Chapter 3 – First Day at the Mansion

Third person pov

Rolling the paper contract and put it in his suit pocket, Akihito said to Asuka and Niko, "You two may rest until tomorrow morning at 5. Move to our place. It has a lot of space. Starting tomorrow, you two will work for us."

He then gave them a small piece of paper containing his home address.

Asuka then receives it, and replied, "Yes, thank you. Anything you say, we'll do."

"Good. I'll see you tomorrow morning," Akihito replied, before turning towards his twin sister Aki and said, "Let's go."

Aki then nodded, and she and Akihito left Asuka's room and apartment unit via the front door.

After that chaotic and scary experience, Asuka and Niko continued their evening routine as if nothing had happened. Later at 8, after dinner, they went up to their landlord, informing him about what had happened a few hours ago under a pretense that their lives are on the line, and that they will vacate that unit by tomorrow morning at 5. Eventually, their landlord, a young man in his early 30s, agreed with them, knowing that they had been his good, well-behaving tenants ever since their births, and said to them, "Okay, good luck with your new life at that place. You can come back here either if you want or if that contract is finished, okay?"

"Okay, we will, thank you," Asuka positively replied back with a bow of gratitude, before he and Niko left the landlord's unit and back to their unit.

Not long after, they started to pack up their belongings in their bags. Luckily, they didn't own that much stuff, so it's easy for them to move places with basically all of their stuff, and, most of their plates, pots, pans, and utensils they have are belonged to their landlord; the rest are bought by them and their parents. After that, by 10:01 p.m., they went to bed for tomorrow's hard tests and trials.

The next morning, they woke up early at 5 in the morning, dressed up, and vacated their long-time home and went to Akihito's home, which was a huge palatial mansion a few blocks from their apartment, with their belongings on foot, following the address. There Akihito and Aki welcomed them to their seemingly huge and luxurious home. Asuka and Niko then received their serious welcome, and they went in with their belongings. Once inside, Akihito examined their belongings, and asked, "Is that all you have?"

"Y-Yes," Asuka responded back nervously, "we're not into buying stuff you know."

Akihito then stopped examining and replied, "I see. We supposed to provide what you need."

"No, it's okay," Asuka said in response. "We don't want to be in debt or something."

Niko then nodded to agree with him.

"Okay," Akihito responded while agreeing with them, "anyhow, come with us. Our house staff had prepared a room for you two."

And so, the four of them went upstairs to the second floor to Asuka and Niko's designated room. There Akihito unlocked the door with a key, and opened it, turning on the lights and revealing a huge, spacious room with two windows and two wooden, single-sized beds. Other furniture like wardrobes and desks and chairs are also included, alongside a small table on a rug in the center of the room.

The four of them then went in, and Asuka and Niko are very surprised to see that spacious room with all that fancy-style stuff. Akihito said to them, "This will be your room from now on."

Asuka knew that he couldn't object that, so he just accepted it with gratitude; otherwise, he would get killed for disobeying.

"Good," Akihito responded while looking at him and Niko, "you two better unpack, because we will have a little meeting and two tests at the living room by six o'clock."

Aki then gave the two biracial siblings their housework uniforms, which consisted of white collared polo shirts with long-sleeves and buttons, two blue aprons, 2 pairs of black pants with no pockets, and 2 pairs of leather shoes with no shoelaces.

"This will be your work uniforms in this house," Akihito added.

Hearing what he had said, Asuka and Niko looked at those neat, warm clothes.

"Um, thanks," Asuka responded.

"Good, good, now be prepared before 6," Akihito replied.

He and Aki then left the room, and Asuka and eventually unpacked their belongings, putting them in different places, and with neatness.

Later, at 5:58 a.m., Asuka and Niko, in their uniforms, went to the living room. The rest of the house staff are there, too, so Akihito and Aki would introduce Asuka and Niko to them as new house staff members.

"Everyone, these two kids will be our new house staff members starting today, "Akihito said to the house staff. Then to Asuka and Niko, "Introduce yourselves to them."

Asuka and Niko then nodded in obedience, and Asuka goes first, saying with a distinctive Spanish accent, "Hi, everyone, my name is Asuka Caballeros, a half-Filipino, half-Japanese of Spanish descent. My father is a Spanish-Filipino while my mother is a Japanese. I am currently in second year in high school."

Those facts really shocked the two young assassins and surprises the house staff a lot.

"A biracial?" Akihito commented.

"A half-Filipino, too?" Aki added.

Then, Niko responded with an introduction nicely, "And my name is Niko Caballeros, his younger sister. I am currently a freshman in high school."

After that, the house staff gave them a warm welcome, which the two biracial siblings happily accepted.

Then, Akihito spoke up in shock, "W-Wait, you two are of Spanish descent?"

Asuka then turned towards them and responded positively, "Yes, my father came to the Philippines from Spain, before moving here in Japan."

At that time, he doesn't know more about Santiago's background yet.

Having heard of this, Akihito and Aki stopped being shocked, and Akihito cleared his throat a bit, and responded, "I see. Nice to have you and Niko-chan here. My name is Akihito Hirona, a well-known assassin."

He then directed to Aki, and continued, "This is my twin sister, Aki. She is also an assassin. Our parents are assassins, too."

Asuka and Niko are very surprised to hear that, but the house staff said that they already knew that.

"That's why," Asuka thought in his mind.

After that, Akihito and Aki dismissed the meeting, and they, Asuka, Niko, and the house staff went to the kitchen for Asuka and Niko's first test. There Asuka and Niko were given a task of cooking a tasty breakfast for them, anything that are tasty, as long as it wasn't bland or boring.