Fuinjutsu and Genjutsu

After the incident of the lost towers, the entire team forget about the people who have visited from the future except Ryu.

After going to Konoha, the team got it's A rank mission distributed.

Ryu: "Sensei, will you teach me anything?"

Minato: "What do you want to learn, Ryu?"

Ryu: "For the next three months, I want to focus on Genjutsu and seals."

Minato: "While I can't help you much with Genjutsu, I can definitely teach you about seals. In fact, I have the perfect person in mind to help you."

Ryu: "Who, sensei?"

Minato: "Your Oneechan, Kushina, is the Grandmaster of seals in Konohagakure."

Ryu: "Really? That's amazing! I knew she was skilled, but I didn't realize she was the Grandmaster."

Minato: "Yes, she's incredibly talented and knowledgeable when it comes to seals. You're lucky to have her as your sister."

Ryu: "I definitely am. I've always looked up to her, and learning from her would be an honor."

Minato: "I'm sure she'll be thrilled to teach you. Just let her know about your interest in seals, and I'm sure she'll be more than happy to help."

[Later, at the Uzumaki residence in the Senju district]

Kushina hugs Minato warmly, not noticing Ryu's presence at first.

Ryu's aura changes, feeling a bit left out.

Kushina notices Ryu and immediately steps back.

Ryu: "Kushina Onee-chan, when are you and sensei getting married?"

Minato: "It's not like that, Ryu."

Ryu: "I give my full acceptance, 100 percent."

Kushina blushes heavily at Ryu's teasing remark.

Kushina: "Thank you, Ryu." She then hugs him tightly, grateful for his approval.

Minato chuckles

Kushina: "So, what do you want to eat today?"

Minato and Ryu exchange glances, knowing about Kushina's lack of culinary skills.

Ryu: "To honor the acceptance, I think I should be the one to cook today."

Minato: "Ryu, do you know how to cook?"

Ryu: "Since our parents passed away, I've been cooking for my brother."

Kushina: "One day, you must invite your brother over. I'd love to meet him."

Ryu: "Sure, Onee-chan."

Ryu then cooks a delicious curry, knowing Kushina's appetite well. He makes more than necessary, wanting to impress her with his cooking skills.

As the food is served hot and tasty, Kushina absolutely loves it, much to Minato's surprise and delight.

After helping with the dishes,

The trio sat down,

Minato "Ryu is interested in seals, he want to learn seals properly, so we came here to seek you guidance."

Kushina "Ryu, from tomorrow, be here at 6 am, i will talk to hokage to temporary switch teams with team minato and join team Kushina."

As planed,

Ryu arrived at the Uzumaki residence promptly at 6 am, eager to begin his training with Kushina.

Ryu: "Onee-chan, I came as per your instructions."

Kushina, still looking a bit sleepy, opened the door.

Kushina: "Oh, Ryu, you're here. Come inside, just give me a moment to freshen up, and then we can start the training. In the meantime, why don't you familiarize yourself with these Calligraphy symbols?"

Ryu: "Sure, Onee-chan."

With his Sharingan activated, Ryu began studying the Calligraphy symbols carefully. He already had some knowledge of seals, but he knew that the Uzumaki sealing style was unique and more potent.

As Kushina returned, she found Ryu deeply focused on the symbols.

Kushina: "Impressive, Ryu. You're already diving into the Calligraphy. I can see you're serious about learning."

Ryu: "I want to master Uzumaki sealing techniques. It will make me stronger."

Kushina: "You have the potential, Ryu. Sealing is a powerful art, and I believe you can excel in it."

Ryu: "I won't stop until I've learned everything you can teach me, Onee-chan."

Kushina: "Great job, Ryu! You've quickly grasped the basics. Now, let's move on to some more intermediate techniques."

Over the next few days, Ryu continued his training with Kushina, learning various intermediate sealing techniques. They worked on perfecting:

Chakra Binding Trap,

Chakra Draining Seal,

Chakra Point Seal,

Four Symbols Seal,

Contract Seal.

Each day, Ryu's skills and understanding of seals improved significantly. He dedicated himself wholeheartedly to the training, absorbing every piece of knowledge that Kushina shared with him.

Kushina: "You're a natural, Ryu. I can see the potential in you. You're mastering these seals faster than most."

Ryu: "Thank you, Onee-chan. Your guidance is invaluable."

Kushina smiled warmly, proud of her brother's progress.

Kushina: "Now, let's work on something special. It's time to learn a sealing technique that will enhance your swordsmanship."

Ryu's eyes lit up with curiosity and excitement.

The next day,

Since Kushina and Shisui got a mission Ryu and team was all alone

Ryu: "Gramps, since we don't have any missions today, can you teach me some Genjutsu?"

Kazuki: "Haha, sure thing, Ryu. Let's see how strong your Sharingan really is. Genjutsu: Mist!"

Ryu activated his Sharingan in response, but he seemed unaffected.

Ryu: "Wait, Gramps, I don't see any mist at all."

Kazuki: "Impressive! Your Sharingan is indeed powerful. Let's try something else then. Demonic Illusion: Descending Hell Technique!"

For a moment, Ryu saw a huge fireball coming towards him, but it vanished just as quickly.

Ryu: "Whoa, that was intense! But I managed to break free from it."

Kazuki: "You have a natural talent for Genjutsu, Ryu. Here, take these scrolls. They contain some powerful techniques."

Ryu opened the scroll to find a list of Genjutsu techniques.

Ryu: "Wow, there are so many! I can't wait to learn and master them all."

Kazuki: "Take your time, Ryu. Genjutsu requires finesse and control. Practice them well, and you'll become a formidable Genjutsu user."

As Kushina was away on a mission, Ryu focused all his attention on learning Genjutsu and refining his sealing skills. He would practice the techniques diligently, experimenting with different variations and combinations. With each passing day, Ryu could feel his Genjutsu getting stronger and more refined.

Ryu: "Gramps, this is amazing! Genjutsu is so fascinating, and I can see its potential in battle."

Kazuki: "Indeed, Ryu. Genjutsu can be a powerful tool if used strategically. With your Sharingan and your intelligence, you can become a master of illusions."

Ryu: "Thank you, Gramps, for teaching me all this. I will make sure to make the Uchiha clan proud with my Genjutsu skills."

Kazuki: "I have no doubt about that, Ryu. Keep practicing and honing your abilities. I can see a bright future ahead of you."

With Kazuki's guidance and the scrolls he provided, Ryu delved deeper into the world of Genjutsu. He spent hours perfecting his techniques, understanding the intricacies of illusions, and learning to control the minds of his opponents. As he continued his training, he knew that he was on the path to becoming a formidable shinobi, one who could use both his Sharingan and his sealing skills to protect his loved ones and uphold the legacy of the Uchiha clan.

Ryu opened the scroll,

Demonic Illusion: Descending Hell Technique

Demonic Illusion: Double False Surroundings Technique

Demonic Illusion: False Surroundings Technique

Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique

Demonic Illusion: Mirror Heaven and Earth Change

Demonic Illusion: Shackling Stakes Technique

Genjutsu: Sharingan

While Kushina gone to mission,

Ryu focused on genjutsu and sealing, while he had mission to, he only relied on genjutsu, to strengthen it.

Ryu: "These Genjutsu techniques are fascinating. I can't wait to start learning and mastering them."

Kazuki: "Genjutsu is a powerful art, Ryu. With your Sharingan, you have a natural advantage in casting illusions. But remember, it takes a lot of practice and finesse to use them effectively."

Ryu: "I'm up for the challenge, Gramps. I want to become a skilled Genjutsu user like you."

Kazuki: "That's the spirit. Alright, let's begin with the Demonic Illusion: Descending Hell Technique. This one is particularly useful for incapacitating opponents."

Ryu: "Got it. Show me the hand signs and explain the chakra flow."

As Ryu delved into his Genjutsu training, he found himself captivated by the intricacies of each technique. He practiced diligently, focusing on perfecting his chakra control and honing his ability to cast illusions that felt real to the senses. With each passing day, his skills improved, and he could see the progress he was making.

Ryu: "The Demonic Illusion: False Surroundings Technique seems interesting. It could be handy for misdirection and confusion."

While Ryu trained in Genjutsu, he also continued his studies in sealing, seeking to create his own unique techniques. He experimented with different combinations and patterns, trying to find the perfect balance of power and control.

As Ryu returned from a mission assigned by Hiruzen from Team Minato, he was approached by Anbu Cat.

Cat: "Ryu Uchiha, you are summoned by the Hokage."

Curious, Ryu didn't waste any time and immediately went to see the Hokage.

Hiruzen: "Ryu, we have a problem. All the Yamanaka members are participating in the battalion, so we need help with interrogation. There's a Kumo ninja who's ready for war, but we lack skilled Uchiha Jonin due to their involvement in the war."

Ryu could sense the ill intentions of Danzo in the matter.

Ryu: "Hokage-sama, you don't need to ask; you can order me to do it. I will never question your commands."

Hiruzen was impressed by Ryu's loyalty and activated his Sharingan to view the target.

Using his Uchiha skills, Ryu summoned stringed kunai from his hands and expertly tied the Kumo shinobi to a pillar.

Ryu: "Hokage-sama, the target is conscious, and he is listening to our conversation."

The tied Kumo ninja opened his eyes and realized he had been exposed.

Kumo Ninja: "Damn, how could a mere brat see through my act?"

Ryu turned to him, his Sharingan still active: "Because I am an Uchiha. Know your place, you fool."

The Kumo ninja's arrogance quickly dropped.

With his killing intent exerted, Ryu further intensified his presence.

Ryu focused his Sharingan: 'Genjutsu.'

Ryu began the interrogation.

Ryu: "What is your name?"

Under the influence of the Genjutsu, the Kumo ninja answered Ryu's questions like a puppet.

Kumo Ninja: "Hiroki Raizan."

Ryu: "Hiroki, what is Kumo's plan in the 3rd Ninja War?"

Hiroki: "We have two perfect Jinchuriki. With their power, we plan to dominate all the shinobi nations and their resources. By weakening Iwa and Konoha, we can easily manipulate Kiri and Suna and claim their resources as well."

Koharu: "What a terrible plan."

Ryu: "Do you know the plans of Iwa in this war?"

Hiroki: "No, only the higher-ranking Cloud shinobi know."

Hiruzen: "What? All we know is their objective, and what do you mean by 'higher clouds'?"

Ryu: "If I may share my thoughts, Hokage?"

Hiruzen: "Of course, my child. Go ahead."

Ryu: "I believe 'higher clouds' refers to the higher-ranking ninja in the village. Since only the higher clouds can produce lightning, they must be the ones privy to such information."

Homura: "Way to go, genius."

Danzo: "Indeed, he is the descendant of Kagami Uchiha."

Koharu: "Did Kagami have a child in the first place?"

Ryu: "I apologize for intervening in the esteemed elders' conversation, but my paternal grandparent is Uchiha Kagami."

Koharu was a bit disappointed, because she had a severe crush on Kagami, but because of Danzo, Kagami died, seeing his heir, Koharu wanted to be in the good side of Ryu.

Hiruzen: "Ryu, the task is complete. You may go."

Ryu: "Thank you, Hokage-sama."

Ryu returned home, thinking about the upcoming Battle of Kannabi Bridge. He knew he had to prepare as quickly as possible.

Hiruzen thought to himself, "What a promising Uchiha, but he is still an Uchiha after all."

Homura: "Did you see the young Uchiha? Is he really that capable?"

Danzo: "That's why I've been insisting to have him in the Anbu."

Hiruzen: "I've already decided. Ryu will be under the Hokage's command, a capable Anbu, and I have big plans for him."

As Ryu arrived home, he saw Shisui.

Ryu: "Hey, Shisui."

Shisui: "Ryu, did you start practicing Genjutsu without me?"

Ryu: "Yeah, I had a lot of free time, so I decided to learn some."

Shisui: "Mind sparing some time to practice with me?"

Ryu: "Sure."

After lunch, Shisui went to sleep, and Ryu created 20 clones to practice advanced Fuinjutsu seals.

Determined to master lightning-style jutsu, Ryu focused on learning Chidori. He created five clones to gather chakra and practice the technique.

After days of relentless training, Ryu finally mastered Chidori.

Ryu thought to himself with excitement, "Chidori - Swift Release - Sharingan!!! The speed of a normal Chidori is already impressive, but when combined with Swift Release and Sharingan... ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!" he chuckled to himself, realizing the immense power he now possessed.