Shisui's Sharingan

Shisui's practice with body flicker technique and his impressive skills with the sword had earned him a reputation among the other Jonin in Konoha. They admired the twins' speed and kenjutsu prowess and recognized Ryu as someone approaching Jonin-level abilities, even at such a young age.

As Shisui embarked on the C-rank escort mission towards the Land of Hot Springs, he was confident in his abilities but also eager to prove himself further. Little did he know that the mission would take an unexpected and tragic turn.

During their journey through the bushy forest via Tanigakure, a war enthusiast disguised as a iwa ninja suddenly appeared before them. Before Shisui could react, the rogue struck swiftly and lethally, killing one of Shisui's comrades before anyone could intervene.

Shisui's new Jonin sensei, caught off guard by the rogue's unexpected appearance and ruthless attack, found himself unable to respond in time. The situation escalated rapidly, leaving Shisui to witness the loss of his friend and mentor.

Fueled by grief and anger, Shisui felt a surge of power within him. The sorrowful emotions awakened his Sharingan, and a single tomoe appeared in his eye. As the crimson tomoe spun, Shisui's vision became sharper, and he felt a new found sense of clarity and focus.

With his newly awakened Sharingan, Shisui took a defensive stance, prepared to face the rogue ninja who had caused such devastation. However, the enemy was cunning and skilled, and despite Shisui's efforts, he found himself struggling to keep up.

In the midst of the intense battle, Shisui's determination grew stronger. He drew upon his training and instincts, attempting to outmaneuver the rogue and protect his remaining comrades. However, the rogue's deadly techniques and surprise attacks kept Shisui on the defensive.

Ryu's words echoed in Shisui's mind, reminding him that every step of the journey was important. With his Sharingan, Shisui analyzed the rogue's movements and sought a strategic advantage. He waited for the opportune moment, and when it finally presented itself, he unleashed a swift and precise counterattack.

The rogue, caught off guard by Shisui's new found abilities, was momentarily stunned. Seizing the opportunity, Shisui unleashed a combination of his kenjutsu skills and Sharingan-enhanced speed, landing a powerful blow on the rogue and incapacitating him.

Though wounded and grieving for their fallen comrade, Shisui's determination and awakened Sharingan had turned the tide of the battle. The surviving members of the mission, in awe of Shisui's new found strength, paid their respects to their fallen friend and acknowledged Shisui's bravery and skill in protecting them.

As they returned to Konoha, Shisui understood that his journey was far from over. The Sharingan had unlocked a new level of power within him, but he knew he had much to learn and master. With the memory of his fallen friend driving him forward, Shisui vowed to continue training and honing his abilities, striving to become a shinobi worthy of his clan's legacy and his brother's praise.

@ Uchiha district

Kazuki: "Ha, your brother awakened his Sharingan at five, and now you at seven. What a blessing! Now it is my job to properly teach both of you the wonders of genjutsu."

Shisui returned home after meeting the Hokage to report what happened in the forest.

Kazuki: "Boy, come here. Don't be sad. You have awakened your Sharingan, so it is time to embrace your true potential."

Shisui: "But Grandpa, one of my friends died, and my sensei is severely injured. I can't shake off the sadness."

Just then, Ryu arrived from Uchiha training, utilizing the Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu, a technique that made him almost unstoppable due to his high chakra regeneration rate.

Ryu: "Hey, what happened Shisui? Why are you sad?"

Shisui showed his Sharingan to Ryu.

Ryu: "Ah, so you awakened it. I can tell something important must have happened."

Ryu's understanding and perceptive nature made Shisui feel relieved. Despite the tragedy, he felt comforted knowing that Ryu could empathize with his feelings.

Shisui: "Yes, it's been tough. One of our comrades lost their life, and our sensei got hurt during a mission. I wish I could have done more."

Ryu: "Losing someone is never easy. But remember, your Sharingan holds great potential. Use it to become stronger and protect those you care about. That's what I'll do too."

Shisui felt a sense of camaraderie with Ryu. Both of them had awakened their Sharingan through painful experiences, but they also shared the determination to grow stronger and protect their loved ones.

Kazuki observed the two young Uchiha, proud of their resilience and determination. He knew that their journey had just begun, and he would do his best to guide them and help them unlock the full potential of their powerful eyes. The Uchiha clan's legacy of strength and power would continue to thrive in the hands of Shisui and Ryu.

Shisui nodded, his emotions still raw from the recent events.

Kazuki, the elder Uchiha, approached them, his eyes gentle but firm.

Kazuki: "Shisui, Ryu is right. The Sharingan brings both power and responsibility. It's not just about mastering genjutsu, but also about using your abilities to protect and defend."

Shisui looked up at his grandfather, a mix of determination and grief in his eyes.

Shisui: "I know, Grandpa. I will work hard and train diligently. I won't let my friend's sacrifice be in vain."

Kazuki smiled warmly, placing a reassuring hand on Shisui's shoulder.

Kazuki: "That's the spirit, Shisui. You have the potential to be a great shinobi, and with the Sharingan, you can achieve great things. But remember, power is not everything. Use it wisely and for the Uchiha

Ryu, standing beside them, "damn Uchiha supremeist".

Ryu: "Right. Our abilities are tools to protect and preserve peace, not to cause harm or bring sorrow. We have to be strong for ourselves and for others."

Shisui took a deep breath, feeling the support of his family.

Shisui: "Thank you, Grandpa, Ryu. I will do my best to become a shinobi that everyone can rely on."

Kazuki patted Shisui's back, showing his approval.

Kazuki: "I have faith in both you and Ryu. Train hard, and don't forget the values of our clan."

The next morning, Ryu sat down to drink a bottle of milk before starting his intense training in his self-created kenjutsu style, the Song of War.

Shisui, intrigued by Ryu's training, decided to join him in practicing the basic Uchiha Sun Dance Halo kenjutsu.

Ryu explained to Shisui that the Song of War was derived from the Uchiha Sword Art: Fire Possession technique, and he was determined to perfect it to become a lethal force on the battlefield.

Ryu focused on creating a technique so powerful that it would leave victims unable to regenerate even with the forbidden Mitotic Regeneration jutsu due to the intense heat generated by the blade.

With his mastery of Swift Release, Ryu knew that the speed and momentum behind the blade filled with crimson flames would be unstoppable.

Ryu proudly listed the various techniques he had developed so far as part of the SONG OF WAR kenjutsu:

- Chapter 1: Void Splitting Slash

- Chapter 2: 15 Steps of Amaterasu

- Chapter 3: Mountain Slicing Blade

- Chapter 4: Bone Blaze

- Chapter 5: Dragon thrust

- Chapter 6: Eclipse Sun

- Chapter 7: Soul Blaze

- Chapter 8: 30 Steps of Amaterasu

- Chapter 9: Crimson Field

Shisui was in Awe.