Chapter 2 – A Blood Pact

Third person pov

Asuka and Niko got alerted by it upon hearing the window glass break. The ones who broke through are actually Akihito and Aki, who both had silver hair and red eyes, and they went towards Asuka and threatened him by pointing their weapons towards him. Aki went behind and placed her dagger sideways in front of Asuka's neck, with the sharp side of the dagger pointing towards it. Akihito, meanwhile, shoved his pistol in Asuka's mouth. Niko was watching this while being terrified, and her body is shaking and trembling with fear. And when Niko is about to cry, Asuka muffled, "Don't!"

Niko understands what he was saying, and didn't cry and instead, shut her mouth, but still, she was shivering with fear.

Akihito and Aki are looking at her sternly, before glancing at Asuka.

Asuka was scared, and he is tearing up.

"Where's our USB?" Akihito demanded while being scary and cold towards him.

"What?" Asuka replied while muffling because his mouth had a pistol shoved into it.

"WHERE'S OUR USB?!" Akihito repeated while shouting.

Eventually, Asuka pointed his finger towards his laptop on his desk, with the USB still plugged into it.

Upon seeing that, Akihito gestures to Aki to get it.

Aki nodded, and she removed her dagger from Asuka's neck and walked towards the desk to retrieve it. She did, and Akihito pulled the pistol out of Asuka's mouth, defusing the deadly situation out.

Niko stopped shivering and became neutral at it.

Examining the USB, Aki asked Asuka, "Did you do anything to its contents?"

"N-No!" Asuka replied back while stammering. "We didn't alter or modify anything, that's all. I just looked at it. My sister only found it, that's all."

"Are you sure about that?" Aki asked back.

Asuka then nodded to say yes.

Niko then ran to Asuka while being scared.

After much thinking, Akihito and Aki decided to let the two biracial siblings go, only if they will not tell anyone about this, or, they will kill them in response.

Eventually, Asuka and Niko nervously nodded in agreement.

But, Akihito suddenly had a new idea, and he gave the two siblings two choices: Die in their hands, or work for them as slaves in their home, which was a huge mansion.

Asuka then asked him if he was joking or not.

In response to that, Akihito pointed his pistol towards him and Niko.

Now realizing that the assassin boy is not joking around, Asuka and Niko eventually chose the second choice, not wanting to die young.

After Akihito accepted their choice and pulled a paper contract, Asuka hurriedly went to his desk to get his hanko stamp and black gel pen to sign it.

But, Akihito said to him, "No, it will be a blood pact."

Asuka was stunned with shock upon hearing the last two words, and he turned around and responded, "What?"

"Yes," Aki replied back as she pointed her dagger towards Asuka for a few seconds, "your and that girl's life is in our hands now. Got it?"

Realizing that she is not joking around, Asuka eventually agreed nervously and let go of his hanko stamp and pen, putting them back on the desk.

"Good," Akihito responded back. "Now, give me your finger."

Eventually, Asuka gave his left hand to Akihito, and Akihito grabbed it and showed one of his fingers to Aki.

Using her dagger, Aki made a short cut on the finger, causing Asuka to feel the pain of having a cut. He rarely had any cuts because he was very careful in his work.

Once they saw blood coming out, Akihito pressed Asuka's finger against the paper above the part for the signature, securing the blood pact as Niko watches with fear.

After a few seconds, Akihito let go of his finger, causing Asuka to hold it in enduring the pain.

He and Niko are now in a blood pact with two of the highly-skilled assassins known to all of mankind.