Chapter 15 – A Lot of Skills

Akihito's POV

Once Asuka and Yumiko had left for the meeting, me and Aki decided to have a chat regarding Asuka and his list of contributes and positions.

"Man, our slave had a lot of skills and contributes under his belt," I said to Aki.

"Yeah, we didn't know much about him," Aki responded.

"He was rich," I replied back, "but he was willing to work for us."

"Yeah, he's so submissive."

I then get a piece of candy from the coffee table and unwrapped it, before putting it in my mouth.

"The brand of this candy seems off," I commented as I eat the candy with my tongue.

I then flattened the wrapper and looked at the brand name in the front.

"It's a product from the Philippines," I said.

Hearing that, Aki leaned over to take a closer look asking, "Really?"

She saw it, and commented, "It is!"

She then looked at me, and asked, "Is he into these products?"

Once I swallowed the melted chewy chocolate candy down my throat, I folded the candy wrapper and shoved it into my suit pocket.

"I think so," I replied back. "He had a bowl of it."

"He's really into that country," Aki responded.

I crossed my arms and replied, "Yeah."

After that, Aki asked what are we going to do with Asuka.

"I think we'll let him do his thing," I answered back, "as long as he and his sister work for us in the house."

We then passed the time by reading books from a bookshelf in the office, which has a decent choice of books by genre.

Later, at 10:51 a.m., while reading some of these books, we heard the door being opened, and a back-to-forth conversation followed after that. The conversation seems to be casual and normal. Upon hearing that, we looked at the door, only to see that Asuka and Yumiko-san are back.

"Hey, guys," Asuka greeted. "Sorry, I had a meeting with the board of directors."

"That's okay," I responded back. "If it's for work, then it's fine."

"Thanks, Akihito-kun," Asuka replied happily, before he went to his desk to do some work.

We then glanced at Yumiko-san, who then went to her desk to do some work, too.

"So, how was the meeting?" Aki asked Asuka.

"It's fine as usual," answered Asuka back. "We made some minor readjustments in our business."

To that I thought, "He seems to be adaptable, not just in living, but also in the corporate world."