
The meeting went well and they all agreed to send their best student down here to complete their training, I was happy because I was able to accomplish a prophecy of uniting the kingdoms together, it not been up to two days when our school was crowded with lots of students from all kingdom both rich and poor were here for the safety of their kingdoms. We went straight to business we were still training when the demons students came they were mostly females and some of their teachers ware those I know who taught me all in know in magic, the training resume . We weren't taught only magic but were also taught physical combat incase we were in a position not to use magic hand combat was required, the humans were not let out, they were trained as life guard, the training was really fun. Not to a week when they lunch their invasion, they attack the central market, it's was a lose end to them because the protective spell did more harms to them before they could hurt anyone, my grandad kept me updated with what ever the council says and I also shared my thoughts with him.

My secret was going to be reviled because anytime a demon pass me they also bow down and called me "my prince" this kept on repeating itself and they were forced to ask me

"Why do they all call you my prince? Jack asked"

"Ehn..... Maybe I looked like their prince and they mistake me for him. I lied"

"Mistake you say? Drake chip in"

"Nathan it better you tell us the truth because we're your friends not not your enemy! Grace said"

"Why would I lie to you guys? You are my friends, but they're things left to be found out and I hope when you guys finds out hope you can forgive me when the time comes. I replied"

"Ask for me, my mind is made up that you are the grandson of the demon. Because the vibes I get from you is different from others human, even your strength, wisdom and strange things that happened around shows that you are not a human. Grace said before walking off"

I was clam after what she said because deep down I know she was saying the truth, I went back to the school library to read more topics about warfare. Evening came so fast,I bid by friends before walking home. While walking the word Grace said kept on ringing on my head, at some point I got to hold my head to make it stop, I got home and ran up to my room and jump on my bed I couldn't even speak to anyone I was just thinking about how to break the news to them that am a demon not just a demon a demi Lord of all time, I jumped through the window and headed for the forest to walk with nature, somehow I found peace with them, I got to this big tree and I jump and sit on it's branches before covering my face with my hands.

I didn't know how long I spent there but it was very dark now and I Don't feel like going home this night so I just cool off with the tree, the night wind was xtra cool, as I was busy enjoying the xtra cool wind when I felt someone present, but it was different the scent gave away it's identity, it was a hybrid wolf and was really in pains, it's was running from something or rather death was after it's. I jumped down from a safe distance and shapeshift into a wizard form and walk off to the direction, before I could get there I heard a loud scream and I ran only to find her lying in her own pool of blood, she manage to touch my face before dying, hot tears fell from my eyes. I blamed myself for been too slow, with an heavy heart I dig a hole close to my new friend (big tree) and buried her there, it's the full moon so I turned into a werewolf and ran deep into the forest an every run I make her image kept on replaying on my head, my mind was really troubled, I glowed loudly making the trees around to shake, I walk to a near by tree and sat there, different thought was running deep through my mind and I myself couldn't find answers to it, I looked at the stars they were all shiny and clam, I walked back home and sat on the roof top, it was just as if I was alone, I was depressed, I lie down looking at the moon, the moon was extra bright tonight and it brought memories of my childhood back to mind, I never got the chance to see who was the killer but from the look of marks on her body it had to be a soul ghost, because they are good at killing and leaving no trace behind, my mind went back to all the fun moment I had with everyone and my mind was also telling me to run away. Running was wouldn't solve anything and also it's will get everyone killed, and it's only a coward who back down on a fight, I try to give myself some reassurance, I really needed solomon but he was nowhere to be found I was just alone and this depression was really getting hold of me, something strange also happened this night my hair was turning white and it freaks me out,my mom was sound asleep and me was just at the roof top like a watchman,my eyes were red but I wasn't sleepy as was as if I was in a dream but this one was real, I could feel blood over the city like the city was ripped off from it position and was filled with blood