Chapter 5 – At School

Asuka's pov

Those tests are so obvious and easy because me and Niko-chan are used to it, a lot.

After dressing up and preparing our bags for school, we left the house with a goodbye to the two assassins and went to school, first on foot, then by train. Luckily, we still remembered the intersection a few blocks from the nearest train station.

Along the way, at the packed train to the station nearest to the school, I was standing while holding on a metal pole and with the headset on so I could watch videos in my smartphone without causing any disturbance to anyone. Niko is sitting, as always, with her school bag on her lap.

Later, the train arrived at that station, and the doors are opened. Me and Niko, upon hearing the announcement of arrival, grabbed our bags and get off the train and onto the platform and towards the exit via the ticket gates.

After that, we walked a few more blocks from the station to our school. Standing at the front gate of the school, we saw the usual motion whenever it is morning: Students in their same uniforms walking towards the school building while chatting to each other and the norms are the same.

"I wished I could do that," I said to Niko.

"Yeah, big brother," Niko agreed with me.

I then looked at her and responded, "But at least, it's you and me are together in this type of environment, right?"

Niko then glanced at me, and nodded in agreement.

Then, suddenly, a voice said to us, "So you two attended this school, too, right?"

Upon hearing that, we turned around, only to see that it was Akihito who said that; he was with Aki, and they both wore the same uniform as we do.

We were shocked to see that they also attended the same school as we do.

"You guys attended this school, too?" I frantically asked in response. "I thought your uniform was from a different school."

"Isn't too obvious?" Akihito asked back while crossing his arms.

"You guys didn't see our uniforms at home, didn't you?" Aki added. "You guys are so oblivious."

To these I apologized for my oblivious unnoticing.

"That's fine," Akihito replied, "you just didn't notice it right away."

After that, they all went to their classes together. Asuka, Akihito, and Aki are in the classroom for second-year students while Niko is alone being in the classroom for first-year students. There they did their usual things to pass the time before class starts. Asuka is watching a video in his smartphone, while Akihito and Aki are reading books. Niko, meanwhile was sitting next to the window scribbling some gibberish codes with numbers and in the Latin script. But those scribbles are actually computer codes, and it seems that she was studying to either be a hacker or software engineer.