Ryu's Progress and Akari

Shisui: "Ryu, you've become a true pillar of the Uchiha in Konoha. I always wanted to be one too, but seeing how much awareness and dedication you have to improve our clan, I couldn't be happier for you. You're leading the Uchiha in the right direction."

Ryu: "Thanks, Shisui. It means a lot to me that you think that way. I just want to see our clan prosper and grow stronger."

Later, Ryu visited Kushina's house.

Ryu: "Onee-chan!"

Kushina: "Ryu! Welcome!"

Ryu: "Thank you, onee-chan."

Kushina was about to start cooking breakfast when Ryu took over and prepared egg cheese bread.

Kushina: "Wow, Ryu! If you cook like this for me, I'll get addicted!"

Minato: "Hey, I came in at the right time. Good morning, Ryu."

Ryu: "Morning, sensei. Want to eat?"

Minato had stayed over at Kushina's place, and while her cooking was improving, Ryu's culinary skills were simply heavenly.

Minato: "Sure, Ryu. You definitely have a talent for cooking."

In Ryu's past life, the orphanage warden's cooking was terrible, so from a young age, Ryu took it upon himself to cook for his fellow orphans. Over the years, he gained extensive experience in cooking, totaling around 13 to 14 years, which was more than enough to make him a skilled chef.

Kushina and Minato enjoyed their breakfast graciously.

Ryu: "So, sensei, when are you and onee-chan getting married?"

Minato and Kushina blushed, and it was evident that something might have happened between them last night.

Ryu: "Come on, sensei, I'm looking forward to teaching your baby."

Kushina felt a warm, brotherly bond with Ryu and appreciated him as a brother figure. She wanted to act as a motherly figure for him.

Minato: "We'll get married after I become Hokage."

Ryu: "Sure, that's a good idea."

Kushina: "Ugh, I'm so tired of daily routine."

Ryu: "How about we take a break and go on an adventure to the Land of Whirlpools?"

Minato: "It sounds like a great idea, but..." Minato and Ryu noticed Kushina's worried expression.

Ryu: "I'm sorry, Kushina onee. I didn't mean to bring up any traumatic memories."

As Ryu was about to leave, Kushina grabbed his hand.

Kushina: "No, Ryu, I think it's fate that you mentioned it. We should explore Uzushiogakure and see what my ancestors left behind."

Kushina said with a serious face and tone, causing Minato and Ryu to burst into laughter.

With her fiery red hair standing on end, she added, "I'm serious!" Minato and Ryu quickly composed themselves and agreed with Kushina's plan.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Kushina and Minato were in the middle of their meal, so Ryu decided to answer.

Ryu opened the door to find a girl with short red hair and green eyes, who appeared to be around his age.

Ryu: "This is the Uzumaki residence. How may I help you?"

Akari: "Who are you?"

Ryu: "Uchiha Ryu."

Akari: "What's a Uchiha clan member doing in the Senju clan district?"

Ryu, remaining cool and composed, replied, "I am not obliged to answer. If you don't have any business here, I suggest you find your way elsewhere."

Ryu closed the door, pondering if the girl might be a member of the Uzumaki clan due to her red hair.

Kushina: "Who was that, Ryu?"

Ryu: "Just a girl with beautiful hair, much like yours, onee."

Kushina blushed, surprised by Ryu's compliment.

Soon, there were three knocks on the door again.

Ryu opened it to find the same girl, who introduced herself as Uzumaki Akari.

Akari: "Nice to meet you, Ryu Uchiha."

Ryu, maintaining his cool demeanor, asked, "Are you acquainted with Kushina onee?"

Akari: "I bet I am. Can I come in?"

Ryu, seeking permission, asked Kushina if it was alright to let her in.

Kushina: "Sure, let her in, Ryu."

Ryu warmly invited Akari inside, saying, "Come in, Uzumaki."

Kushina greeted Akari, asking, "How did the academy go?"

Akari replied, "It was fine, Kushina onee."

Curiously, Akari whispered to Kushina, "Is he really Uchiha Ryu?"

Kushina, trying to understand Akari's impression of Ryu, inquired, "Well, what do you think of him?"

Blushing slightly, Akari admitted, "Well, he is good looking and all. In the academy, they say Ryu is a war hero."

Ryu excused himself, saying, "Sensei, I have to talk to Hokage-sama about a shop in Konoha. Bye, sensei and onee." He used the Flying Thunder God technique to teleport himself to the Hokage's mansion.

Minato, amazed by Ryu's mastery of the Flying Thunder God, commented, "He's already a master of the Flying Thunder God. I'll show him the teleportation pad when he visits next time."

Curious about Ryu's powers, Akari asked Kushina, "How is Ryu so powerful?"

Kushina sweat-dropped, finding it challenging to explain Ryu's extraordinary abilities in simple terms.

At the Hokage's office, Hiruzen greeted Ryu, "Come on, boy, did you eat breakfast?"

Ryu replied, "Yes, Hokage-sama."

Hiruzen asked, "So, how can I help you, Ryu?"

Ryu explained, "Hokage-sama, due to my well understanding of seals, I wanted to open a shop dedicated to seals, which could help Konoha's ninja have a better life."

Hiruzen recognized, "I see, the summoning contract was a modified version, wasn't it?"

Ryu confirmed, "Yes, Hokage-sama."

Hiruzen agreed, "I will grant you the one you want."

Ryu thanked him and presented his choice of shop location, next to Ichiraku Ramen, with big shelves and a spacious workplace.

Hiruzen noted, "Good. If the seals are in the name of the Hokage, there should be an offer of at least 5 percent."

Ryu responded, "I was thinking about that, Hokage-sama."

Hiruzen assured him, "I will send my ANBU tomorrow to customize the shop according to your wishes."

Ryu expressed his gratitude, saying, "Thank you."

As Ryu came to see his new business location, he felt a hand on his shoulder. Turning around, he saw it was Kushina onee.

Kushina invited him, "Ryu, Akari and I are eating at Ichiraku. How about you join us? My treat!"

Ryu replied with joy, "If it's Oneechan's wish, who can reject it?"

Ryu came to eat Ramen,

Teuchi greeted Ryu, "Hello Ryu, my first customer. What is your wish?"

Ryu replied, "A miso soup ramen for eating and one for takeout, please."

Kushina asked, "What do you mean by first customer, Teuchi?"

Teuchi clarified, "He is the first customer I've served in the entire Konoha officially."

Kushina inquired, "But Ryu, didn't you have a mission with Minato that day?"

Ryu explained, "Yes, Onee. After eating, I went directly on the mission."

Kushina expressed amazement, "Well, I'm amazed."

Ryu teasingly said to Akari, "Well, you don't need to stare at me for too long, I am human too."

Akari blushed in response.

Kushina laughed out, and enjoyed the moment

Ryu continued, "Onee, it's time for practice. I must go now. Bye."

Ryu marked the wall of Ichiraku for Flying Thunder God and teleported back home.

Ryu excitedly greeted Shisui, "Shisui!"

Shisui asked, "Did you meet the Hokage?"

Ryu replied, "Yes, everything went smoothly. Here, I bought you some hot ramen."

Shisui enjoyed the ramen as they chatted.

Ryu then informed Shisui, "I'm heading to the training grounds to practice Fire and Lightning style. See you later."

At the training grounds, Ryu trained relentlessly in his Fire Style Fireball Jutsu, pushing himself to the limit, much like Lee and Guy's intense Taijutsu training.

Ryu's significant advantage was his chakra regeneration rate, which allowed him to intensify his training further using the Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu.

Over the course of two months, Ryu dedicated himself to practicing lightning nature in the evening and fire in the morning. His efforts paid off, and he reached the peak of Fire mastery, achieving the level of Blue flames that could evaporate the Uchiha lake with a single fireball.

Isobu, the Three Tails, was astonished by Ryu's incredible work ethic and dedication, and also honed its own nature transformation abilities (Coral formation). However, the thought of facing Ryu head-on in the future made Isobu fear that its water inside the body might evaporate.

Despite his hard work and efforts, achieving Lightning nature transformation proved to be more challenging for Ryu. Unlike Fire release, which he had already mastered, Lightning release required a complex and rigorous process, focusing on honing his body specifically for lightning manipulation, rather than relying solely on understanding the laws and familiarizing himself with fire.

To improve his Fire release further, Ryu performed all the advanced fire-type ninjutsu more than 10,000 times, using chakra and shadow clones without restraint. Some of the techniques he practiced include:

- Fire Release: Dragon Flame Release Song Technique

- Fire Release: Fire Dragon Bullet

- Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Technique

- Fire Release: Great Fire Annihilation

- Fire Release: Hiding in Ash and Dust Technique

- Fire Release: Hiding in Fire Technique

Ryu's dedication and training paid off, as his fire resistance had increased significantly. Basic academy and genin-level jutsu were now rendered useless against him. He had become an immensely powerful fire-style user, able to counter and overwhelm his opponents with ease.