She Must Not Die

Instead of pain, Elsa felt Chris' lips against her shoulder as he kissed her softly.

"You have to forgive me but your smell is really distracting me from doing my task," Chris said. 

Elsa did not react but deep inside she was panicking. She had never liked a man before. She was always focused on studying and finding out explanations about what was happening to her. 

But being this close to Chris multiple times is making her emotions go wild. The more she spends time with Chris, the more she is getting comfortable. She had never been like that with anyone except for Jai but even her relationship with Jai is different. It's more being close friends than being attracted to each other.

Chris pulled away a bit and his eyes turned red. His fangs emerged and he bit his hand–the part just below his thumb to draw blood.

Elsa gulped. Being a doctor she had seen blood a million times and on a daily basis but just imagining that she had to drink it makes her want to vomit.

When Chris removed his hand from his mouth, Elsa frowned. The coppery and iron-like smell that she was expecting was not there. Instead, she smelled something sweet like cotton candy.

'I can't remember if he smelled like this when he had an accident. Or it was always like this but I didn't notice it because of too much panic?' she wondered.

"Princess, I will sink in my fangs when you drink my blood. Then you will see random images of my past and so am I of yours. The images will stop when one of us let go. Is that clear?" Chris asked and Elsa nodded without uttering a word.

Elsa took Chris' hand and smelled it once again, "Your blood smells weird."

"Weird-bad or weird-good?" 

"Weird-good, I like it. Anyway, let's finish this. Let's go." Elsa lifted Chris' hand and moved it near her mouth as Chris bent over positioning his face on her neck.

Elsa's lips then touched Chris' hand. Chris felt a jolt of electricity run on his back. He automatically became hard when he felt her tongue licked his skin before sucking his blood.

'Damn, that felt good. What more if I'm inside her?' Chris said to himself but Yakobo couldn't help but reply.

[Don't bite her anymore, Christopher! Go and mate with her right now! I can smell her arousal the moment she smells your blood. Listen to me and just do it!]

Chris ignored Yakobo and licked Elsa's neck before he sank his fangs into her skin. He heard her moan before images flashed. All of the images that he is seeing are not what he is looking for.

He wanted to see what Elsa's mom looked like, but she was not in any of those. 'What the hell is going on? Why does she have the memory of Hera when she first set foot in Novus but also have memories of her childhood in Novus?'

[It's so confusing Christopher! It's like she's Hera and not at the same time. This is making me dizzy!] Yakobo complained.

He then felt Elsa let go of his hand and the images that he could see ended. He retracted his fangs and licked her neck to make her wound heal faster. Chris quickly moved back a bit after hearing Elsa sniffed, she was crying.

"Hey, are you alright?" he asked and Elsa nodded as she wiped the tears that continued to flow from her eyes.

"Why are you crying? Did you see something scary from my past?" Elsa's silence made him anxious to know what she had seen to cry that way. He is worried that she saw his wolfman form and scared her for it is not a pretty sight, compared to his wolf form.

"I am alive because of you. So let me thank you for that. Thank you, Prince Christopher." Elsa said sobbing.

Chris was really getting worried as she continued to sob. He cupped her face and said, "What is wrong? You are making me really worried."

"Oh, don't worry about me. I am just happy. I saw my–"

Elsa and Chris' heads turned towards the door when it suddenly swung open with a loud sound.

They saw Nuri, Gaia, and Nile come in. Elsa quickly notices Nile's fur with blood. She quickly got down from the table and went to Nile.

"Oh, my God! Nile!" Elsa yelped and immediately checked Nile for any injuries.

[Your Highness! Ciel is hurt. Demons attacked us while we were tracking down the intruder from last night. That's Ciel's blood, not Nile's,] Gaia quickly explained.

"What where's Ciel?" Chris asked making Elsa look at him.

"How should I know?!"

"Elsa, Nile is ok, that's Ciel's blood, she's injured–"

"Lock the doors and windows!" Ambros shouted.

All of them looked at Ambros and saw him carrying the wounded Ciel.

Nuri, Gaia, Nile, and Chris quickly move and do what Ambros instructed.

Ambros put Ciel on the floor and went to the bookcase looking for something.

"What is going on?! Dad, what happened to Ciel?" Elsa asked in a panic.

"Heal her now or she will not make it! She must not die!" Ambros yelled before pushing something behind the bookcase, revealing a hidden door behind it. 

Ambros then lifted a floorboard and took five tiny glass containers with a yellow liquid in them. He threw it one by one to each four sides of the shed and uttered, "Hanc domum signate et celate a daemonibus et maleficis. Hanc domum signate et celate a daemonibus et maleficis"

A round-shape yellow light appeared on each of the four walls. Ambros threw the last glass container on the floor and the same yellow light appeared.

Elsa dropped her jaw in shock and confusion while Chris' eyes turned red and on alert mode. He is trying to sense what is outside but he can't. He wondered if it was the effect of what Ambros did.