Chapter 4 – Asuka and Niko’s Performance

Third person pov

Asuka and Niko did so, and they started to prepare to make a delicious potato and cheese omelet and some nato for breakfast. Luckily, the refrigerator, a big, two-doored one, had the ingredients they needed for the recipe so they only get those ingredients and did the processes of cooking it in their own way. The house staff are shocked at their cooking skills and techniques, which are conventional, but different in their view. Akihito and Aki are not shocked, just observing.

20 minutes had passed, and the food is now done, complete with some freshly steamed rice. They then served it on the table and arranged the bowls and utensils needed. After that, Asuka plainly said to the two assassins, "Done, master."

Looking at the hot and strange-looking dish, Akihito and Aki are stunned, having never seen such a peculiar dish in their lives. They only eat typical foods like sushi and steak, but they never seen that creative dish before. So, without even asking what is that dish and wanted to find out what it taste like, they both sat down, grabbed their chopsticks, took a bit of the egg dish with some rice, and they eat it as Asuka, Niko, and the house staff watch anxiously.

Then, suddenly, the two assassins were allured by its taste and flavor.

"The taste…it's so good," Akihito commented.

"The cheese and potatoes tasted so heavenly," Aki added.

They then glanced at the two siblings, and Akihito asked, "How did you managed to cook such a delicious food?"

Asuka then explained back, "Our parents are really good at cooking, and we grow up watching them cook delicious food."

"Is that so?" Aki replied. "They are? Both?"

"Yes," Niko responded back in confirming.

"Okay," Akihito replied, "how about you two sit down and eat up?"

That seems to be an order, but for Asuka and Niko, it was, so they settled down and eat up, grabbing their chopsticks and took parts of their dish and mixed it with rice.

After breakfast, while some of the housekeepers washed the dishes at the kitchen, Asuka, Niko, Akihito, and Aki, alongside the remaining house staff, are back at the living room for Asuka and Niko's second and final test, which was to clean the entire living room in any method they want to use.

"You only have 5 minutes to clean this room, okay?" Akihito said to the two biracial siblings.

Asuka then nodded positively. "Got it, sir Akihito."

As the two assassins went upstairs to dress up for school, Asuka and Niko then grabbed a broomstick and a damp cloth and started to clean and tidy up the entire living room. But, their quality of work is so much better than the house staff did in their years of service to the Hirona family. That's because Asuka and Niko valued being diligent than being efficient and fast. So, a few seconds before 5 minutes had passed, they are now done, with the living room, including the miscellaneous furniture and displayed decorations, now sparkling clean, and just as Akihito and Aki came back. Upon seeing the living room being that clean, the two assassins are shocked to see that. In their cleaning process, Niko did used water instead of cleaning agents in her wiping, while Asuka swept in every nook and cranny, contributing to its total clean state.

Then, after he checked the side table for any remnant of dust and grime, Akihito commented, "This is so clean."

He then looked at Asuka and Niko and continued, "How did you two clean that much."

One of the house staff then responded, "Um, sir, I think the reason why is that they are very diligent."

Asuka and Niko then smiled in feeling being appreciated.

"Yeah, we are," Asuka replied to this.

"Okay, you two had passed the test," Akihito responded back. "You two are now our official house staff members."

To that Asuka and Niko responded with a little celebration.

Watching this, Akihito and Aki looked at their house staff, and Aki said to them, "Well then, you might learn a bit or two from them. All of you should do your jobs diligently, okay?"

Eventually, the house staff nodded in agreement and obedience.

"Good, all of you may go back to work," Akihito replied.

The house staff did so, and they all went back to their duties.

After that, the two assassins walked up to Asuka and Niko, and Akihito said to them, "Well, you two did a good job. And since we heard from both of you that you're currently high school students. I suggested dressing up for school."

Asuka and Niko, upon hearing that, then looked at them, and Asuka replied, "Yes, sir."

He then turned to his sister, and said, "Come on, sis, let's dress up for school. We have to be in time."

Niko then nodded, and she and Asuka went upstairs to their room to dress up for school. It was still 7 in the morning, but they did so much.