
I was still in a deep thoughts when someone stood up and asked how the force field was place around our house and how was it possible for them not to be able to break through, I wanted to speak up but solomon  warned me not to, according to him " it not yet time" everyone was sterling at me as if they want me to speak up everyone got their eyes on me then a bright light appear and queen Elisa appear and they all bow down to her I thanked my stars for her coming on time. She winks at me and I know she already know am I coz before healing me she tasted my blood and remember the pure blood of demons runs through my vains , king Robert came forward to meet her and told queen Elisa that it time for the king's and Queen's to come together amargedon is at hand , they sent an eagle with a letter and let it fly, we got into town using magic to repair all the damages done by those unholy creature within hours the town was back to normal and a forced shield around the town for unseen attacks then everyone one went home, I told my mom what happened and the adventure we had while she was dressing my wound. She rub my hair and went to bed so I decided to walk with nature, while walking something crash that set the forest on fires I went there and quince the fire, after the fire was quince I saw a book written on it was the book of the Dead (might warriors) I have dream and heard about it that anyone who was able to open it, gets the chance to rule the world and seeing it on fire means someone was after it. I Saw something like rock on fire and it landed a few feet away from me and I thought it was just a regular rock but it started moving and stood up, he got a crystal on his head and he was big and fire was coming out of him it took me no seconds to know he was the fire element, one of Mr general and going into a fight with him was abortive because I was weak from the fight we had. He spoke up

"Hey you demon give me that or else you die"

"Wow you even know am a demon, that's nice. As a matter of fact am not just a demon am from the purest blood form and I also got some Fancy magic that will kick your ass. As go the book, finders keepers so I found it I got to keep it!!! I replied with a smirk on my face"

"You are soo full of confidence, hope it's will not fail you when I come after you. You are just a ant to me and I will crush you with my bear hands. He said"

."I love those fancy threat but not from the mouth I want to see actions not mete words, go tell your f***king Master that we humans never back down from a fight. He might have destroyed others realms but earth is different because we got something you guys Don't have. I said"

",*Laughs* what could you mere humans have that we the most powerful of all doesn't have? He asked"

"We got hope and faith, those two things keep us fighting and you know was more?,,,,,, we're in this together, we are united and will battle you as one!. I replied smiling"

"The end shall tell, and as for you, you can keep the book but know this that you are now my number one target and I will end your miserable life. He replied"

"I just can't wait for it to happen, I answered"

He laughed before turning into smoke and was gone, I felt really good and was determine to training more, I took the book home and went straight to bed. Morning came we so I got up fixed my things and headed to school, it was really nice to see how Blue the sky was, the tress and even the sweet melodies from birds I really miss them alot but then my mind was to come back alive and hope my family was safe. Now that I know that the greatest war of all time was at hand and we all need to work hand in hand, when I got to school were all called out (all of us who went on the journey) and was given gold medal with "heroes of the Year" written on it then we were sent out to train the younger ones. At that time all the kings and Queens were all gather and was seated on the sit of judgement when suddenly the light went out and cold air filled the room or should I say the entire school and ground began to shake and a shadow was seen gathering and out of it came my grandfather king Alex step out of the shadows.


Have been begging my grandpa to end the war and make peace but he refused, seeing that the war was not only affects others they was also affected so for the safety of his people he decided to make peace. I know it's was hard for him but he did it anyways, hearing the Kings and Queens were coming together I thought it would be the best idea for him to come make peace, I never thought he would come.

#End of flashback#

They all stood up from there sit and focus on my grandpa, they were surprised to see him here

"I know what you all think, but am here for peace. He said"

"How do we know you came for peace, you might be the one behind the attack and here forming innocent. One of the king answered

(They all nod their heads)

"Peace?!!!! Peace you say, why haven't you made it way back, why now? Another chip in"

" What brought the sudden change of heart? King Robert asked"

" Am doing this for my grandson because that what he wants and also my kingdom was also attacked, so as a wise king I knew my grandson was right so I decided to make peace because there's strength in numbers than one alone. He answer"

The hall went silent, wishper could be heard after they ware done they wave him over to come and sit,once he was sited they began the reason for the meeting.