Chapter-4-The Journey Begins

Bonjo: Before you go, I want to say, May the goddess be there for you also. You could do this, and good luck. Komo nods his head and sets off on his adventure with his sword and new clothing. Free says to Komo, There is someone who wants to meet you", Free then throws a cube, and it opens up a portal to another dimension. Komo was really surprised and excited, and then he went through the portal to end up in this old temple full of bushes. He started to look around, and there was an old woman who was sitting down and saying, I have been expecting you, Chosen Hero. Komo was confused, asking, Where am I and what is this place? The old woman told him that this place was called the Tranquillity Temple. Komo replied, Wow, really, this place looks awesome. Also, you said you were expecting me. The Old Woman: Yes, I have. I want to tell you that your friend was here also; she left by the door to your far right. Komo' She was here; that's great. I'm glad that she was not under attack or something that would be terrible, but can you tell me which exact location she's at right now? Old Woman replied, Nope, she told me that she was lost and did not know where she was, so I explained this place to her, and she told me to lead her to an exit. It sounds like she did research on this place and wanted to go somewhere, so again, if you want to catch up to her, take the door to your far right, and also, before you go, tell me what your name is, Hero. Komo "My name is Komo. And I am going to save this world from hell. So expect this world to be peaceful in the end. Old Woman " Komo, huh, what a delightful name! She thought to herself. Komo Sets off and leaves the temple. On his way to leave through the area that he is in to go further in, there was a pack of monsters blocking his way. Komo: "Yall are ugly mother fucker monsters''. So the monsters end up charging, and Komo ends up jumping so high that he almost goes into space. When he is about to land, he points his sword at the land, and a big impact happens, and he almost destroys the entire area. All the monsters are dead. And he told himself, WOW, I DID NOT KNOW THAT I KNOW DO THAT WHAT JUST HAPPENED FREE YOU WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED. Free explained that the reason he jumped so high and almost destroyed the entire area was because of the abilities that he got from the sword. Komo "Excuse me, but you're telling me that what I just did was the sword abilities; it sounds like the power that the sword had transferred into me, or somewhat'' freed. Wow, what a great guess! You're exactly right. How did you know? Komo '" Well, Althea likes to read this book to me every time, and it's really annoying, but I like to listen to it, so anytime I'm bored, I like to ask her to read it to me, even if I do fall asleep to it. Right as Komo was about to leave, he bumped into this weird creator who was big, tall, and had rocks behind him. Hello, strange thing. It's nice to meet you, Komo. WOW, YOU LOOK VERY COOL. What are you, and what is your name? Well, my name is Buddy, and I love doing research and exploring all kinds of things. Also, I am Bluke, Komo. "What the fuck is a Bluke? I never heard of it before", Buddy Well, we Blukes are creatures that were made a long time ago. There's also a village full of us; you should visit sometimes; you might bump into me again. '' Ok, I will do well; I gotta go, but nice to meet you. See you again soon. Komo sets off and goes to the next area. Komo ends up in a place full of trees and grass. Free gets out of the sword and tells Komo, Well, here we are. You start looking around and see if you can find anyone who last saw Althea around here. Also, I wonder if there's an animal here. I want to keep one as a pet. Free goes back into the sword and starts to look around, and while he is exploring, there are a bunch of enemies in his way, so he starts to swing his sword and kills the one that is in his way. Then Komo looks everywhere, hoping to find something or someone, until he encounters a strange creator who is small, has a plant on his back, and is surrounded by monsters. So he decided to kill all of them, and the plant creator asked himself, Is it okay to come out of hiding? Then he did, and he turned around and saw Komo, who got terrified and thought that he wanted to eat him, so he ran off, and Komo was very confused, so Free told Komo to chase after it, so he did because he got bored, so he ended up doing it and being chasing it for 5 minutes, and finally the plant creature was at a dead end, and Komo said, "Can you stop running away? I am not going to eat you. I do not know what you are, so can we stop now and have a little chat?"