Chapter 17: Whose Side Are You On?

KAARU: You see I really appreciate you all. But working with the SDIA, I... I agreed with it. And I'm happy with it.

[At Yuuto's house, at his room]

YUUTO: What! (As he got up from his sleep)

HISAKI: Ah! You scared me I thought you were sleeping.

YUUTO: Shut up (As he watches the television)

KAARU: You see before I join, most people really supported me. And no matter what you will always need my help and I'll make it up to you all. Thank you (And he left as the audience applause him as some screamed for him)

[At Eito's room]

EITO: (Thought) I knew he will agree. I understand the fact that he doesn't want to see the sad faces of the people. (He off his phone and drop it)

[At Hiro's room]

(She watches it with her phone as he lies on her bed)

HIRO: Man, Kaaru is really bad at saying a speech. (She said with her annoying face)

(Back to Yuuto and Hisaki)

HISAKI: Yuuto, is there something wrong?

YUUTO: Why are you asking?

HISAKI: You don't even know. You didn't see yourself how you reacted when you got up?

YUUTO: You see I was happy. (He said as he was lying)

HISAKI: Hmm that's not how a person should be happy.

(Kaaru was walking as he gathered by group of reporters, he is suddenly bombarded by questions from reporters. Questions like:)

"Tell us your expectations towards this moment?"

"Have you think of becoming a detective before?"

(Kaaru just ignore them as the body guards fights their way through to make way for him)

[At the unknown organization, the blue tree]

(Group of people were also watching it live on television. The leader who is known to be called master, but his real name is Kuragari, watches it and focused on Kaaru the mask man, until a voice speak as he came in)

??: Gosh, I'm so exhausted. (His face was then revealed as he wears a hat and a full black outfit like a suit) Oh Kuragari you are also watching it, hope it's not anything?

KURAGARI: I'm just having a private time, Keisuke. (He said not looking at him but minding the television. He is seen with a mask and wears an Aok uniform. The mask is white and it's painted purple, circle eyes and a smiling straight lines)

KEISUKE: Well I'm on break. (He sat on a chair close to him) I don't spend my private time watching TVs.

YANO: You are just a different species.

KEISUKE: Ah, Yano. Don't think of that. I only read books and drink coffee. (He said as he is adjusting his tie)

NARUO: So you are Keisuke? (He said as his legs were placed on the table) I have seen you before on picture and seeing you real life, you look crazy.

KEISUKE: You are new, right? (He said as he pointed him confused)

NARUO: The name's Naruo (Brought out his right hand, it was placed with a robot hand) And it's a pleasure to meet you (Brings it out for handshake)

KEISUKE: Sorry crazy guy don't shake crazy guy. (Said as he smiles and denies the handshake)

(After that, Naruo frowned his face with annoyance)

KEISUKE: So bored, I want to go have fun outside. (Got up and made his way to the door)

YANO: But you went out few hours ago.

KEISUKE: I know. But I want to still have more fun.

KURAGARI: I almost forgot, Keisuke. (He said as Keisuke turned back) You didn't refer me as your master. (Said as he looked at him with his scary mask)

KEISUKE: We are the same, don't you remember? (He said as he left)

(Kuragari brought out a package of cigarette, lights it up and smokes in the air. He didn't pull his mask, there are plenty tiny holes in the mouth to make the smoke pass)

KURAGARI: Keisuke, you haven't grown. (He said with a low tone and watches the television, looked at XO) Manipulator working for humans. How interesting (As he smiles under his mask)

(The next day, Yuuto, Eito and Hiro were walking together along the corridor)

HIRO: I didn't know that guy could be so bad at saying a speech.

YUUTO: Looks like he didn't think of that. The audience got carried away.

HIRO: Sometimes boys can be unthinkable. I don't understand the fact about that.

YUUTO: Who are you calling unthinkable!?

HIRO: Oh did I say boys, my bad.

YUUTO: You say that intentionally, girls are way beyond that.

HIRO: Huh!

YUUTO: (He stopped and punch a locker) Damn it!

HIRO: (Shocked) Yuuto what are you doing and what's wrong with you!?

YUUTO: What was that nerd thinking? Working with humans when they think we ain't trusted. This is sick! sick! sick!

HIRO: Hey! Yuuto calm down. Is it because of all that (Saw the damage locker) Look at what you did to that locker how's is the owner going to feel!

YUUTO: Hiro give me some space here and let me think here.

HIRO: What are you thinking about?

(While the two were discussing, Eito was watching all that)

EITO: (Thought) Only because he doesn't want them to see that he's not a hero if he disagree about that, that's why he accepted it. Speaking of that, he isn't in school. He must have left so early.

(While the two were still discussing and Hiro asking Yuuto question about what is he thinking of, Eito came to stop them)

EITO: Guys, Calm down. There's something I'll like to ask.

YUUTO: What.

HIRO: Huh (As the two were surprised to hear that)

EITO: Let's give Kaaru a chance.

HIRO: But for what you saw you said...

EITO: I know but since the city wanted a hero to stop all this. We should think about it. Kaaru rose up and wanted to stop all this, he represent them as a symbol of peace.

HIRO: I don't think he will spend his time wearing his mask. Things may go wrong.

EITO: I know he can handle things by himself. To your thinking, the SDIA will see his identity.

HIRO: Yeah. He can't wear it forever.

YUUTO: You want him to continue all that? The Aoks are looking for him and I don't know the reason about that.

EITO: I know, we shouldn't question Kaaru for all that. He should have space and let him think of that on his own.

(The two were surprised as they looked at each other)

HIRO: I guess he's right.

YUUTO: The next time I see that guy, I'm gonna beat the hell up.(Suddenly someone snap him with a camera but his wasn't shown)

HIRO: No you are not doing that. What's wrong with you!? (The person also snapped her with a camera)

YUUTO: Relax it's just to teach him. (He said as they both left leaving Eito)

(Eito was looking at them surprised. He turned to the other side and saw the owner of the damage locker approaching to his direction and he quickly left. The person snapped Eito also. The boy was shocked to see his locker and kneels down)

BOY: Who did this?! (He said as he was about to cry)

(At Kaaru's room, he seats on his bed and got his attention on the television)

ANCHORWOMAN: Not long after the mask man agreed to work for the Special Detectives and Investigators Agency (SDIA). He does things to make sure that the citizens are in good conditions. They really appreciate him and the government are willing to gain him advance salary...

KAARU: (Sighed) I don't want the salary.

??: It's not your fault.

(Kaaru turned and saw that it was Shin)

KAARU: Shin-sensei. (As he saw him coming in from his window)

SHIN: Hey.

KAARU: This is crazy. (As he got a comical defeated face)

SHIN: What's crazy?

KAARU: You also know my house.

SHIN: Yuuto showed me and he told me to take through the window.

KAARU: Oh I see. So you think it's not my fault.

SHIN: It's just how you feel.

KAARU: I just want to make them feel better seeing me available.

SHIN: I know (He said as he sat on a chair while Kaaru on his bed) It's better to help others than to help someone you love the most.

KAARU: That's impartiality (He said as he sighed and looked at his mask which was beside him) Whatever I displayed that night telling them I'm gonna help the SDIA. Everybody thank me, but what if I said no. The whole city will be abusing me, throwing offensive words that will make me feel eerie or guilty.

SHIN: Yes but what you need is to take things seriously.

KAARU: You're right, Shin-sensei.

SHIN: Since this is put in your hands. (Said as he points his hands) You are holding the hands of your people who needs help. (Kaaru was reflected on his words and looks at his two hands) I'm asking you all this so that you should think of it and try to resign.

KAARU: (Surprised as he looked at him) What! I can't do that. Like I said turning my ways will make them give me offensive words.

SHIN: (He got up from his seat and walks up to him) It's because of you, you and your friends are in danger, it's because of you the Aok are looking for you since you are now known.

KAARU: It was from the very first starting that they were looking for me even though I wasn't a manipulator.

SHIN: And it's because of you (Stared at him and Kaaru stared at him back filled with courage) We try to take risk. Think about it those two Aoks how did they find you?

KAARU: You don't just understand.

(Shin only stared at him with a normal face but inside of him he was very angry but couldn't talk much so he was about to take his leaves)

SHIN: Kaaru.

KAARU: (Was only listening to know what he was about to say and the same person snapped him with his camera)

SHIN: Whose side are you on? That decision will determine you whether you are still the you. (Jumps down as he left)

??: Hehehehehe Say cheese (He snapped Shin)

(Kaaru stared at him jumping from building to building with his face looking sad and had a thought)

KAARU: This is my decision and I'll make it.

[Back to the blue tree hideout]

(Focusing now we see that Kuragari walks as he was stopped by someone. It was Nate and Tasha's father. He wears a kimono and... I forget to tell you his name. His name is Takao Leighton.)

TAKAO: Kuragari!

KURAGARI: (Turned back) Oh isn't it you again. I can't remember the last time we have met.

TAKAO: I'm not interested in reunion or whatever like that. I came to ask you for my children.

KURAGARI: It's that all?

TAKAO: Yes that's all. Didn't I pay you to watch over them.

KURAGARI: They are sleeping. (Takao was shocked after he said that) You don't wanna disturb them in hell.

TAKAO: You mean they are dead (He said as tears started to gather from his eyes)

KURAGARI: It was a waste of talent for them. If they were brave it will help them to overcome any obstacles.

TAKAO: What do you know about battle?!

KURAGARI: Everything so far courage is concern, it's the number one step then second is taking effort.

TAKAO: YOU IDIOT!!! Why weren't you then! Why didn't you help them!

KURAGARI: I thought they were warriors. You are the head of a noble clan and I expect them to be better than fighting.

TAKAO: I paid you millions of yens and...and...

KURAGARI: I didn't accept the money. I told you to keep it to yourself.

TAKAO: My son supposed to be the next head of the Leighton and all you can act is " never care" "I doesn't bother you". By the way do you have a sibling you don't care about?

KURAGARI: (Turned back at him) Yes and it doesn't bother me. (He said as he smiles under his mask) You are a good father to your kids and do you want to watch over them back?

TAKAO: I'll love to since they are still my children (He said as he looked at him angrily)

KURAGARI: You can see them back.

TAKAO: How? (He said with a Surprised look)

KURAGARI: Let me show you (He brought out his right hand and clenches his fist and Takao suddenly kneel down holding his neck, he feels like he was strangled but he couldn't remove it) The love of your children is undescribable I should say. Why don't I help you take you there.

TAKAO: Kura...gari please... stop...

KURAGARI: This is what you want. I thought I could help. And by the way, I'm your master. We are the same. (He clenches very hard and raises up his hand to the air and Takao goes up too. Suddenly his head burst and blood splashes up like running water and also stained himself and he dropped him down) Oh well. I promise myself that I shouldn't harm anyone. (Brought out his handkerchief and cleans his hand and had a thought) I shouldn't have go so easily on him. (As he smiled)

(Keisuke came up to Kuragari)

KEISUKE: Master Kura.

KURAGARI: Wait did you just call me master? (He said as he was amazed)

KEISUKE: I thought I may be at your service.

KURAGARI: Hmm, so what's it?

KEISUKE: You find anything suspicious (He shows him the photos of what he snapped today. He looked at the photos of Yuuto, Hiro and Eito. The other one was Kaaru and he stared at him) That's the kid behind the mask. (Kuragari didn't answered and Keisuke was surprised to see him still staring at Kaaru picture) You look curious about the boy. I found out his name and his name is Kaaru Kagawa.

KURAGARI: Kagawa (He said in a low tone and started to think)

KEISUKE: You know him?

KURAGARI: Um...No. I thought it was thinking of someone else.

KEISUKE: Someone else (He said with a confused look)

KURAGARI: Yes (He said as he looked at the other photo and his eyes opened widened as he saw Shin)

KEISUKE: (Look at him surprised after hearing his name) You know him. Right?

KURAGARI: No. But he looks familiar. (He walked as he was taking a leave) Find out more about him and (He turned back and smiled evilly under his mask) Kaaru Kagawa.