The Summoning contract

Upon their return to Konoha, Team Minato and Kushina couldn't shake off the heavy cloud of depression that enveloped them.

Kakashi, known for his unwavering adherence to the rules, couldn't escape the overwhelming guilt he felt over Obito's death. He blamed himself for following the rules too rigidly and believed that it had cost his friend his life.

Meanwhile, Rin was tormented by feelings of weakness and self-blame. She couldn't help but carry the burden of Obito's demise on her shoulders, feeling responsible for the tragedy that had occurred. Her tears were a poignant reflection of the grief she bore in her heart.

In the midst of their sorrow, Jiraiya arrived and encouraged Minato to take on the position of the Fourth Hokage.

As the Uchiha clan gathered for a meeting during the full moon at the base of the Uchiha clan's Naka shrine, the topic of nominating a new Hokage arose.

Uchiha Kuko suggested that the clan nominate their own clan head for the Hokage's seat.

Even Uchiha Fugaku, who wasn't particularly interested in becoming Hokage, faced pressure from the persistent members of the clan.

Ryu, sitting among them, raised his voice.

Ryu: "Clan Head, I have something important to share."

Shisui attentively listened to Ryu's words.

Fugaku: "Sure, Ryu. I'm eager to hear what you have to say. Congratulations on being the youngest person to enter the Bingo Book and for unlocking the three tomoe."

The Uchiha clan members were taken aback by this information.

Ryu: "Thank you, Clan Head. I have credible information from the Hokage's desk."

Curiosity spread among the Uchiha members.

Ryu had a knack for manipulation and persuasion, as he had knowledge from his past life. He knew how to sway people with his words.

Ryu: "Minato Namikaze is the Fourth Hokage. It was confirmed by the Third Hokage three years ago, and Minato himself recently shared this information with me."

Taga Uchiha: "Damn the Hokage! They don't care about the well being of the Uchiha clan."

Ryu: "On the contrary, you have the Fourth's student, the Divine Dragon. The Uchiha clan is about to enter a most prosperous period of time."

The Uchiha members began to feel reassured.

Fugaku: "Ryu, well done. Don't let down the Uchiha. You are the pride of our clan and a valued shinobi of the Leaf."

Meanwhile, Minato was on a different mission, and Kakashi was leading Team 7, responsible for the Mist Shinobi peace treaty.

The members of Team 7 were:

Hatake Kakashi

Uchiha Ryu

Nohara Rin

After successfully completing the treaty formation, they were attacked by Mist Shinobi near the Land of Waves.

Rin was kidnapped by the Hidden Mist under the influence of Uchiha Madara.

Using the Flying Thunder God technique, Ryu marked Rin beforehand teleported to her location, finding her unconscious.

Mist Shinobi: "Halt! He is the Divine Dragon! Fellow Mist Shinobi, prepare to attack!"

However, Ryu with a single glance made Mist Shinobi fell into a Genjutsu and made them unconscious as Rin.

Ryu noticed a massive three-tailed beast nearby.

Ryu: "Isobu!"

The tailed beast stirred from its slumber.

Isobu: "How do you know my name, child?"

Ryu Activated his Sharingan to show off

Ryu: "Do not refer to me as a child. I am the descendant of Hagoromo Otsutsuki, your father. Hence, we are relatives, though most of my clan is unaware of it."

Isobu: "Indeed, that holds true for all nine tailed beasts in existence."

Ryu: "Isobu, if you desire peace, I know of a place where you can be free from humans, a trusted location of your father—Mount Myoboku, the Toads' realm."

Isobu: "You are wise, lad. I never considered that place all these years."

Ryu: "Isobu, I can take you there, but under one condition."

Isobu was curious of words which is going to come out of Ryu.

Ryu: "A summoning contract will suffice."

Isobu: "What?! How could a mere human make a summoning contract for a tailed beast like me?"

Ryu: "Show some respect, Isobu. It is a gesture of courtesy. All tailed beasts desire freedom, and with this contract, I can summon you at will. You can experience the world, join me in battles and adventures whenever you wish."

Isobu: "Apologies. I was too hasty to refuse such an offer, especially one that grants freedom and security."

Ryu activated his Sharingan and asked, "Are you ready, Isobu?"

Ryu knew the sealing coordinates of Mount Myoboku as he had seen the seal during his time with Minato while learning the Flying Thunder God technique.

With the help of six shadow clones, Ryu expanded a massive scroll and began drawing the new structure of the summoning contract for Isobu.

Isobu willingly provided his blood, which Ryu used to create the entire framework of the contract.

After two hours of meticulous work, Isobu and his blood resonated with Mount Myoboku, and he was now readily accessible to be summoned at Ryu's will.

Ryu fulfilled his promise to Isobu and completed the summoning contract.

Meanwhile, Zetsu reported only necessary information to Uchiha Madara and kept him unaware of the knowledge Ryu possessed.

Isobu vanished, and Ryu continued to follow the events as per the plot.

Madara was impressed that someone worthy had appeared in the Uchiha clan who is elegible to dance with him after Hashirama

In the past, Madara himself had been the summoner of the Nine Tails, the strongest tailed beast. He had briefly considered the Three Tails due to its water abilities and movement speed, but his obsession with being the strongest had clouded his judgment.

However, he now had a dilemma concerning the Three Tails.

Madara ordered Black Zetsu to use a powerful genjutsu on Rin, making her believe she was the host of the Three Tails.

As events unfolded, Rin tragically died at the hands of Kakashi, witnessed by Uchiha Obito. The intense sorrow and guilt led both Kakashi and Obito to awaken the Mangekyou Sharingan.

Amidst all the chaos, Ryu approached Kakashi, deeply concerned about Rin's fate.

Ryu: "Kakashi, what happened? What happened to Rin?"

Kakashi, tears streaming down his face, confessed, "I killed Rin."

Minato and Kushina, equally worried for Kakashi, rushed to comfort him.

Ryu couldn't help but blame himself for the tragedy, saying, "Minato sensei, Kakashi, Kushina Onee-chan, I think it's my fault."

Minato: "What do you mean, Ryu?"

Ryu: "While I was searching for Rin on a separate island, I unexpectedly encountered the Three Tails. My curiosity got the better of me, and I ended up making a summoning contract with the great beast. I got distracted and lost track of my original mission to find Rin."

Kushina was shocked by the revelation, "You made a summoning contract with a tailed beast?"

Ryu: "Summoning jutsu!"

In an instant, Ryu summoned a miniature version of the Three Tails before them.

Ryu: "Onee-chan, meet Isobu, the great Three Tails."

Isobu questioned Ryu's summoning, "Ryu, why are you summoning me now?"

Ryu: "I wanted to introduce you to my sensei, Onee-chan, and my teammate."

Isobu politely greeted them, "I am the great Three Tails. Nice to meet you all."

Minato, taken aback, couldn't help but ask, "Ryu, can you also summon Isobu at a larger scale?"

Ryu: "Technically, yes sensei. I can summon him at his prime. Currently, he's in Mount Myoboku, absorbing nature's energy. All thanks to you sensei, i saw the summoning scroll for the Mount Myoboku and memorized it's location with my sharingan, I customized it according to summoning contract and adjusted to according to Isobu's chakra level."

Isobu, appreciating Ryu's actions, stated, "I am indebted to Ryu. I will grant any of his wishes."

Minato and Kushina began to realize the magnitude of Ryu's abilities.

News of these events quickly spread to the elder's council.

The next morning, Minato reported all the events to the council.

The council members were astonished, recognizing Ryu as a potential ticking time bomb with the power to cause significant impact at any given moment.