Has Been Born

The sun is rising in its domain. Komo opened his eyes, got up from his seat, and headed downstairs to see Bonjo sitting down to enjoy his coffee. Oh, good morning, Komo, Hopefully, you sleep well, Bonjo says. Oh, good morning, Komo. Hopefully, you sleep well. Bonjo says. Komo says good morning back. He then made breakfast, sat down, and Komo said, Old man, Bonjo, why did this have to happen? Althea got kidnapped, and I don't know what to do. Bonjo told Komo to calm down and said, First, why were you at the temple? You know that the temple is very dangerous, so why? Then Well, I keep getting these strange dreams. The dreams were about me becoming the next hero or something. I was really confused and a bit scared. Also, Althea does get weird dreams, and everywhere she goes, she feels like she is being watched. She also keeps hearing voices. Strange things happen to her first, then a day later they happen to me. It has been going like this for 2 months, and you have been gone for 5 months now. Also, one thing: I know you told me that you were here, but I was thinking that you were lying. Komo was being a little goofy, but Bonjo was dismayed. Komo, be serious. You said that you keep having dreams.

Alright, Komo, just rest. Bonjo, but what about Althea? She's missing. We have to! SHE WILL, SHE WILL BE FINE, komo Komo, trust me, I know she's not dead, so komo, just rest. I'm also going to get some pizza, so just don't go anywhere. After he left, Komo suddenly heard a noise.

in the temple. He started to panic and fell from the bonjo bed. "Wha-WHAT WHY THIS HERE? I thought it was destroyed or something! Something came out of the sword, and it was a creature, but a female. "Nice to meet you; my name is Free, and I am a spirit to guide you through your adventure", but are you also my guide? Free "Let me explain: I was made by the second goddess that created everything, from planets to black holes, but you were also chosen by the goddess to defeat me, said Komo. "Chosen? This is confusing, but destroy evil; who's the evil person", Free "His name is NIN. NIN was created 720 years ago, and he is trying to get something that he wants. He was to bring something back. I do not know who it is, but I sense something completely evil. Also, your dear Althea is still alive. Komo was shocked but joyful, but Bonjo heard everything he was doing outside. All the time listening, Bonjo said, I knew it, I had my suspicion, so komo chosen hero, huh, I know you do this and bring back Althea, and may the goddess watch over you and free you, the creator of her, huh, then nice to meet you", Both shake hands. Free in her mind, Bonjo is interesting: "Bonjo is overjoyed for Komo and excited to begin this adventure.