bully/ missing

#Charles pov#

I was given the beaten of my life by jack and now am weak and i couldn't even move my body. Seeing my bestie fighting for made me happy and sad, i was happy because he was defending me and was also sad that he was going to his real form.

When i saw him down i needed nobody to tell me that his demon was out, so i gather all the stregnth i could and casted an illusion spell on the school sperating jack and the other students for my bestie. Before i could even get close to him, the power radiation coming out of him was too powerful and it was making my spell to crack. I quickly called his aunt and she came instancely, she tried all the powerful spell she knew but it was not working on him, suddenly a form of shadow was behind him and within an twink of an eye he was pulled into the shadow.

We were confuse on what what happening nath aunty left and i was alone so i stop my spell and everything was back to normal.

#jack pov#

Being the the son of a vampire not just a vampire a pure blooded vampire and a king made me proud and made me bully others, i could not belive my eyes when nathan the human was able to stand a fight with me, while fighting i could feel smth strange about him and i could not put my hands around it but i promise to find out what it its.


Jack and his friends left in shame because other student were making mockery of him laughing him that a human was able to to defeat him easily, throughout the day there was no sight of nathan in the school or within the school compound. Nathan was very worried about her son after she listen to what aunty lisa told her.

She refuse to eat anything, aunty lisa tried pleaing with her to eat but to no avail. School was quite after what happen, it was closing time and i could not denie the fact that i miss my bestie so much i was parying for him to be safe were ever he is, i got home took my bath and went to mrs nathasa house hoping to see nath there but when i got there i meant nath mom crying i felt pity for her, seeing her in that condition made my heart bleed i was consoling her when suddenly the door brust open and it was ..