Is Someone Watching Komo?

"She left well. That is pretty lucky. I was glad I didn't have to fight, even though I still wanted to kick her ass for being an asshole of a mother and kidnapping children. Well, free, open up the portal. We got back the kids, so let's head back and tell BO". Free, open the portal, and komo head inside and end up back at the place where Bo was. "Guys, you did it. My kids are back." BO said. The kids were very joyful to see their parents again. "Well, BO, I helped you get back your kids, so can you please tell me where Althea is"? Komo said. "Well, you did help me, so let me return the favor. So she headed north, so basically, she is probably in an old temple. Just swing on that vine over there, then turn to your left, then you gotta climb some vines, then just go straight, then you enter another area of this place, and from there, I do not know where the temple is because I never even once stepped foot off this area and am planning to continue to keep it that way, but I also do know its very huge, so you should see it well. That is for me, and again, thank you, hero; you did a great job on your first task. I am going to be here, so good luck". Komo made a smile and was happy to hear that. He then nodded his head and started heading towards the temple, but when he was almost there, he felt like someone was observing him from a distance, but he carried on and arrived at the temple, knocking down the big door that kept him from entering. Head straight down to the place that awaits his arrival. Down there was a very old place full of bushes, vines, and everything that you think of as an old, dusty temple, but the environment was really cold. "So this is the place where Althea is; hopefully she is still here and also free. Just because you are in my sword, that does not mean you can slack off in there". Free replied,"Yeah, I know also that I helped you during the fight with the siblings when we were saving those kids, so you should not have said that, but I will look around and see for myself. Also, yes, before you even ask, I know what you're going to say; I could see even if I was on the sword, so let's stop talking, waste time, and fine your friend". Mysterious Voice "Well, let us see who finds the girl first, he said while smiling.