Interrogation and Improvements.

@ the Hokage's office

As Minato began sharing the mission details, the expressions on the faces of the council members changed drastically.

Danzo: "Summon Uchiha Ryu to the council. We need to question him."

Minato: "No need, Danzo-sama. I brought my student with me. He's waiting outside."

Hiruzen, contemplating the situation, thought to himself, 'We already possess the Nine Tails under Kushina and now, the Three Tails under Ryu. If this information leaks, Kirigakure will not accept it. But it was Kirigakure's betrayal in the first place.'

Minato: "Ryu, come inside. The council is waiting for your explanation."

Shikaku Nara, the Nara clan head and adviser to the Hokage, sighed, "What a drag."

Danzo: "Uchiha Ryu, you and your teammate Kakashi went to search for Rin Nohara. However, instead of finding Rin, you encountered the Three Tails."

Ryu: "Yes, may I continue, Hokage-sama?"

Hiruzen nodded, noticing Ryu's lack of respect towards Danzo.

Ryu explained, "While I was searching for Rin, I found the Three Tails trapped under Kiri's water seal. I removed the seal, and to my surprise, the Three Tails thanked me. I asked it to come with me, but it declined. So, I created a summoning contract to grant it freedom like other animals and prevent it from being trapped by humans. The Three Tails willingly accepted the contract."

Danzo demanded, "Hand over that dangerous summoning scroll."

Ryu responded, "Danzo-sama, I apologize, but the Three Tail's summoning scroll resides within its stomach. It wanted me to be its sole summoner."

Danzo accused, "Do not lie, brat."

Ryu confidently stated, "Hokage-sama, I assure you I'm not lying. You can verify my memories through the Yamanaka clan if needed."

Hiruzen thought, 'I won't let a high-quality seedling like Ryu hate the Leaf because of Danzo's wishes.'

Hiruzen trusted Ryu's words and said, "No need, Ryu. Genzo, my Anbu, confirms what Ryu said is true."

Minato felt relieved knowing Ryu was telling the truth.

Danzo questioned, "How do you know what Ryu said is true?"

Hiruzen explained, "Genzo is a Yamanaka, skilled at distinguishing truth from lies."

Danzo insisted, "Summon the Three Tails and show us."

Ryu requested, "Hokage-sama, can I summon him outside?"

Hiruzen agreed, "Very well, summon him."

Ryu opened the window and Jumped outside in the air he summoned the full-sized Isobu.

Isobu: "Ryu, what happened? Did you get sweets? Why did you summon me in this form?"

Ryu: "Great Three Tails, I wanted to show you to gain my leader's acceptance. Please introduce yourself to the Hokage."

The immense chakra fluctuation startled everyone, overwhelming the sensors.

Isobu: "I am the Great Three Tails. Greetings, Hokage."

Hiruzen was speechless.

Isobu: "You brat, I greeted you, but no one has greeted me yet."

Hiruzen laughed, "My apologies, Tailed Beast. I am Sarutobi Hiruzen, the current Hokage of Konohagakure."

Isobu: "Humph, Ryu, I will only obey you, not your leader. Please don't use me like this."

Isobu then minimized and perched on Ryu's shoulders.

Ryu returned to the Hokage's office and apologized, saying, "I'm sorry, Hokage-sama, if the Three Tails used any harsh words."

Danzo's eyes gleamed with greed as he recognized the exceptional shinobi that Ryu was.

Isobu, sensing Danzo's ill intentions, defended Ryu, saying, "That one-eyed brat shouldn't look at me and Ryu with such ill intentions."

Ryu quickly intervened, saying, "Please, Great Three Tails, he's always like that. De-summon yourself."

The important Jonins, along with Hiruzen and two of the elders, burst into laughter at Ryu's witty response, mocking Danzo.

Danzo, unable to say anything in response, left the place quietly.

Hiruzen praised Ryu for his accomplishments, noting the value of having the Three Tails as an asset and mentioning how Ryu's capture of Chiyo during the war was beneficial for Minato's negotiations.

Ryu humbly replied, "It's my duty to serve Konoha and lead us into the future."

Hiruzen noticed the strong will of fire within Ryu.

Hiruzen then brought up the topic of appointing a new Hokage, suggesting Namikaze Minato as the best choice.

Shikaku agreed wholeheartedly, stating, "It is indeed the best choice, Hokage-sama."

Hiruzen couldn't help but feel a tinge of regret for not obtaining Danzo's opinion, but he knew time was of the essence and they couldn't afford to form a council again.

Minato expressed his gratitude, saying, "Thank you, Hokage-sama. I will do my best to live up to your expectations."

After the meeting, Ryu returned home, carrying little Isobu with him.

Ryu playfully suggested, "What do you say, Isobu? Shall we become friends?"

Amused, Isobu replied, "Ha, you are so young for that."

Ryu playfully retorted, "Since you called me young, I'll call you 'Boku,' (which means 'young boy.')"

Isobu was taken aback, as he had always secretly wished to be called that.

Ryu knew Isobu's likes and dislikes well, and decided to treat him to the most delicious sweet available.

Hiding Isobu under his sword belt, Ryu bought three Tango sweets for him.

As Isobu joyfully savored the Tango sweets, Ryu made his way towards the Uchiha district.

Ryu "Isobu i am going to train in the forest for my fire mastery, i will see you later"

After Isobu vanished, Ryu headed to an open ground without any foliage. He got a bunch of dry leaves that could easily catch fire with his chakra.

Ryu then began to experiment with his fire chakra, trying to control it through his breath. He focused on the concept of fire, trying to manipulate it in various ways - more oxygen for blue fire, less oxygen for green fire, and normal oxygen for regular fire.

Concentrating his chakra in his fingers, Ryu spent five hours perfecting his ability to produce normal flames on command which burn on Chakra.

Soon, news reached Fugaku about Ryu's summoning of Isobu, and he was eager to hear about it firsthand. Ryu then returned home.

Kazuki greeted him, "Ha, Ryu! I heard you made a summoning contract with the three tails. How awesome! Just like Madara, but at the age of 9, how wonderful! The clan head is inside; he wishes to speak with you."

Fugaku welcomed Ryu, acknowledging, "You are the pride of the Uchiha."

Ryu replied humbly, "It is quite an honor to hear it directly from the elder and clan head."

Fugaku smiled, "Your mom and dad would be honored."

Ryu then shared his groundbreaking proposals, aiming to make the Uchiha clan prosperous and gain an upper hand among all the clans.

Fugaku was shocked and asked to hear the proposal.

Ryu's ideas included creating a system for Uchiha children, particularly those between the ages of 2 and 6, to spend time at the Uchiha training facility. He wanted them to have equal opportunities to develop their skills and receive guidance from elders and instructors.

Additionally, Ryu proposed that the women of the clan, who were currently at home free, engage in various businesses. He suggested starting Uchiha-owned shops like the Uchiha Sweets, Uchiha Bakery, Uchiha Udon, and contributing to the Konohagakure hospital.

Ryu believed that showcasing their talents through these businesses could improve the Uchiha clan's reputation, which had been damaged by Uchiha Madara's betrayal.

He emphasized that the Uchiha were naturally more talented than civilians and other clans, which would help them easily make money. Furthermore, he saw potential in using established Uchiha Police to maintain good profits, order and security in the village.

Fugaku was impressed and intrigued by Ryu's proposals. He saw the potential for the Uchiha to flourish and agreed to present these ideas at the next Shrine meeting and arrange funding for some of the Uchiha-owned shops in Konoha.