Shameless Animal

The harsh impact on the ground left Chris disoriented. He found himself facing the ground and his surroundings were blurred and twisted. He felt someone's hands roaming all around his body.

The alluring and luscious scent that he smelled earlier is now overpowering. Ignoring his current state, he forced himself to face its direction. He had to see where it was coming from. He had to know if it was the princess. As he tried to move, the pain in his body intensified, making him moan.

"Oh thank God you are alive!"

He heard a woman's voice. It was obvious from her tone that she was panicking. She did hit him, so that's no surprise, but Chris did not expect the other voices that pipe up.

[He is a werewolf right?] A high-pitched voice asked.

[Grrr… You bet he is! He smells like one. I am going to kill this one if he harms our girl!] He heard an angry male voice.

[What is a werewolf doing here?] Another female voice said.

[If he is looking for trouble, we will surely give him one.]

The last voice sounded like an old lady which made Chris scoff. 'Really? How can an old lady do that to me?' Chris thought before sitting up.

Just when he thought he was fine, his head hurt as if he was struck by a lightning bolt straight to his head. He massaged his temple a bit and fortunately, it lessened the pain.

He heard the woman again, "What the hell! I told you not to move!"

[You weakling! Stand up! She's here! Our mate is here!] Yakobo yelled at Chris which made him look up. He followed the scent and saw a red-haired woman carrying a lot of things that he didn't recognize.

'What a beautiful sight,' Chris told Yakobo.

[Can you smell her? She's divine!] Yakobo exclaimed ecstatically with twinkling eyes.

"I am fine Princess. I'm glad it's you who hit me! God, you smell so good!" Chris said while watching the woman walk towards him.

She crouched before him and said something that Chris didn't hear for his wolf was going insane inside him. Yakobo wanted to take over his body again which he would not allow again.

[Mate with her!] Yakobo yelled.

'Are you crazy? I'm not a shameless animal like you. Shut up! Let me handle this,' Chris uttered.

The wind blew in Chris' direction making him inhale her scent and he lost it. His body acted on its own which made Yakobo laugh hard. He grabbed the woman and placed her on his lap and sniffed her all over.

[Haha! So, who's the shameless animal now?] Yakobo chuckled.

[Grrr! How dare you, werewolf! Get your filthy bloody hands off her!] Chris heard someone growl and speak beside him and he glared at the owner of the voice.

He changed his eyes to red and exclaimed, [Back off you stinky mutt!]

Nile scoffed. [He called me a mutt! And stinky! She just gave me a bath this morning!]

[Back off, Nile. He must be the Prince of Arcanis. Only a true alpha can have those eyes.] Ciel, the old white dog, told the gray dog.

'God stop squirming!' Chris shouted in his mind when she pushed him away.

[Why stop her when you are loving it? You are obviously so ready to go inside her. Look at how hard you are. Just do it! Rip off her clothes, damnit!] Yakobo growled, obviously losing his patience.

Chris ignored his wolf and tried his best to control his wolf's horniness… just a bit since he is having a hard time controlling his own desire as well.

"Your smell… mmm… lavender and blueberry… God, you smell divine, Yakobo is right!" He couldn't help but say it out loud as he audaciously lunged his nose into her neck and continued sniffing her.

He heard her scream once again and the next thing he knew, he was lying on his back on the ground while the angry mutts were all over him. They were furious. He could feel and see that they were willing to die for the woman.

[Move again and I will rip off your neck!] Nile bravely threatened Chris while pinning him down.

[If you are really the Prince of Arcanis, be a gentleman and behave. She will not hurt you. She just wants to cure your wounds.] Ciel said.

[No! Let's tear him off to pieces!] Nuri exclaimed.

[Oh dear! Calm down! Let's just do what we are told.] Gaia calmly uttered.

Chris laughed but realized that the mutts were correct. He looks hideous and scary in his current state. And if he wants to capture the attention of this human, he must change his approach.

He saw the woman take out something from the white box but he did not stop her. He stayed on his spot even after she inserted something sharp into his skin.

He even obeyed her when she told him to go to sleep, even if he didn't feel sleepy at all. He pretended to be sleeping and remembered something.

He is naked…

'Oh no! I did shift earlier and she's a human. She's not used to this!' Chris said, causing Yakobo to laugh out loud at him after feeling embarrassed about his situation.

[Oh don't be shy now! You must show her how gifted you are. Stand tall and proud, my prince, just let her see what we've got.]

'Damn you, Yakobo!' Chris doesn't know whether to cry or laugh. He can feel the red-haired woman staring at him.

But his wolf is right, he can't do anything anymore. So instead of feeling shy about his nakedness, he decided to just let it go and try his best to at least stay calm.

That is until he felt her hand around his massive shaft. He got startled which made it jerk and caused his wolf to go haywire.

[She wants it! Give it to her now Christopher! What are you waiting for?!] Yakobo was totally out of control.

'Shut up and stay still!' Chris growled at his wolf. He is already having a hard time dismissing his own desire and his wolf's excitement is not helping at all.

[Is there something wrong with your nose, huh? Can't you smell her? She is getting aroused too!] Yakobo retorted, clearly very annoyed and frustrated.