Solomon story

Five thousand year ago your father who was the youngest of all your king alex chlidren, he was loved

by all and was king alex favourite son. At his young age your father was given power beyond anyone imagination, he was just like you his brothers were jelous of him and try to make him turn evil. When your dad started seeing your mom he was the happiest man on earth, he loved your mom with all his heart and was willing to fight for there love.

His brothers found out about their affair and reported it to there father, he was every angry at your dad that he place a curse at him making all his power gone he was only left with his shadow magic. Your mother was meant to be killed but he plea with the council to let her live and promise to stay far away from her, though it was hard for him he did it to save you and your mom. Your dad is still the most powerful son of your grandfather and since he have you, your life is at risk coz his brothers want you dead and there's nothing he can do about it because of the curse place on him.

#end of story#

'why did my grandpa place a curse on my dad?'

' he did it out of anger, it was forbiden for that to happen. Your grandfather replace the death sentance on your by cursing him,

' what about the war? How did it start?'

' go to bed my little friend you have to get up early for school, when you get back i would tell you about it'

Before i could even say another word, the mind connection was cut off and now am very worried about my dad, he is in a lot of troblue and i need to help. I was still in my thought when i answer to the call of nature, i slept off
