Old Crate

The group sneaked out of their rooms one by one and went to their meetup place, which was outside the castle walls, the midpoint of the Northern and Eastern gates. Aeson and Lexi had been waiting there with two horses since after dinner, telling the stable master that they would take the horses early to get acquainted with them.

Chris and Elsa were the last ones to arrive at their meeting point. "Did you all bring everything that you need?" Chris asked everyone, who nodded to him.

"How about you, love?" he said directed to Elsa.

"I got the dagger, the wand, and you," Elsa playfully winked at Chris who blushed at the unexpected answer and gesture.

The rest either looked away or bit their lips to prevent themselves from smiling and chuckling. Women in Zemaria are the conservative types, so seeing their princess initiate flirting with her husband is something fresh for them.