Chapter 14

The black carriage stopped in front of the mansion. The young man walked to one of the door in the mansion. He knocked the door. "Sister, the carriage is here," he said.

"I'll be there in a minute," Aretha replied.

In her room, Aretha looked around, reminiscing the days she spent in this room. 'At first it was just a small room for all of us.' Aretha sighed contentedly. When she start her relationship with Duke Andino, she never thought that the older man would gifted her with a building under her name. Instead of happiness, she felt gratitude, for that gift gave her and her siblings a comfortable shelter. The memories of their first day arriving in the mansion are clear as daylight.

"Sister, the house is so big!" the girl's voice bubbled in high spirit.

"So big~" the boy chimed in.

"Sister, is it true we will stay here from today?"

Aretha nodded. "Yes, and everyone will get their own room."

"Yea!" The girl raised her hand and hopped in excitement. "I don't have to listen to Cole snoring anymore!"

"I didn't snore! You're the one who's snoring!"

That day was quite a hassle to stop them from brawling. Though, they did cry at the end of the day because they aren't used to sleep alone and end up sleeping in the same room as her. It took around two month for everyone to finally settle in.

Aretha stood at the balcony. From there, she saw the big carriage outside the mansion. Four men in a knight uniform straddling on the horses. They were each at the corner of the carriage. Another man with brown hair opened the door of the carriage, and seem to be murmuring toward the inside of the carriage. The man she saw yesterday came out from the carriage.

Under the bright sunlight, his dark purple hair highlight his wheat color skin. His golden yellow eyes shine brighter than any kind of jewelries she seen before. His body proportion was perfect. Although it was hidden under that neat uniform, anyone could tell, his well-developed muscles does not bloom with simple rigorous training but a life experiences in battlefield.

Aretha thought, 'is that the standard for knights from empire?' She stared at the other knight's well-developed muscles. Although they were not as developed as that man, but they were far more developed than the knights from this small kingdom. Aretha sighed. "Will Diana be like them, I wonder," she murmured.

The door was knocked again. The voice from the other side of the door rang. "Sister, the luggage is all set."

Aretha twisted the doorknob. She pulled the door and saw the young man standing in front of her room. "Peter," she said.

"The other is already outside. They were too excited seeing the carriage."

"Well, we've never seen a carriage that grand before."

"Cole almost dropped his jaw. Even though he was the one who remind us to never lower our guard."

"Let's go. We can't let our guest wait for us."

Peter nodded. He walked behind Aretha. They descended the stairs, when Aretha locked eyes with the man standing imposingly at the main entrance. Aretha whispered, "go first. I'll greet him." Peter nodded and took a step ahead.

Vladimir stood at the entrance door. The brown hair man remained on his side. "My lord, you can just wait in the carriage," the man said.

Vladimir ignored him. He lifted his head and locked eyes with the young lady on the stairs. She was wearing a white shirt with beige cardigan. Her brown bell skirt was adorned with wide belt, accentuated her small waist. Her milky and skinny leg were exposed by the below-the-knee length of the skirt. Each tap of her heels knocked his heart.

"Your Excellency," Aretha greeted.

Vladimir wrinkled his eyebrows. His jaw tighten. There was some discomfort with the unfamiliar way the young lady addressed him. "You may address me with my name," he said.

She paused for a second. "Grand Duke Sergeyev?"

"Do you have no knowledge of my name?"

"Grand Duke Vladimir?"

"You don't need the tittle."

"Lord Vladimir."

His gaze pierced through her. Something was missing, but, he didn't know what was it. Second later, he nodded. He held out his arm and Aretha placed her hand on his arm. Vladimir escorted the young lady to the carriage.

His eyes was wide opened. His mouth was wide opened. Good thing there was no flies that seek refugees in that wide space. 'What did I just see?' he thought.

He didn't understand. Did he misunderstood something? He didn't know. Wasn't the purpose for taking that young lady, solely for their mission? That was what his superior told them. However, the way his superior looked at the young lady, was full of confusing emotion. No women other that the head maid were given permission to call his superior's name. 'This young lady, who is she?'

While the brown hair man was occupied with his confusing thought, Vladimir opened the door of the carriage for Aretha. He offered her hand. Aretha put her hand on his palm and step into the carriage. Vladimir followed suit, leaving the brown hair man alone.

The brown hair man gawked at the scene. His heart was screaming. 'What?! My lord who didn't care about women at all offered his help! Are we reaching the end of the world? I should increased my good deeds when we're home.'

"Lev." Vladimir bring the brown hair man out of his turbulence.

"My apology, my lord." Lev closed the carriage door and hopped on his horse.

Aretha glanced at the man in front of her. Grand Duke Sergeyev. He had been at the battlefield since he was 10 years old, and, succeed his tittle at the young age of 20 years old. His wealth was immeasurable, and his lineage was that from the royal blood. From the perspective of an outsider, he was man who had everything, from his look, status, wealth, to his skill and ability.

However, for Aretha, all those was not important. For what she desire to know, was he as himself. What she need to know was the man named Vladimir, not Grand Duke Sergeyev.

Aretha curled up her lips. "Was this, my lord first time being here?"

"If what you meant was this city, yes."

"Does that mean, my lord had visited the kingdom before?"

"The palace."

"Then, have you gone around the capital?"


"Such a pity. Although this is just a small kingdom compared to the empire, the capital city was full of attraction." She clapped her hand. "Ah! How about we go for a tour first. I could guide us through our journey."

"No. I can't waste time at here any more than now."

"But… we still need to go to capital city, right? After all, the only magic portal in this small kingdom are the one in the capital city."

"There was no need."

"No need? Ah! Silly me. A person such as Lord Vladimir could get a high grade magic scroll with a snap. My lord truly is astonishing."

The tip of his ears redden. "I can give you one if you desire for it."

"No, no. How could I dare to accept such valuable item." She put her palm over her chest. "I am already grateful for my lord had freed me and my siblings from the chain that had bound us for these years."

Vladimir eyes stay on her face. Her expression was cherry as though she was part of the miserable world. She look innocence as well seductive. There was part of her that seem childlike and part of her that seem adult like.

"After we arrive, you can have anything that you desire," he said.

Perhaps its pity or perhaps its curiosity that was reflected in his eyes. Aretha do not care. For her, he was only a mean to protect what truly precious. Even if he stand in the way of her initial plan, it doesn't matter. Everything that was done, was for the sake of what is dear to her. For family, her pain was nothing. For family, her revenge was not everything.

She knew what he want. She knew what was the man planned for her. 'It seem the kingdom won't last that long.'

Once they reached at the middle of the forest, out from the eyes of the people, one of the men teared a magic scroll. A bright blue light shine, and soon it faded. The carriage and people also vanished along the light.


A young man in a black suit ran along the hallway, his eyes frantically searching left and right. He shouted, "His Excellency, Grand Duke is back!"

The young man saw the silhouette of the person he was looking for. He shouted again, "Sir Agustin! His Excellency, Grand Duke is back!"

The old man with gray hair and the silver-rimmed glasses turned around toward the young man. "Is it true?"

"It is indeed. The guard informed me that His Excellency carriage is making it way back."

"Glenn, go and tell the Head Chef to prepare the food."

The young man nodded. He quickly ran to another direction. The kitchen perhaps. The old man turned to the maid behind him. "Sofia, prepare the hot water."

He took a big stride and commanded the other maids and servants along the way. "Everyone, be ready to welcome Master back."

An old woman with her hair tied in a neat bun patted his arm. She looked at the maids and servants. "Keep calm and keep your composure when Master arrived. Do not do anything unnecessary."

"Yes, Sir Agustin, Madam Pomona." the servants and the maids replied in unison.

Agustin and Pomona walked out of the castle. They stood in front of the building even before they could see the sight of the carriage.

Minutes of waiting, the figures of people, horses, and carriage appeared within their line sight. The sound of horses clopping became clearer.

The carriage stopped in front of the castle building. Lev get down from his horse and opened the carriage door. Vladimir step out. Agustin was about the greet his master when another presence caught his attention.

Vladimir held out his hand and escorted Aretha out of the carriage. All eyes on her. Agustin and Pomona had their eyes wide open. The air was silence. One second. Two second. 'HAND! HE EXTEND HIS HAND TO HELP HER!' they shouted in their mind. Lev saw the reaction of others. He nodded to himself. 'I know, I know.'

Vladimir was oblivious to the shook. He could only see the small hand on his palm. He caressed the pale hand with his thumb. 'Soft'


*Little Theater*

Vladimir looked at Aretha.

Lev : "Look! Look! He is looking tenderly at her!"

Vladimir spoke with Aretha.

Lev : "Look! Look! He speak so warmly toward her!"

Vladimir held Aretha's hand.

Lev : "Look! Look! He held her as if he's holding a treasure in his hand!"

Vladimir : …

Aretha : …

C.Udon : ━┳━ ━┳━