Chapter 22

Vladimir put down his cup of tea. "Count Sancus, I have not seen Jonathan after a long time, all is well with him, I trust?"

The older man laughed. "He is faring well, could not be better, I dare said. How was your expedition, Your Excellency? I heard you were summoned by His Majesty soon after you had just reached home."

"There was nothing much to say. His Majesty only called for a report. Nothing more and nothing less. I doubt you would came here just to ask about my expedition."

Count Sancus chuckled. "It was not my intention to pry on Your Excellency, I have two matter that I would like to address. First of all, here," He turned to the young lady next to him. "This is my daughter, Leyna. She had gone through her manifestation period and proved to be a remarkable healer. Perhaps, I thought, Your Excellency who knew great talent, would like to recruit her."

Vladimir smirked. "It seem, that Count, think quite highly on your daughter's talent, that you would introduced her soon after she had her manifestation."

He laughed. "How could I not? She had been a great talent since her childhood. It was not my word, rather, the recognition of the people."

"Count, I am not trying to invalidate your statement. However, your daughter had just experienced her manifestation period. She had not yet proven her talent. I have my own great talent. If she could impressed those talent of mine, then I will consider whether or not your daughter was the great talent as you had claimed."

Count Sancus was reminded with the existence of the three greatest healer who was the talent under Vladimir. His daughter had only manifest her ability. Thus, it was understandable that Vladimir would not spare a glance on her. However, he was confident with his daughter's talent.

"I understand. It seem, my excitement got the better of me. I could hope that Your Excellency would not forget your word."

"Of course. No one would be foolish enough to throw away a talented person."

"I am much rejoiced hearing Your Excellency words."

"Enough the flattery. What was the second matter?"

"For that…" He glanced to his daughter's side. "I heard your garden had gone through renovations lately. Perhaps, my daughter could take a walk there while the two of us discussed some business."

"Ah. Lady Leyna, you may strolled around the garden as you wished. The maid will guide you." He waved his hand, and Lev called for a maid.

"Thank you, Your Excellency. May you have a pleasant talk with my father." She rose from her seat and walked out of the room, leaving the two noblemen, and an aide, alone in the office room.

"Resume your talk." Vladimir ordered.

"Your excellency, I believed you had heard about this recent business of this old man."

"Mana stone. I believed, you had found a mine."

Count Sancus laughed. "I offered my thanks to my daughter's luck. She was the reason we were able to procure the mine. How lucky I could be, would you agree, Your Excellency?"

"Unfortunately, I do not believed in luck."

"That was such a shame. Perhaps, I thought I could win Your Excellency favor with my daughter's luck."

"For what reason would you confided in me on that matter. You would not be suddenly saying things such as you would share some of your business with me, would you?"

He leaned forward. "Your excellency, I could not contained the greed of other. They dared to trespass into my territory and robbed my possession. Your Excellency, in your mind, what should we do to such people?"

"Count, you do not need to go to such length to elucidate yourself. I had heard about the territorial dispute between you and Ferne. What do you want?"

"Your Excellency, I am sure you have knowledge on Ferne's strength, compared to mine. It is almost impossible to defend my territory from them. Your Excellency, if you could lend your help, I will be sure to return the favor."

"Count. You should have known by now, what kind of person am I. Do you really think I do not know?"

"Your Excellency, I—"

"Enough of that. I knew each of your capabilities. The dispute between the two territory, I would not be involved. Not on your side, nor their side."


"The castle was such a nice place to live in, would you agree?" Leyna said, toward her maid behind her.

"The castle was indeed prepossessing, living up to its prestige. Might I dare to say, a perfect place for our Young Lady," the maid replied.

"Oh my. That was such an exaggeration, how could I said it's a perfect place for me when it belong to His Excellency."

"Would it not be impossible if My lady were to become the lady of the house?"

Leyna laughed. "Why, you… Have you forgotten Young Lady Adad? She was still the fiancee of His Excellency. Unless, His Excellency took a fancy on someone else."

The maid smirked. "His Excellency, perhaps, took a liking on My Lady, would he not? My Lady was exquisitely charming and kind. No noblemen would be fool enough to not be in love with such lovely lady. Furthermore, Young Lady Adad was too bold and was such a capricious woman to be loved by men. No intellectual noblemen would take Young Lady Adad as their wife for she was too authoritative."

"Oh my, Sandy, you should refrained from talking like that. The lady too, she need to be more ladylike, or else the rumors regarding her, would never subsided."

"My Lady, you were too kind."

Leyna saw a young lady, perhaps her age, leaned down and plucked a flower from the bushes. She walked closer to the young lady. "Perhaps, you do not know, but His Excellency had only finished renovate the garden. It would be unwise to pluck the flower from it's place,"she said, startled the young lady.

Aretha turned to face the lady of exquisite beauty. "Pardon?"

Leyna smiled, as angelic as she could, for she is the epitome of goodness. "That," She pointed to the flower in Aretha's hand. "It was unbecoming to take something that belongs to other."

"Oh, this. I had gained the permission from Lord Vladimir, or else, how could I dared to take something that do not belong to me."

Leyna stared at the young lady. 'This must be the one…' she thought. Leyna was, such a noble lady that grew up being taught the virtue of noblewomen.

One of the noblewomen virtue was, she must not meddled with her husband of his affair, for the noble wife must be one who were magnanimous. For the husband affair would only last for so long and they shall went back to the embrace of their wife.

"Oh! Thank goodness!" Leyna said, she chuckled. "I was afraid that you were unaware of your conduct, however, it seem, it was my confusion."

"Thank you for your concern." Aretha bowed her head.

"May I heard you name?"

"Ella, was what they called me."

"Ella! What a beautiful name, perfect for a young beauty such as your."

"Thank you. However, I must said, My Lady is far more charming than I am."

Leyna saw her father from far. It seem their talk had finished. "Miss Ella, would it be fine if I sometimes visited you? I would like to befriend you, honestly."

"Of course, My Lady, it would be my honor."

"Great! Then, I have to excuse myself, for it seem my father had finished his business with His Excellency."

"Have a safe travel."

Leyna walked away, with her maid following behind her. Aretha stood there watching the young lady until she was out of her sight. She chuckled. "What an interesting young lady," she mumbled.

"My Lady," Agustin greeted.

Aretha turned around, facing the old man. "It was not the time for dinner yet, I believed?"

"It was not, My Lady. I saw that My Lady met with Young Lady Sancus. Had she been rude to you?"

Aretha laughed softly. "No. Not at all. She was nice. Truly nice. Interesting, might I add."


"Well, that's that. Sir Agustin, had the budget been approved?"

"Ah! Yes, it had. Here." He handed to her a stack of document.

"Good, we can started preparing sooner than I planned."


*Little Theater*

C.Udon : "I had never hold a party or gathering, so I don't really know how a banquet being held… Could you give me some tips?"

Aretha : "I, myself, still on the learning process, so there might be lacking in any way. However, I would share some tips that I had learn."

C.Udon : "What was that?"

Aretha : "There are 9 steps that you need to adhere to be able to hold a spectacular banquet. 1. Manage your banquet's budget, 2. Identify your banquet's purpose, 3. Choose a theme, 4. Choose the right venue, 5. Catering, 6. The dress code, 7. Hire a master ceremony, 8. Hire entertainment, 9. Decorations."

C.Udon : "Wow! Did you thought of these yourself?"

Aretha : "NO. I would give my thanks to J.Shay Team. I read from that blog."

C.Udon : "Ah~"