Chapter 6-First Blood Mansion

Komo enters the portal and ends up in a dark, gloomy place, but when he turns around, he sees a huge mansion that looks like it was abandoned. "Is this Halloween alright? "If this girl attacks the big twii, I have to go in there and save those kids", Komo said. Komo walked towards the front door and kicked it down, but when he did that, there was a flying lady attacking Komo, but he ended up pushing her off and landing on his feet. "So you're the outsider that the master has been telling us?" She said, "I just stepped into the world. How did you guys know so fast?" Komo said. She said that we have good senses, and we will know when someone is near, and it will be right on the spot. She also said that she would be killing Komo right here and right now, but Komo said back to her,If you think that, then sure, but let me tell you this: you are not going to see the next day, and surely your master as well. She started to laugh. "You really think that you could finish us right now, especially our great, legendary master. You must be joking with me, right? You surely love to embarrass yourself, but before we begin, my name is Peth, and among me and my other two siblings, I am, honestly, the strongest, so you should be grateful that you are fighting someone as strong as me. Then, when she flew straight at Komo, he swung his sword once, and then the lady wings—both legs and arms—were cut off. She fell straight to the floor and also stared to scream, but Komo walked up towards her face and pointed his pointy finger at her neck, saying,I told you that you were not going to see the next t day.Peth started to say that if Komo goes further into the mansion, he's not going to make it. He then proceeded to start laughing at him, but Komo did not care, so he ended up finishing her off. "I did not kill her, right? Komo said, and Free replied,No, you did not. You put the sowrd in not killing mode, but she will be awake for the next 5 months, so you do not need to worry, but if you want to kill, just tell me. But you seem like a nice boy, so I don't see you killing anyone." Komo proceeds to walk inside the place, and from the inside, it is bright. There is a big hall and two stars. "OMG, WHERE DID YOU GET THIS KIND OF MONEY?" Komo Surpisley said Komo went to the stairs, and when he reached the top, he looked both ways, but then suddenly there was a big firehand that grabbed Komo and pulled him into the door. Komo sliced the entire arm so he could get off, and what he saw was that he was in a big, clear ball, and the outside looked like space; there was nowhere to go, and he was floating. "Welcome to my world".