Chapter 6 – Lunch Time

Third person pov

Later at lunch time, Asuka and Niko are at the school rooftop eating their lunch, which are cafeteria-bought food, when Akihito and Aki found them.

"There you are," Akihito said to them.

Hearing that, the two siblings looked at them.

"Um, why?" Asuka asked in response. "Do you need anything?"

"Well, masters and slaves should eat together, you know," Aki explained in response.

Getting the memo, Asuka replied, "Oh, right, right."

With that, the two assassins sat next to them and eat up their own lunch, which was consisted of curry bread and bottled water.

As they eat and drink, Asuka asked the two assassins where their parents were.

"They are often abroad working, like almost all the time," Akihito responded back while eating, "leaving the house to us and the house staff."

Understanding that, Asuka then revealed to them about his and Niko's parents and their deaths in a car accident.

Akihito and Aki then were shocked to hear that, but Asuka didn't revealed to them how he and Niko managed to survive financially.

In response, Aki said to him and Niko, "We understood your pain."

"Thanks, Akihito-sama, Aki-sama."

And so, their relationship starts to blossom from that point forward.