Komo First Challenge

"Welcome to my world". Komo replied by saying,Who the hell are you, and where the fuck am I?" Komo replied. This is a world that I create. Once someone enters my world, I could do anything, like summon anything. I could summon a chainsaw right now to chase after you for minutes, or it could be even for months until you died, so there is no way of you getting out on this one. You may kill my sister, but not this guy. She has always been weak—nothing but an ant. Komo "So you are siblings, but how dare you disrespect your sister like that? Do you guys don't like each other or something? Don't mind wasting time here and listening to your story." But he responded, My family has nothing to do with you, fucker, but before I even kill you, let me properly introduce myself. My name is Hinto, and I am one of the strongest in the family. Well, expect my dumbass of a mother. She always thinks I am a foe and cannot defeat anyone or bring her back, so I am here to prove her wrong and stop giving my older sister attention. I am tired of this sh*t.". Komo "Free, is there anywhere for me to move right now? I can't even move an inch. Can I at least fly with this power?'' Free. " Well, you read my mind. I was just about to tell you that you could fly. Let me help you real quick, and there you go. You should be flying right now. Komo was excited to start flying, but Hinto summoned lightings to chase after him till his death, but Komo ended up trying to fly away from the lightings but could have barely dodged it. I almost got hit by that lighting; it is so fast that it could keep up with me. This guy must be insane, but instead of me trying to waste time and dodge, I gotta find a way to leave this shitty world. Komo dodged more of his lighting while thinking about how he could escape, then he noticed something: there was a gem on the left side of his hips. While Komo slowly started to smile, "Bingo, he said. Komo Fly towards Hinto and try to grab the gem, but Hinto reacted in time and dodged it. "So you figured it out, eh? I thought I had made this gem smaller. No normal human eye should see this, but you end up seeing it. You're a very special one. I like you, and you're a really interesting person. I could take you and bring you back to my lap and do experiments". Komo replied by saying,I want you to try." Hinto and Komo went straight into each other and started clashing swords at each other, but Hinto was so distracted that Free ended up taking the gem without him noticing and destorying it. "NOOOOOOOOOOO, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? Hinto yelled in pain, but a big shawdo came out of the gem:It is destroyed. You know what's coming for you. Hinto was shaking while saying, Please give me one more chance. I promise you, I will kill him and bring back dinner for you. The big shawdo did not listen to him; he struck down at him, and the sawdo disappeared, as did him. Komo was teribbly shocked but free to explain by saying, "That gem that he had, it's called a tikky; it's a cursed gem, and he probably made a deal with an evil spirit; that is how he got powerful. The world started to shake and came down, falling on both him and the sword. OUCH! Wait, we are back at the house. Alright, free. Let's not waste time and leave. Also, I could barely move. My fucking back hurts. I just want to lay down a bit. Free gets out of the sword and puts both of her hands together, saying, "Process of Healing". Komo's back got healed, and he is back full of energy. Komo was happy and excited to see that and told Free to show him more. Free yelled yes, but not right now. We got kids to save, and Komo ran straight into a door, but the room was huge, with two lit-up blue flame candles, and lastly, two people, one on a throne and one beside her. The woman on the throne smiled by saying,Glad, you can make it".