Meeting of the Five-member Team 7

At Training Ground 5, Minato stood patiently, waiting for his newly formed team to gather. Uchiha Obito had just graduated from the academy, and today marked the first meeting of Team 7, consisting of Obito, Rin Nohara, Hatake Kakashi, and Uchiha Ryu.

Ryu greeted his sensei with a respectful "Good morning, Sensei."

Minato returned the greeting, "Good morning, Ryu. Today is a very important day for all of us."

Kakashi arrived at the scene and was surprised to see Ryu there. "Ryu, what are you doing here?"

Ryu confidently declared, "Kakashi, from now on, I'm your new teammate."

Kakashi was taken aback, unable to hide his amazement. "Seriously?"

Shortly after, Rin arrived. She couldn't help but wonder about the young Uchiha boy who had joined them.

Just as the team was about to start their introductions, Obito rushed in, his mouth agape in astonishment at the sight of Ryu among them.

Obito: "Ryu, what in the world are you doing here?"

Ryu: "Well, Obito, I happen to be your teammate now. Allow me to introduce myself once again for those who don't know me. I am Uchiha Ryu, a sensor type."

Rin was taken aback by the presence of another Uchiha who seemed to be well-known by Obito, Minato, and Kakashi.

Minato: "I am Minato Namikaze, your Jonin sensei. My dream is to become the Hokage someday."

Obito introduced himself with a sense of pride and gallantry.

Minato: "Alright, team. It's time for the bell test. Remember, the objective is to try and take these bells from me. You have one hour, and if you fail to retrieve a bell, you'll go without lunch."

Kakashi: "Piece of cake. I'll have those bells in no time."

Ryu: "I won't underestimate your skills, sensei. I'm ready to give it my all."

Rin: "I'll do my best to support the team. Let's strategize and work together."

Minato: "Great. Remember, teamwork is key. It's not just about individual strength, but how well we coordinate and communicate. Now, let's come up with a plan."

Kakashi: "I suggest we split up and attack from different angles. That way, we can catch him off guard."

Rin: "That could work, but we also need to be careful not to leave any openings for Minato-sensei to exploit."

Ryu: "Agreed Kakashi, first we will distract Sensei."

Minato: "Excellent suggestions. Remember, timing is crucial. We need to coordinate our attacks to create openings."

Ryu: "Sensei, can I ask a question?"

Minato: "Of course, Ryu. What is it?"

Ryu: "How do you want us to approach this test? Are we meant to outsmart you, overpower you, or a combination of both?"

Minato: "That's a great question, Ryu. The answer lies in your ability to adapt and think on your feet. It's not about following a specific strategy, but rather finding creative solutions to overcome the challenges I'll throw at you. Be resourceful, and don't be afraid to think outside the box."

Kakashi: "Sounds like a real test of our skills and teamwork."

Rin: "I'm ready to give it my all. Let's show sensei what we're capable of."

Ryu activated his two tomoe sharingan

Obito "How, how did you have a sharingan for your age?"

Obito's question about Ryu's Sharingan left a lingering silence in the air. Ryu's gaze remained fixed on Minato, his expression unreadable.

After asking the question about sharingan, Kakashi and Rin didn't move an inch

After a few minutes of intense focus, Ryu's swift movements caught everyone by surprise. He analyzed Minato's every move, his Sharingan spinning with two tomoe. With remarkable speed and agility, Ryu launched himself into action.

Ryu "Kakashi do you have any intention of taking part, it is a team work, it is a mission to take the bells"

Kakashi "coming Ryu"

Dodging Minato's strikes with finesse, Ryu showcased his exceptional agility and mastery of Uchiha Taijutsu. His movements were fluid and precise, allowing him to counter Minato's attacks with lightning-fast strikes. As he deflected Minato's attacks with his kunai, Ryu's Sharingan spun with two tomoe, enhancing his perception and reaction time.

Kakashi, demonstrating his skills in Academy-level taijutsu, swiftly maneuvered around Minato, engaging him in close combat. His strikes were precise and calculated, showing his intellect and ability to analyze his opponent's moves.

With Ryu and Kakashi's combined efforts, they managed to corner Minato, forcing him to retreat and evade their attacks. Ryu's incredible speed allowed him to keep up with Minato's movements, earning a nod of acknowledgment from their sensei.

Meanwhile, Obito, utilizing his determination and courage, devised a clever plan. He strategically positioned himself and caught Minato off guard, successfully grabbing hold of his leg. However, much to their surprise, Minato swiftly replaced himself with a substitution jutsu, evading Obito's grasp.

Although Ryu and Kakashi managed to obtain two bells, their victory was short-lived as Minato revealed his spare bells. It was a cunning move from their sly sensei, who had planned for such a scenario. Despite their efforts, the team still had work to do to secure their success in the bell test.

Minato: "Team 7, you pass the bell test. Ryu and Kakashi, your skills and teamwork were impressive. And Rin, even though you had limited participation, you also showed dedication and did your best."

Ryu and Kakashi, caught up in their own competitive mindset, seemed to momentarily forget about Rin's role in the team.

Ryu: "Oh, right. Rin, you're part of our team too. Good job, I guess."

Kakashi nodded in agreement, his focus primarily on Ryu.

Rin, though feeling a bit overlooked, smiled and accepted the acknowledgment.

Rin: "Thank you, Ryu and Kakashi. I'll continue to do my best for the team."

Minato observed the dynamics within the team, noting the distinct personalities and dynamics at play.

Obito persisted in his curiosity, disregarding any sense of tact.

Obito: "Hey, I asked how did you awaken your Sharingan. Don't dodge the question!"

Rin, aware of Obito's lack of social finesse, chimed in, attempting to diffuse the tension.

Rin: pinched Obito "Obito, it is so rude to ask."

Ryu, however, remained calm and composed, understanding that Obito's inquiry stemmed from genuine curiosity.

Ryu: "It's alright, Rin. Obito, awakening the Sharingan comes at a great personal cost. For me, the price was the loss of my parents at the beginning of the war. It was a traumatic event that triggered the awakening of my Sharingan. I am aware that I hold the distinction of being the youngest Uchiha to awaken the Sharingan in our clan's history."

Obito's eyes widened, realizing the gravity of Ryu's words. He fell silent, finally grasping the significance of Ryu's Sharingan and the sacrifices he had made to obtain it.

Minato sighed and came to get all the D- rank mission for the team.

Obito Gallantly bragged that he is going to be the Hokage at the Hokage's Office.

Soon, we got all the d- ranks thanks to Obito's Granny support squad.

After completing the D-rank missions, the team was assigned a C-rank mission with Minato for a decoy operation. Ryu took the opportunity to head to the Uchiha training grounds to continue practicing his newly learned wind technique, Wind Style: Immense Breakthrough.

Though he had mastered the basic execution of the jutsu, Ryu felt that the timing of its release could be improved. He wanted to make it more efficient and seamless, enabling him to utilize it more effectively in real-life battles. As he pondered on ways to enhance the technique, an idea sparked in his mind.

Ryu realized that by combining his Swift Release ability with the Wind Style: Immense Breakthrough, he could gather a larger volume of air from the surrounding environment in a shorter amount of time. This would allow him to compress and release the wind chakra with even greater speed and force. The technique that originally took 10 seconds could now be executed in just 2 seconds.

Excitement filled Ryu as he experimented with his new found technique. He practiced channeling his Swift Release and swiftly collecting a substantial amount of air, compressing it within his chakra, and unleashing it in a burst of power. The result was a more potent and explosive Wind Style: Immense Breakthrough.

Ryu realized the immense potential of this combination. With his enhanced speed and precise control over wind chakra, he could unleash devastating attacks with unparalleled swiftness. This new found trick would undoubtedly give him an advantage in real battles, allowing him to catch opponents off guard and deliver swift, decisive strikes.

Ryu returned home to find his younger brother Shisui waiting for him. Shisui was curious about Ryu's new team and couldn't believe that Kakashi and Obito were part of it.

Shisui: "Kakashi and Uchiha Obito? Are you serious, Ryu?"

Ryu: "Yes, Shisui, they're my teammates now. We've been working together and completed all the D-rank missions successfully, thanks in part to Obito's connections."

Shisui: "Wow, that's impressive. I didn't expect Obito to be so capable. And tomorrow, you're going on a C-rank decoy mission?"

Ryu: "That's right. It's a new challenge for us, but I'm confident we'll handle it. We have Minato-sensei leading us."

Shisui: "You just came from an S-rank mission, and now you're already going for a C-rank? That's amazing, Ryu. I'm a little jealous, to be honest."

Ryu smiled, understanding Shisui's excitement. As brothers, they both had dreams and aspirations, each on their own path.

Ryu: "Don't worry, Shisui. Your time will come too. We all have different journeys, and I'm sure you'll have your own remarkable achievements."

Shisui nodded, feeling reassured by Ryu's words "I am sure Mom and Dad will be watching us grow"