Chapter 15

Vladimir glanced toward the pair of old couple. "Agustin, Pomona."

The two step forward. "Yes, Master."

Vladimir turned to Aretha. "You can asked from them if you have anything you want."

Aretha nodded. "Thank you."

Vladimir turned around. "Make sure she is comfortable, and give her whatever she want."

"Yes, Master."

Vladimir walk off to his office. Lev looked at the old man. "Dad. For now, let Miss Ella and her siblings stay at the guest room." He took a large stride chasing after his superior.

Agustin and Pomona exchanged look. They walked closer toward Aretha. "Pleasure to meet you, Miss. I'm the head butler, Agustin, and she is the head maid, Pomona."

Aretha bowed her head lightly. "Nice to meet you. I'm Ella."

"Miss Ella. What a beautiful name," Pomona said.

Aretha flinched. 'Beautiful' She looked at the gentle expression of the old woman in front of her. That name was not hers, so she doesn't feel anything from the praise. The old woman was sincere, thus she couldn't felt the disgust she usually had from hearing someone complimenting that name. "Thank you," she replied, for the sake of peaceful life.

"My Lady, please, feel free to speak casually with us," Agustin said.

"There is no need to be formal with me. I am nothing but a person from a humble background."

Agustin intercepted, "no matter what background my lady had, it is our duty as our master's servant to serve my lady with the utmost respect."

Aretha remembered this feeling. The warmth sincerity that she once used to have. The one that she lost not to time but the wickedness of people.

"Thank you," she said. Her gentle voice, slightly droopy eyes, and a smile like sunlight struck the old couple's heart.

What was meant to be just for the sake of formalities turned into sincerity. The young lady in front of them was different from the scheming women that always cling to their superior. They were not sure, but they felt, if it's this young lady, maybe it would be possible, for the dukedom to gain a breath of fresh air.

"My Lady, we were unable to prepare anything before your arrival. We apologize for the inconvenience." Agustin bowed his head.

"There is no such thing as being inconvenience. I'm sure you were not inform about His Excellency sudden arrival with a guest. If anything, it would be the fault of the person who made the sudden change in the initial plan, no?"

Agustin and Pomona was surprised. "I truly could not help but be in awe for my lady understanding and ability to comprehend the situation." Agustin said, grinning from ear to ear.

"My Lady, the journey must be tiring for you. I will guide you to your room and prepare some refreshment," Pomona interrupted.

"I would be grateful for that, and, could you make sure that my siblings be comfortable in the unfamiliar place."

"Of course, My Lady. That goes without saying. Please do not worry for your siblings and make yourself at ease."

"I am glad to hear that."

"My lady, the servants will carry the luggage. Pomona here will guide you to your room." Agustin said.

Pomona looked to the few maids near her. "Betty, Rita, Lily, Rose, you guys are to attend the Lady's siblings. Make sure they are comfortable in their stay."

"Yes, Madam Pomona."

"Nika, follow me."

"Yes, Madam."

Pomona smiled, her warm gaze penetrated the young lady heart. "My Lady, shall we?" Pomona pointed toward the building with her hand stretched.

Aretha nodded. She walked beside the old maid while the young maid followed from behind. They stopped in front of a big and well decorated door. Pomona opened the door and invited her inside. "My Lady, please, come in."

Truly, one should never compare the richest in the small kingdom with the richest in the empire. Her room in Lamiaceae Mansion was decorated by Duke Andino, and was even gorgeous than his own room. Of course she knew, for that place was the place she frequently visited more than anywhere else. However, even that beauty could not compare to the beauty of a mere guest room of this prestigious castle.

'If this is how a guest room look like, what would it be in the main room,' she thought in her mind.

Aretha thanked the two women, and asked them for nothing as she would like to have some rest by herself. The two walked out to give the young lady her time alone. Aretha strolled around the room. She caress the furniture as her legs moved. "Maria, oh the pitiful Maria… the beauty you chased, the richest you longed, all now in front of me, the one you looked down upon. How wonderful it would be to see the look on your face, if you were to see what I gain. It is such a pity, I could not enjoy your distorted face of envy."

She laid with her arms and legs sprawled on the bed. Her eyes fixed on the painting hanging on the canopy. "How extravagant." She laughed, with her soft voice and the mocking vibration. She close her eyes, relaxing her mind. She took a deep breathe and exhale with a slow rhythm.


The room was pressured with tense air. He tapped his finger on the desk. He sighed. His eyebrows wrinkled, anger on his face. More than anger, it was a murderous intent. "I've only gone for three month, yet, the knights had gotten idle, what do you say, Sir Mark?" Vladimir unconsciously released his dark purple colored aura. Even the person standing next to him shivering from the pressure.

The man with gray hair straighten his posture, his hands on his back, sweats drenched on his forehead. Mark looked straight at Vladimir eyes. "My Lord, I have no excuses. The casualty was due to none other than my incompetency. Please give me punishment accordingly!" He lowered his upper body, and gritted his teeth.

"Mark. I know your capability as well as the other knights. I left the knight order to you because I trust my judgment. What exactly happen?"

"My Lord, regarding that matter, I have compiled all the reports on the monsters activities, and… their progress."


"About that, there was something unusual, the—"

'Knock, knock, knock'

Lev walked to open the door. He opened the door and saw Agustin and Pomona standing outside. "Master had been waiting for you two," Lev said.

The two walked inside and stood beside the tall man in the knight uniform, while Lev stood beside their master. Vladimir looked at Mark and said, "I will read the report, and, Chris will decide your punishment." He turned his attention to the two people who had just arrived. "How is she?"

"She is resting in the guest room," Pomona said.

"Guest room?" Vladimir frowned. Why would they placed her in the guest room? Are they looking down on her? Vladimir subconsciously worried about her. He didn't think much of why would he felt worry about someone else. He only thought he want to give her a better life now that she with him.

Agustin could discerned the unease on his master face. "Should we prepare another building for Lady Ella?" he suggested.

Vladimir face darken. He remembered Lamiaceae Mansion that the young lady used to live in. Wouldn't he be the same as Duke Andino? He refused to accept so. "No. Ella will stay here. No need for her to go to another building."

Agustin eyes widen, so do the others in the room. "Yes?" Agustin heard, but he was too shocked at the sudden decision that he utter his confusion.

"Didn't you heard the first time? Ella, she will stay here."

"Here? As in the guest room?"

Vladimir paused. "No. Give her the room next to mine."

The room was hit with silence. Lev couldn't help but to voice out, as he was too confused by the unexpected development. "My Lord, what do you mean the room next to your. Wasn't that supposedly meant for the future grand duchess."

Vladimir gritted his teeth. "Who make such rules?"

"That was the tradition. That was how it always been." Lev retorted.

"Does that mean, my word mean nothing to you?"

Lev shuddered. The chill in the air sent shiver to his bone. He looked at his master. Ah! Then, he was hit by the realization. He had crossed the line. "I apologized, My Lord."

Pomona on the other hand, while she was surprised at the suddenness of the situation, she was also excited. Her mind was a total chaos. 'Could it be the young lady had stolen the heart of this cold-hearted beast? Has spring come to this lonely master of ours? How would their story be unfolded? Maybe it would be like all those romance story where the female lead capture the stone heart male lead. Oh! This is too much for my old heart. I sooo looking forward for it.'

She glared at the apologetic young man beside their master. "Master. How about the room for the lady siblings?"

Vladimir anger dissipated. He turned to Pomona. "Prepare the south building for them."

"The south building? Would it be proper to separate them?"

"Children will grew spoiled if they were protected all the time. They need to grow up on their own." was what Vladimir responded. However, he knew deep in his heart, that he desire to monopolize her attention.

Pomona could sense his possessiveness, yet she keep silent. It was not her place to change his mind, for he is no more a child. It will be on his own, to realize what he did, was not the proper way. "Yes, Master. I'll proceed with the arrangement."

Vladimir was satisfied. Less than a minute, his eyebrow wrinkled again. Suddenly, Maria appearance came to his mind. 'Would she wear something like that?' His heart beat excitedly when he imagine the young lady wearing the suggestive clothes for him, but once the thought of another men seeing the young lady in such clothing, his face went dark.

"Agustin, call the most popular designer tomorrow."

The old man nodded. "I understand, Master."

Vladimir glanced at the burly young man that had been cowering since earlier. "Mark"

"Yes, My Lord."

"Assign some knights for her siblings, and, I want you yourself to protect her."

"I received your order."


*Little Theater*

Lev : What in the witch is this lady??? My cold and heartless Lord is actually showing some care toward a woman!!!

Pomona, nodded vigorously : "That's right, son. It seem this house will welcome a lady soon!"

Lev : "Even those three witches had never step their foot in the main building"

Pomona : "Huh! Those bitches don't deserve it. Lady Ella look like a good lady. I'm sure! My old eyes and my old heart believe that Lady Ella is the most suitable lady for our Young Master— I mean Master."

Lev : "My Lord even want to choose the clothes for Lady Ella by himself…"

Pomona : "That show that Master care about Lady Ella…"

Agustin : "Maybe we should make an early preparation."

Lev & Pomona : "For what?"

Agustin : "For Master and Lady Ella wedding. (✿◡‿◡)"

Vladimir : ━┳━ ━┳━

Aretha : ( ̄_ ̄|||)

C.Udon : "Hehe~ Wonder what their reaction will be in the future… Should I prepare some nitroglycerin??? ~( ̄▽ ̄)~*"