Chapter 21

Angelina stomped her feet into the building. The humiliation that she felt, makes her heart burning with the flame named anger. 'That woman!' Yes, that woman, her eyes that seem to be looking down on her. If she could, she would gouged that eyes from that woman, see if she could looked down on her again.

"Oh dear, my little Angel. I thought you had gone to visit His Excellency." Her velvety voice echoed through the hallway.

Angelina looked at the lady. Her brunette hair swayed passed her waist. "Miss Camilla," said she, sneered, "days ago, you said, the little bird will fly after some rest on the big tree, however, I must say, the tree was too comfortable that it seem the bird was making it nest."

Camilla eyes twitched. She smirked. "Miss Angelina, if the bird refused to leave, then you just have to make it fly away."

Angelina snorted. "Miss Camilla, if the tree is big and comfortable for the little bird, do you think it would fly away just because I told it to?"

"Perhaps it was not a little bird, but a snake instead. That would be dangerous, so it seem."

Angelina and Camilla turned to look at another woman appearing behind them. "Miss Dyna," they mumbled. The woman said, "Instead of standing here, why don't we have some talk in the garden."


"My Lord, Miss Angelina sent a letter for you," Lev said.

Vladimir massaged his forehead. He sighed. "Leave it."

Lev put the letter on the desk. "My Lord, Miss Dyna send a request, for a meal."

"Reject it."

"My Lord, Miss Camilla sent a gift. She wished to meet you, apparently."

Vladimir clenched his fist. "Send back the gift. Reject anything from them. None of them shall ever set foot in here. Make sure Ella do not crossed path with them."

"Yes, My Lord," he said, "pardon me for asking this, but, My Lord, what do you plan to do with them?"


Lev was not really surprised, the answer was expected but also unexpected at the same time. He thought that his master would kicked out the other three as to make 'Lady Ella' happy. "Would it be fine?"

"Why would it not be?"

"I mean, Lady Ella. Would she not be offended?"

"Why would she?"

"She might felt threaten with the existence of the three of them."

"There was no need for she to feel so. Those three were mere business partner. They would leave once the contract reached its due." He looked at his aide, "For what reason must she felt threaten?"

"That… how must I say… although Lady Ella indeed was an exceptional beauty, she might felt insecure for My Lord had kept another three beautiful woman in your private resident. Additionally, young women such as Lady Ella fancied the idea of romance and monogamous relationship."

"Those were the ideal of the common people who had no financial stability, and were not free people. They romanticize the idea of love, with the nonsense such as soul connection and all. However, those fantasy would shattered once they realized life is not a fairy tale. Love does not feed anyone, nor it guaranteed a marriage."

"My Lord, that statement, would be a bit stretch, no? Have you might forgotten Agustin and Pomona? My parent married for love, and till today they love each other."

"True," he chuckled, "they even sometimes forgot you, for they only have space for each other."

Lev laughed. "My Lord, it might sound strange, but I do not hate it at all. The very least, they had a peaceful relationship, and although I was never their priority, they gave me enough care, that was enough for me."

"Lev. I appreciate your concern, however, those three still have some use."

Lev sighed. "I understand, My Lord. Forgive my impertinence."

"I should have stayed there a little longer." Vladimir leaned back, he sighed.

"Was it the elders?"

"Why should I be holding a birthday banquet the moment I came back from my mission. Lev. Do it."

"Pardon. Again? My Lord, you should just get married. Then you would have someone to help you with such matter."

Vladimir straighten his posture. "Right. I will asked Ella."

"Pardon? Lady Ella?" His hand stopped writing. "My Lord, would it be appropriate? Lady Ella was known as your guest to the public, and the elders might not took a liking on it."

"You do not need hide it. Everyone must have known that I had been treating her as the lady of the house. Who would be foolish enough to go against my word?"

"My Lord, you need to take into account on whether Lady Ella could host the banquet or not, at such a tight time!"

"Then this shall be her test."

"Oh dear, My Lord." He pressed his palm on his forehead.

"I shall break the new, myself. Do not utter a single word yet, to her."

"Yes, My Lord." Lev thought, he might need to help the young lady in secret so that she would make less mistake, not knowing what would unfolded before him. "Oh! I just remembered, My Lord. Earl Sancus had once again successful in his new business. He wished to meet you in regard of that matter."

"Set an appointment in three days."

"And, Llyod requested for an increased for the budget."

"Had he not written a proposal?"

"He said it was too much hassle."

"Tell him to write the proposal if he wished to increase the budget."

"Yes, My Lord."

Knock came to the door. Agustin walked in. "Master, would you have your meal here as usual, or would you dine in with Lady Ella?"

Vladimir put down the quill. "I shall go to dining hall. There is no need to trouble yourself to bring my meal here."

He, at first was hesitate to dine with Aretha, for fear that she would brought up the subject that he wished to hide, but failed. However, he pondered again and again, for why should he be afraid of the young lady, thus he came to the conclusion, he could just said to her that it was none of her business. Right! Why should she meddled in his affairs? Yes! That was it. There he goes, to the dining hall he went.

Soon he arrived, and there he saw, the young lady whom he was having conflicted feeling toward. Looking at her face, her smile, melted his worries. Whatever was in his mind early, he had forgotten it. Let bygones be bygones.

He took his seat, and the food came in, served for them. "I have something for you to do," Vladimir said.

"Whatever it may be, My Lord?" she replied.

"In two month, I will be holding a birthday banquet, it was the elders' wishes." He stared into her eyes. "I would like you to host the banquet."

"Pardon me?" Her eyes went wide. She put down the utensil in her hands. "I? Did I heard it right? Lord Vladimir, did you truly asked for me to host your birthday banquet?"

"Yes, you heard it right. From the planning, until the day of the banquet, I gave you the right to be fully in charge."

"Lord Vladimir, perhaps there was any misunderstanding? Not only do I came from a humble background, I also never received proper education on the noble etiquette."

"Fret not for that matter. Pomona and Agustin would help you. You may also asked my aide for anything. Additionally, I would hired a teacher to teach you."

Aretha sighed. "My Lord seem determined to entrust this task for me. Very well, I shall met your expectation."

He chuckled. "I am looking forward for it."

"Ah! Should I showed the planning proposal to My Lord first?"

"No need. I would not see it until the day of the banquet. However, if there was any doubt, you may asked my aide."

"Gladly." Aretha picked up her utensil. "I am glad that I could be of help." She resumed eating.


*Little Theater*

C.Udon : "Will you be fine? I heard it was not easy to hold a banquet for nobles."

Aretha : "I hope I will be fine. It was my first time after all."

C.Udon : "Never held a party or gathering before?"

Aretha : "Who would be my guest? Additionally, there was never any occasion that required party or gathering."

C.Udon : "Somehow… I could relate…"