change mind

I woke up early, i went to the kitchen to pepare breakfast for my mom, after i was done i went back to my room to take my bath and got ready for school. I couldn't get the thought of my dad out of my head

' if you really want to help your dad, you have to learn how to use your power'

' who is going to teach me solomon'

' you have a lot to learn. I can teach you how to use and control your demon power, your aunt can teach you how to do some spell. I know she would be have to help'

' speaking of my aunt..... do you have a crush on her'

' *laughs*, you are stlill kid. Pls let go and have our breakfast, am hungry'

' i was kidding man, what about the rest powers?

' not again, have you never wonder how you are fast to understand something?'

' i do wonder about that'

' that because your brain is different, your brain moves like the speed of lighting, it makes you understand thing fast'

'wow that cool'

'what you have to do is to watch how other species use their powers and then boom you would be able to copy the magic, spell or anything that have power. Can we go now'

'yeah we can and thanks for the update'

I super speed out of my room to the dinning, i meant my mom there already eating so i sat close to her before eating with super speed, she was just looking at me coz i ate much than i usually eat. Before she could say a word i kiss on her forehead and said my goodbyes before going out for school.

'your are 30min late'

'woah, are my eyes playing trick on me'?

'no man its me, i woke up early today'

' *smile*, now i can call you a man. Let go in'

We both went to our locker to drop our stuff, like i promise i took charles to the training room, we both pick a sword and i started teaching him on how to block attack, how to stay focus, banlance and the rest. He was a quick leaner and he really did well, the bell rang and we know it was time for class as were heading out charles mistakely slip and pour hot cofee on jack the bully. Let me tell yo