Make You Comfortable

Elsa inquired, "I only recalled it after reflecting on your comment about my eyes. I had a dream where I screamed after witnessing a man engulfed in flames, which might coincide with the moment you mentioned I screamed and fainted. Is there a chance this is connected to my glowing mark?"

Chris responded, "If you are indeed a divine mage, it's a plausible theory. In Zemaria, divine mages typically possess mastery over one element in addition to their divine powers. So, yours could be fire, which is quite cool and fascinating."

Elsa, filled with enthusiasm, questioned, "Really? How does that work?"

Chris casually remarked, "Well, if you can easily conjure fire, it would make tasks like starting a campfire or cooking a breeze."

[Really Christopher? That's definitely not how to impress a woman!] Yakobo exclaimed which Chris ignored.

Elsa's annoyance was evident as she arched an eyebrow, saying, "Is that the only reason it's considered cool? What kind of magic is that?" She then turned to head back to the house, clearly frustrated, but Chris quickly grabbed her arm, preventing her from leaving.

Chuckling, Chris reassured her, "I was just joking, alright? It's just a hypothesis, and we still don't know who you truly are. Last night, I was a bit weakened from the poison, but now I'm feeling much better. How about we return to the shed and investigate your mom's belongings for any clues? Maybe I can even try to trace the intruder." His hand slid down her arm to hold her hand firmly, gently urging her back towards the shed.

Elsa didn't resist, not because she welcomed the physical contact, but because she was deep in thought about the pictures of her and her mom. 'I should ask Dad about it later when he gets home,' she thought.

Together, they thoroughly searched through all the boxes in the shed, finding nothing of significance except for the cloak that Chris had given to Hera. Just as it had been the previous night, the pictures of Elsa and her mom remained unchanged, with Elsa's mother conspicuously absent from each one.

"Chris, do it," she said to Chris while he continued to search through the boxes.

Chris furrowed his brows, uncertain about what Elsa was referring to. "Do what?" he inquired.

"Check my memories," Elsa clarified. "I know you mentioned it might be painful. But you also said the pain would fade, and I wouldn't retain the memory of it. So, do it." Elsa approached Chris, encouraging him.

Chris stood up, his hands resting on Elsa's shoulders, and gently replied, "No, princess. I wouldn't want to cause you any pain."

"Is there any alternative method?" Elsa asked with full determination. "What if I try it on you? Is that possible? I am fully determined to find out what's going on. I want to get this over with and move on."

Chris let out a sigh, torn about whether to disclose the 'other way' Yakobo was referring to. However, he decided there was no harm in sharing it with Elsa. "I'm not sure you'll be fond of this 'alternative way' either," he cautioned.

Elsa, growing increasingly frustrated, implored, "What is it? Just tell me. I want to discover my true identity, and your cryptic hints aren't helping."

Chris explained, "Another method, one that doesn't inflict pain on you, is for a true alpha like me to bite you on the neck while you drink my blood. However, it has a different outcome – we'll both witness each other's pasts, but it'll be entirely random." Chris observed Elsa's expression shift from curiosity to determination.

Elsa inquired cautiously, "Will it hurt, even just a little?"

"I haven't tried it but my teacher back then said it would hurt at first the moment I sink in my fangs but it will be pleasurable after, as if you're having an orgasm," Chris uttered without pausing, just straight to the point.

Elsa blinked at Chris several times, trying to process what he just said. "O-Orgasm? Like in having s*x?"

Chris nodded and saw Elsa raise one of her eyebrows. She stared at him silently while pondering how a bite could feel that way when it was supposed to be painful.

"You're exaggerating. How can a bite feel like that?" Elsa finally said after staying silent for a while.

Chris inched in closer, "Why princess? Have you felt an orgasm before?" Chris uttered in a deep low voice.

Elsa suddenly felt nervous as she watched Chris move closer and closer to her.  "N-No, I-I haven't. But we discussed that in medical school, so I have an idea about it." She stammered, her response faltering as she spoke. Her stuttering answer prompted a smirk from Chris.

"So, do you still wish to proceed?" Chris inquired, seeking clarification.

"Yes… I don't believe that it would be as intense as that. Like you said you haven't tried it yourself. So what if your teacher was not telling the truth? I just want to get some answers, you will also get yours, and our suspicions will be over."

"Alright, as you wish princess." Chris continued to walk forward as Elsa walked backward until she hit a table.

Chris suddenly grabbed her by the waist and lifted her, making her sit on top of it. "Let's make you comfortable first."

Elsa was taken aback at how fast Chris lifted her but she did not expect what he did next. Chris touched both her knees and abruptly spread her legs wide.

"Gosh!" Elsa uttered in surprise, making Chris smirk.

[This is not what I have in mind, Christopher!] Yakobo yelled, but Chris just chuckled at his wolf.

Elsa was wearing a floral midi dress, so she fixed her skirt when Chris positioned himself between her legs.

"I need access to your neck," Chris mentioned as he pointed to her sleeve.

Elsa pulled the ribbon that tightened the neckline of her dress. "Go ahead," Elsa tersely answered.

Chris slowly pulled down her left sleeve, revealing her smooth pale neck and shoulder.

Elsa tilted her head to the right to give more access to Chris and breathed in deep, anticipating the pain when he moved his face closer to her neck.