You Are Mine

"Holly Molly, it's alive!" 

Chris wanted to burst out in laughter at both the woman and his wolf. 'Was she trying to kill me?' He wonders after remembering the pointy object that she injected into his skin.

He felt her hand on his manhood one more time. She moved it to the side before tightening the straps around him.

He opened his eyes and smirked when he felt her drag his body away from his spot.

'Yakobo, something is off. She clearly looks like Princess Hera but I am not sure if she is her. They don't smell the same, right?' Chris asked his wolf. 'Yakobo?' He called after a few moments of waiting and not getting a response.

[Don't talk to me! I am not talking to you even if you die today!] Yakobo sneered before going silent again.

'Oh come on, Yakobo! I did smell her getting aroused but do you really expect me to jump at her and take her then and there?' Chris cannot believe how childish his wolf is acting right now.

[Yes! Again, don't talk to me!] Yakobo snarled but Chris found it funny and shook his head inwardly.

Chris pretended to be sleeping while he let himself heal, or so he thought. The sedative took a while to have an effect on him. But eventually, he dozed off and was unconscious for real this time.

He felt his body become warm, not because it was hot where he was but because it felt like there was some energy covering his body. He can feel his wounds healing fast, faster than what is normal for a werewolf like him.

He opened his eyes and saw white walls and someone was holding his right hand. He sat up and saw the red-haired woman's hand on top of his while her wrist was glowing.

Chris' eyes widened, he held his shoulder and shook her up, "Hera! Hera! Wake up! There's a glowing mark on your wrist!" But no matter how hard he wakes her up, she's not opening her eyes. 

The door swung open and Chris saw a man in white. The man stared at him confused and shocked. He saw his eyes examining his body and he did the same.

He touched his body where his wounds were and he was stunned. All his wounds are completely gone. No scars, no bruises, and most of all, no pain. 

"How did–" Chris was not able to finish his question when the man hit him really hard with a slender, elongated piece of wood.

"That hurts! What was that for?!" Chris shouted at the man in white.

"Who are you?! Are you a werewolf?" The man asked while pointing the unusual weapon at him.

"What if I am?" Chris responded while rubbing his back.

"You shouldn't be here! That's impossible!" The man exclaimed before attacking Chris once again.

"You–" Chris stumbled against the metal table beside him as he tried to avoid the man's attack. The tools on the table scattered to the floor, emitting a harsh clanking sound.

Chris held his arms up to show he meant no harm, but the man did not cease his attacks. Rather, he grew even angrier. "You don't belong here, werewolf! Go back to your own world!"

"Neither does Princess Hera! I will take her back!" The man's eyes widened and he momentarily paused. Then, gathering all his strength, he aimed for Chris' head.

[He knows her.] Yakobo uttered.

Chris seized the wooden weapon before letting it land on his head. He pulled the man briskly toward him as he unleashed his claws and sank them into the back of the man's neck.

'Yakobo, do you see what I am seeing?' Chris asked while he tapped into the memories of the man in white.

[This is impossible! Go further. Elandir's tracking magic never fails. It led us to her. She and Hera must be one or at least related.] Yakobo said.

Chris did what his wolf suggested. He went farther back trying to find who is the woman who resembles Princess Hera.

As he searched his mind, he noticed some memories were disappearing– fast.

'What is happening?' Chris pondered.

[Get out! Get out of his head, Chris! He is erasing our memories, not just his!] Yakobo shouted in panic.

"No, he won't!" Chris' eyes turned red trying to overpower the surging energy coming from the man. 

He quickly erased his recent memory of meeting him and manipulated some of it. He implanted himself into his past and replaced some people, rearranging some events to his favor.

As soon as he was done, he retracted his claws and the man collapsed to the floor. 

[Who is this man, Chris?] Yakobo worriedly asked.

'That's what I want to know too. A lot of his memories were blocked. It might be that something had happened to him and caused him to forget. That's why we can't go beyond that point. Or maybe he did it himself, to prevent us from accessing his memories,' Chris stated.

He looked at the red-haired woman who was still sleeping soundly beside the bed.

He walked over to her, gently sweeping away the stray strands of hair that fell on her smooth pale face. He grazes the back of his hand on her cheek as he admires her angelic sleeping face.

"So my mate's name is Elsa… How lovely…" Chris said recalling her name in the man's memories before kneeling with one knee to face her closely.

"You are mine, Elsa. And I am yours." Chris moved his face closer to hers and planted a soft gentle kiss on her lips.

[That's it? Kiss her more!]

Chris chuckled at his wolf and ignored him. 

He just keeps on staring at her, engraving her beauty in his mind. He holds her arm and rubs her wrist with his thumb, on the spot where he saw it glowing earlier.

"Whoever you are, Elsa, I will protect you. Even if it's from the man that you call Dad." Chris whispered as if someone would hear him.

[I knew I heard something! What did you do to Dr. Arden, werewolf?!] Nile and Nuri growled at Chris but it didn't scare him a bit. 

As dogs, they were not allowed to enter the clinic without a leash, especially in areas that are kept sanitized. They were outside the clinic when they heard the commotion and had to find a way in without destroying any doors or windows.

Chris rolled his eyes and said, "Listen you mutts… Elsa is my mate and I will not harm her. Why don't you tell me where her room is so she can sleep comfortably?"

[Follow me, Your Highness…] Ciel said, surprising Chris.

'How did she know?' Chris wondered before following the old dog out of the room.