Spill the Details

As the clock struck noon, Elsa and Chris finally made their way to the dining hall to have some lunch with the royal family. Upon entering, Elsa couldn't resist a mischievous smirk directed at Arla, who responded by nodding humbly and lowering her head, her cheeks tinged with a rosy blush.

In a silent mental exchange with Laureen, Elsa couldn't help but share her observations about Arla, 'I believe Arla is still a virgin. She caught a glimpse of Chris and me earlier, and now she can't even bring herself to look at us.'

Laureen, with a playful chuckle, turned her attention to Arla and remarked, 'She's blushing now. What exactly did she see? Were you two engaging in some baby-making activity? Do spill the details.'

Elsa, trying to maintain a sense of decency, responded, 'Not really, Laureen. She simply saw my boobs, which she had seen before. After all, she is my head lady-in-waiting.'