The Decoy Mission

In the dense forest, the team of shinobi led by Minato, including Ryu, Kakashi, Obito, Rin, and other skilled ninjas, dashed swiftly towards their destination in the Hidden Rain.

As they maintained their formation, Kakashi, Obito, and Rin took the lead, while Ryu and Minato remained at the rear to guard against any potential threats.

Ryu's eye of mind detected a significant number of pursuers tailing them, their intentions clear. He quickly relayed the information to Minato, who was impressed by Ryu's vigilance.

Minato swiftly devised a plan, realizing the need to deal with the pursuers before they became a threat. He moved forward, leaving Rin under the protection of Kakashi, while taking Obito and Ryu to engage the enemies, luring them away from the rest of the team.

Obito: "Sensei, you chose me instead of Kakashi? I'm more useful than him, right?" Obito giggled, his confidence shining through.

Suddenly, a barrage of kunai came hurtling towards the trio, their intent clear. Ryu swiftly sprung into action, activating his Wind Style: Immense Wind Breakthrough. With a powerful gust, the kunai were blown away, diminishing Obito's chance to prove himself to his sensei.

Undeterred, Obito rushed forward, engaging a man who seemed eager for the thrill of battle. Meanwhile, Ryu skillfully handled the remaining Rain shinobi, while Minato moved closer to assist Obito.

Ryu: "Fire Release: Blazing Meteors!"

Ryu directed a torrent of fiery projectiles towards the Rain shinobi, swiftly neutralizing the threat. Satisfied with Ryu's impressive ninjutsu skills, Minato turned his attention towards Obito.

Ryu: "Sensei, it seems more shinobi have gathered for Kakashi to handle. I will leave immediately to assist him."

Utilizing his Swift Release, Ryu moved at incredible speed, disappearing in a flash as he traveled to support Kakashi and distract the traitorous Rain villagers.

Obito has experienced a near life death experience.

Ryu went right in time,

Deflected a kunai on one of the rain shinobi targets, saving from the original plot.

As they waited in the grass fields of the mountain forest, tension hung in the air. Suddenly, the Rain Shinobi confronted them, their intentions clear.

Rain Shinobi 1: "You are very unlucky children."

Without warning, the two shinobi launched their attack, aiming to overpower the young team. Reacting swiftly, Ryu swiftly pulled the shinobi with the scroll, preventing them from obtaining it.

Rain Shinobi 2: "Children, don't resist. Give us the scroll now, and we'll grant you a painless death."

Rin, shocked by the betrayal, could only watch in disbelief. Kakashi, fueled by determination, raised his white chakra sword, ready to defend his teammates.

Ryu, wielding his high-quality short sword, activated his Swift Release and infused it with intense fire chakra.

"Song of War, Chapter 3: Mountain Slicing Blade!"

Ryu's sword became engulfed in crimson flames, his attack precision honed by his Sharingan. With a swift and precise slash, he severed the necks of the Rain traitors.

Blood sprayed from their severed necks as their bodies convulsed uncontrollably, collapsing lifeless to the ground. Rin stood in awe, witnessing the devastating power of Ryu's Fire-style technique. Kakashi, having seen his father perform a similar technique with Lightning Style, marveled at Ryu's mastery.

Kakashi: "The mission is complete."

Ryu: "I suppose you both have the scrolls with you?"

Shinobi: "Yes, we each have our respective scrolls."

Ryu: "Wait here until our captain arrives, and then you may leave."

After a short while, Minato and Obito arrived, their eyes widening at the sight of the headless corpses.

Minato: "Why are they dead?"

Kakashi and the scroll keepers explained the situation to Minato, detailing how Ryu had swiftly dispatched the traitors to protect the scrolls. Impressed by Ryu's efficiency and clean execution, Minato praised him for his remarkable work.

Ryu nodded humbly, acknowledging Minato's praise.

Minato stood before Hokage Hiruzen, accompanied by his team members, as he passionately recounted the details of their recent mission. He explained how they had successfully completed the C-rank mission and secured the scrolls, but due to the unexpected confrontation with the Rain Shinobi, he believed the mission's difficulty warranted a higher rank.

Minato: "Hokage-sama, I propose that the mission's rank be elevated from C to A. The Rain Shinobi we encountered were skilled and posed a significant threat, and it required the combined efforts of our entire team to overcome them. I believe the mission's importance and the level of danger we faced warrants a higher classification."

Hiruzen listened intently to Minato's proposal, taking into account the gravity of the situation and the team's performance. After a moment of consideration, he nodded in agreement.

Hiruzen: "Very well, Minato. Your team's actions and achievements deserve recognition. I will personally raise the mission's rank to A and ensure that the appropriate acknowledgments are made. You've done well, Team Minato."

As the meeting progressed, Danzo, who had been silently observing from a distance, couldn't help but feel a strong desire for Ryu's power and Sharingan. He had heard rumors of the young Uchiha's exceptional abilities and his swift rise to prominence within Team Minato. The thought of harnessing Ryu's talents for his own purposes began to consume him.

Danzo: (whispers to himself) "Such potential… That Sharingan could be a powerful asset to our village. These Uchiha they are wasting them."

Hiruzen: "Alright, Team Minato, you will have three days of rest. Ryu, it's impressive that you have taken on both an S-rank and an A-rank mission simultaneously. You've earned some well-deserved rest."

Obito, Rin, and Kakashi exchanged surprised glances, amazed by Ryu's accomplishments. They couldn't help but feel a mix of admiration and curiosity towards their talented teammate.