Namikaze Minato

@ Hokage's Office:

As Hiruzen sat in his office, calmly smoking his pipe, he noticed Minato entering the room. The gentle breeze flowed through the open windows, adding a serene atmosphere to the discussion.

Hiruzen: "Ah, Minato. Please, come in. I've been anticipating your arrival."

Minato: "Hokage-sama, have you made a decision regarding my team?"

Hiruzen: "It was a challenging choice, Minato. I've considered four potential students for your team. One of them is a remarkably young Uchiha who has already surpassed some of your records. Another is the descendant of the White Fang, known for his strong spirit. Additionally, there is a Uchiha who has been labeled the 'dead last,' as well as a talented medic named Rin Nohara."

Minato: "A child who graduated early has already surpassed me? That is quite impressive."

Hiruzen: "Indeed, Minato. Uchiha Ryu has shown exceptional talent and potential. However, I have a different plan for him. I recommend Obito, Kakashi, and Rin for your team. They possess unique abilities and have proven themselves in previous missions. As for Ryu, I believe he would be a valuable asset in the Anbu, especially under your guidance during the upcoming war."

Minato: "I understand, Hokage-sama. If you believe it is the best course of action, then I will trust your judgment. I will do my best to lead Obito, Kakashi, and Rin to become strong shinobi."

Hiruzen: "I have faith in your leadership, Minato. You possess exceptional skills and wisdom. Together with your team, I am confident that you will excel in protecting the village and achieving great things."

Minato: "Thank you, Hokage-sama. I won't let you down."

Hiruzen: "I know you won't, Minato. Now, go and prepare for your new role as a Jonin sensei. The future of Konoha rests in your hands."

The door knocked, and Hiruzen invited the person inside.

Hiruzen: "Come in."

It was the special team that had gone on the B-rank Bandit Extermination mission.

Hiruzen: "Ah, Ryu, how was the mission? It must have been quite an experience."

Ryu: "Well, Hokage-sama, the information we received was incorrect, but we managed to successfully complete the mission."

Minato: *in his prepared ninja code dress*

Hiruzen: "What? The information was false?"

Kaito: "Yes, Hokage-sama. If it weren't for Ryu's quick thinking and skills, we might not have made it back alive."

Ryuko: "Hokage-sama, as the acting captain, I have prepared a detailed report on the bandit activities."

Ryuko handed over a scroll containing the filled details of their mission, while Ryu presented another scroll containing the stolen medicine and artifacts that were meant for auction in the Land of Merchants.

Hiruzen was astonished by the young Uchiha's clever tactics and unwavering reliability. Even Minato was in awe of Ryu's abilities and leadership.

Hiruzen: "Excellent work, Ryu. Your resourcefulness and dedication to completing the mission are truly remarkable. I am proud to have such promising young shinobi in our village."

Minato: "Ryu, your skills and decision-making abilities are commendable. You have proven yourself to be a valuable asset to the team."

Ryu: *humbled* "Thank you, Hokage-sama. I will continue to strive and protect the village to the best of my abilities."

Hiruzen: "I have no doubt about that, Ryu. Keep up the good work. Now, all other shinobi are dismissed. Ryu, please stay."

After all the teammates walked away from the office

Minato: "Ryu, I was just speaking to Lord Third about forming teams for teaching and achieving recognition during the upcoming Third Ninja War. I must say, I would like to have you on my team. What do you say?"

Ryu paused, taking a moment to consider the offer. Hiruzen and Minato anxiously awaited his response.

Ryu: "Well, I never imagined that I would have the opportunity to learn from such a renowned shinobi like yourself. If you are willing to teach me and share your knowledge, even the basics, I will wholeheartedly follow you as my master."

A small smirk appeared on both Minato and Hiruzen's faces, sensing Ryu's sincerity and potential.

Ryu: "I swear, if you accept me as your student, I will devote myself to learning from you and make use of any opportunities you provide me to grow."

Minato: "Very well, Ryu. If you accept me as your master, I promise to teach you everything I know and provide you with ample chances to develop your skills through my connections and experiences."

Ryu: "Then, I, Uchiha Ryu, swear that I will follow you as my master."

As Minato patted Ryu's head, Ryu respectfully bowed.

Ryu: "If you'll pardon me, master, I will do my best to make you proud. By the way, there is a young woman standing outside the office, peeking and listening to our conversation."

Minato: "Is that you, Kushina?"

Kushina: "Ha, Minato, it's me, Uzumaki Kushina. I'm here to report the completion of our B-rank mission."

Kushina couldn't help but notice Ryu's adorable appearance, seeing him as an incredibly cute 7.5-year-old boy.

Kushina: "Boy, are you a sensor type?"

Ryu: "Yes, Kushina onee-san."

Kushina: *blushing* "What? He called me onee-san... He's super duper cute. How am I supposed to handle this much cuteness from a little boy?"

Hiruzen: "Kushina, this is Ryu Uchiha, the disciple of Minato."

Kushina: "No, first he will be my little brother, and then Minato's disciple."

Minato felt caught in the middle, sensing the struggle between Hiruzen and Kushina's desires for Ryu.

Ryu "I don't think there is any problem with that, i always long desired an Ane

Hiruzen: "Ryu, what are your thoughts on the Uchiha clan?"

Ryu: "Hokage-sama, may I speak honestly and freely?"

Hiruzen: "Yes, you have my permission."

Ryu: "From my observations and self-consciousness, I have come to understand the Uchiha clan quite well. The Uchiha clan takes great pride in their lineage and believes themselves to be the descendants of the Sage of the Six Paths, and I share that belief."

Minato: "But the Sage of the Six Paths is just a myth, isn't it?"

Ryu: "No, Master. The Sage of the Six Paths is not a myth. If you need confirmation, we can consult the Toad Summoner Sannin for further information."

Ryu continued, addressing the reputation and perception of the Uchiha clan.

Ryu: "The Uchiha clan has been associated with villain role for a long time. Take Uchiha Madara, one of the village's founders and a betrayer of Konoha, for example. His actions have cast a negative light on the Uchiha clan and led to them being placed under suspicion. They were given the special position of the Police Force as a result."

Hiruzen: "Yes, it is true. My master, Tobirama Senju, made that decision."

Ryu: "From the perspective of other clans and civilians, the Uchiha clan is often seen as a dangerous and feared clan. The Sharingan, which is unique to the Uchiha, is regarded with fear, mistrust and as strong as the Wood Release of the Senju clan."

Minato and Kushina entered a deep thought, realizing the weight of Ryu's words, while Hiruzen understood the concerns raised.

Ryu: "If the situation doesn't change, the Uchiha clan will eventually face extinction, at the hands of Konoha itself. The fact that the Uchiha clan still exists today is largely due to the conflicts and wars we have faced."

Ryu's words weighed heavily on Minato and Hiruzen, who both understood the importance of addressing the issues within the Uchiha clan to prevent its potential demise.