War with Sunagakure


The tension was palpable as the Third Shinobi World War raged on, with Sunagakure and Kirigakure sending puppets and reinforcements to the front lines. To minimize casualties, Konoha decided to deploy Chunin-level genins to the battlefield.

Surprisingly, Asuma Sarutobi was reassigned to the Twelve Guardian Ninja, leaving behind a mixture of 20 genins and 30 Chunins nominated based on intelligence reports. The commander of the battalion was none other than Choza Akimichi, the head of the Akimichi clan.

As Konoha was located centrally among the villages, the division of Jonins among the nations became a source of tension. Due to the vast number of shinobi involved in the war, the pressure on Konohagakure was immense.

To his surprise, Ryu Uchiha's name was called to join the battlefield. Ryu was shocked by the sudden summons, and he knew Choza well from their previous mission during the Lost Towers incident. This familiarity provided some comfort, but the weight of being involved in a war at such a young age was undeniable.

After the announcement, Ryu hurried home to share the news with Shisui and Kazuki. They were equally shocked and saddened by the fact that an eight-year-old would be going to the battlefield. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on their hearts.

Kazuki: "Ryu, I know the risks of war, but sending an 8-year-old to the battlefield..."

Seeing Shisui's worried expression, Ryu smiled to ease his tension.

Ryu: "I am an Uchiha, Gramps. It is normal for us to be involved in such conflicts."

Ryu decided to prepare himself as much as possible for the upcoming battle. He created twenty shadow clones and sealed seventy kunai, forty shuriken, an extra sword, and double explosion seals for the fight. He also hid chakra binding and paralyzing seals, intending to use them strategically during the war, perhaps even taking important enemy personnel, like Chiyo, hostage.

The next day at 5 am, Ryu arrived at the battalion and joined his fellow shinobi.

Choza: "Uchiha Ryu, I need you to be in the frontlines. Your Kenjutsu skills will give the 2nd Battalion a head start."

Ryu: "Yes, Commander."

Choza assigned specific positions to each member, and they were accompanied by five medics from the medic corps to support the 2nd Battalion.

As they took their positions, some of the younger genin began to feel overwhelmed, and a few even shed tears.

Choza: "Let's move to the battlefield."

The 2nd Battalion marched forward, and soon, they encountered Suna's forces, both sides poised for the impending clash.

As the battle began, Ryu took the lead for his battalion. Using his "Song of War Ch 6: Eclipse Sun" jutsu, he emitted a powerful heat wave towards the first members of Suna, severely injuring them. With his allies behind him, they capitalized on the opportunity he created, gaining an upper hand in the battle.

Ryu: "Keep pushing forward! Don't let up!"

As the chaos of the battlefield unfolded, Ryu remained on guard, scanning the skies for any aerial attacks. His Sharingan was activated, ready to react to any threats.

Chiyo: "Such a young Uchiha boy on the battlefield. You have no idea what you're getting yourself into!"

Ryu: "I know exactly what I'm doing."

Chiyo attempted to unleash a barrage of kunai attacks with paper bombs, but Ryu was quick to react. Utilizing his swift release, he took to the air and countered her attack with the powerful "Fire Release: Great Fire Annihilation."

Ryu: "Wind Style: Immense Wind Breakthrough!"

He directed some of the kunai back towards the opposing battalion, causing further chaos among their ranks.

As Ryu continued to fight, he conservatively managed his chakra, knowing he couldn't afford to exhaust himself completely. His Taijutsu skills, combined with his Sharingan and swift release, proved to be a formidable combination on the battlefield.

Renu: "You're doing great, Ryu!"

Shiro: "Keep it up, don't let them catch a breath!"

With the enemy forces dwindling, Ryu sensed that Chiyo was among the last opponents standing. He had prepared a genjutsu and sealing technique specifically for her.

Ryu: "Commander, please allow me to take on Chiyo. I have a plan."

Choza: "You sure about this, Ryu? She's a seasoned veteran."

Ryu: "I have confidence in my abilities, and I'm ready."

Shiro: "He's right, Choza. Ryu's Kenjustu and Genjutsu skills are exceptional."

Choza finally relented and allowed Ryu to confront Chiyo. As Ryu faced the puppeteer, she expressed her grudge against all Uchiha, but Ryu remained stoic and determined.

Ryu: "I don't seek death, but I won't back down either."

He unleashed his "Song of War Chapter 8: 30 Steps of Amaterasu" and genjutsu, Ryu: "Demonic Illusion: Shackling Stakes Technique!"

trapping Chiyo in a nightmarish illusion of impaling iron nails.

Chiyo struggled, but Ryu swiftly activated his paralyzing and chakra-draining seals, rendering her immobile and weak.

Ryu: "Your puppetry won't save you now."

The news of Ryu's success spread quickly, and the 2nd Battalion hailed him as a war hero for capturing the skilled Puppet Brigade member.

Medic Team Member: "I can't believe he actually captured Chiyo!"

Another Medic Team Member: "This changes everything in the war!"

Ryu had proved his worth on the battlefield, and his actions would have a lasting impact on the course of the war. The young Uchiha had shown remarkable skill and courage, earning the respect and admiration of his comrades.

As the news of Ryu's victory over Chiyo spread, the morale among the 2nd Battalion soared.

The young Uchiha had demonstrated exceptional skill and bravery, earning the respect and admiration of his fellow shinobi.

Many were in awe of his talent, and some even saw him as a symbol of hope for the future of Konoha.

Choza: "Well done, Ryu! You've proven yourself to be a valuable asset to our battalion."

Ryu: "Thank you, Commander. I'm honored to have served alongside all of you."

Shiro: "You truly are a force to be reckoned with, Ryu. Your mastery of genjutsu and sealing is incredible."

Ryu: "I owe it to the training and support I received from my clan and Minato Sensei."

Choza: "Your clan and Minato should be proud to have someone like you."

As they returned to Konoha, news of Chiyo's capture spread like wildfire, and everyone in the village was in awe of Ryu's accomplishment.

Hiruzen: "Choza, you did an outstanding job in the battle, and Ryu, your bravery and skill have proven to be invaluable to our forces."

Choza: "Hokage sama, it was Ryu who single-handedly fought and captured Elder Chiyo using his sealing techniques. He is a remarkable shinobi."

As the praises and congratulations poured in, Ryu couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and gratitude towards his clan and Minato Sensei for their guidance and support.

Just then, Kushina arrived, having heard of Ryu's feat. She rushed over and enveloped him in a tight hug, her eyes filled with pride and love.

Kushina: "Ryu, I knew you would do great things, but capturing Chiyo! You've made us all so proud!"

Ryu smiled warmly, grateful for his sister's encouragement and support.

Ryu: "Thank you, Onee-chan. Your belief in me means a lot."

Hiruzen was very happy of Ryu's accomplishments and raised Ryu's rank to Chunin at the same time Kakashi's rank to Jonin.