That Sword Is Mines

Omo went deeper into the temple but ran into a little problem. The door was locked, but he had no idea how to open it. Then he looked up and saw a switch that was glowing. "There's a switch; let's touch it, but wait, it seems too easy". Komo said. A bunch of skeletons came out of nowhere and started charging at Komo, but Komo defeated all of them at once. "Where did those fuckers come from? What the hell? Well, they've gone now free. Can you please touch the glowing switch". Free flew up to touch the switch, and now the door is open. free wen back to the sword, and Komo opens the door, and what he saw beyond the door was a villiage that looked like it was abandoned. "This is terrifying, and komo, look around. Not only are there skeletons on the floor; it is very cold in here, but these skeletons look like they are not moving, so that is a good sign", Free said. "This is not even the worst part here; these skeletons look as fresh as if someone just burned them off completely". Komo said. Then Komo heard a wishper say,Hey," very quickly. Komo got scared by the wishper. "Komo, are you alright". Free said. Komo nods his head and moves on. Komo enters a room, and the door is shut and locked behind him. Out of nowhere, there are monsters spawning in the room with him "Ok, this is very strange, as if someone is just spawing them". The monsters that are spawned are three huge spiders. "NOT THE SPIDERS; KOMO KILLED IT". The spiders were a bit more difficult than the one komo face before the three of them web komo entire body, but that did not stop Free from using one of her abilities, and that ability is that if she is inside the sword, she can summon a big light. and surround the entire room so the three spiders are demolished. ''WOW, THAT WAS AWESOME. YOU GOTTA SHOW ME THAT AGAIN!" Komo said. Free siad, "yeah, sure sometime". On the floor, there was a cube. Komo went up to it and picked it up, then the door behind him was destroyed by the light that Free caused. "A cube? Suddenly, this is here. I wonder if it came from those spiders," Komo said. He left the room, turned to his left, and kept walking for a little while till he saw another door, but different. There was a hole in the middle that was shaped like a cube. Komo, connect the dots, put the cube in the hole, and it's open. ''Great, omg, there is another huge door. What is the deal with this place having so many fucking doors? This is getting annoying". Komo said. But the door was on the other side, and the only way for Komo to cross is to cross a rope that is in the middle of the two ground that is separate.He almost fell while he was trying to cross, but he made it. Then a robot came out and said,"If you want to enter, you have to solve a riddle". "Riddle, alright, this is interesting," Free said. "Ok, first riddle: A person who makes it has no need for it. A person who purchases does not use it. The person who uses it does not know who I am.". They both think about it. "I don't fucking know why this is difficult". Komo said while struggling. Free reply: "Is it a coffin". The robot started to dance, saying, "Hell yeah, you got it. Well, the door will be opening, but before I go, one thing: try not to be boring when you face her". The robot said that, then vanished. Both got confused, then they proceeded to enter what awaited them beyond this huge door. Komo enters, then the door shuts behind him. "Why is the door closed". Komo said, and then he heard laughter, so he turned around and saw a woman who was full of black clothing and had a red cape. "Hello there; welcome to my temple. So I guess you are the hero. Nice sword you have there". Komo replied, "Who are you, Dracula or something? In her mind, "This kid knows how to piss someone off". She jumped to the rooftop and started walking. "Darling Listen here; your friend Althea is beyond that door over there, but in order for me to get there, I need some light power. So how am I going to get light power? Then you came just in time, so boy, listen here, you're going to give me that sword, then I will keep you alive and live your peachful life". Komo said, "Without Althea, you must be joking. My sword is a bit hydrated, so how about you give up, then live your peachful life and let me through it so I can see my best friend". She burst out laughing, then fell, and the entire place started shaking and almost got destory. She got up, put out her spear that she used to fight, and said, "Then come get your water before your sword gets dehydrated". Then they both clashed.